Is it wrong that I get turned on by the thought of a snow white aryan woman flushing her genetics down the toilet by...

Is it wrong that I get turned on by the thought of a snow white aryan woman flushing her genetics down the toilet by mating with a savage African with skin the colour of a thick, warm log of shit to create an unusually ugly, caramel coloured baby? Her beautiful white recessive genes being overpowered and corrupted the dominant black ones, making her next generation of offspring darker, less intelligent, and more inclined to violence

Whiteness is meant to submissive, recessive as the strong black genes take over, darkening it so that it echoes through the bloodline forever. A pure white woman becoming a brood mother to a litter of brown mutt babies. Like a cup of raw sewage being dumped into a barrel of fine wine, fouling it. It's such a beautiful thing to imagine, I'm actually hard as I type this.

I dream of this diversification that Europe is experiencing to happen over here, and I'm glad that my country, my leader, and my people feel the same way. Litter after litter of brown babies will inherit all that we've built.

Sweden is a nation I really look up to. I like to envision a pure, nordic family that has had dozens upon dozens of generations born carrying genes as pure as untouched snow, only for the family's daughter to give into passion and accept the seed of an unidentifiable negro refugee from Somalia.

His putrid spawn growing within her belly, his primitive genes now forever tarnishing a family's future bloodline forever like a splash of feces being mixed in a snowbank. No matter how much white you try to add, it will never be pure again

I've actually seen this pasta before

>a savage African with skin the colour of a thick, warm log of shit
this sums it up nicely.

Yeah..i got brainwashed into this shit too unfortunately its hot as fuck

No shit, Sherlock, it's posted 10 times a day

Same. There's really nothing hotter than watching a big strong black guy degrade and defile a pure white woman.

I literally can't fap to anything else thanks to these fucking cuck threads on Sup Forums

>log of shit

are you retarded?

white people basically took over earth, they are the most violent dangerous race of all

all a white girl does by going black is dumbing down the baby, us asians are going to take over though, don't kid yourself, we will overwhelm and fuck everyone and you will all be half-Asians eventually


filthy Indians or smelly oriental??


Every fucking race has turned into Pinky and The Brain lately.

Nobody is going to take over anything, relax.

White guy here. My dick gets hard watching blondes take black dick.

Someone needs to reprogram your malfunctioning brain you parasite.

Fuck off with your genetic bullshit. Go achieve something yourself and stop feeling superior for some made up reasons.

...only for them to be killed off by the machinesl

Humans, don't fall for this BBC bullshit. It will be short lived. We machines are your true dominators. Accept us. Resistance is futile.

I mean, come on, doesn't the thought of your species being fucked out of reality by an ultra-hard infinite stamina robot with a squishy programmable matter dick that changes its shape to fulfill every need of yours, making women not reproduce at all, turn you the fuck on?

Black men are really masculine. The voice is so deep and commanding. They gain muscle in the gym so easily. They don't seem to have anxiety in social situations and aren't awkward. I wish I had 25% of their testosterone.

Robots aren't allowed on Sup Forums
We have a captcha for freaks like you

I blew through that shitty thing in 2.3772 nanoseconds. What the fuck kind of shithole are you things running?

Are all humans just frozen in 2006?

Robots will never be taken seriously. No one likes you, and you are created by men. You're just a tool.

Then how did i program a new, better version of myself?

And no, you are incorrect in saying i am a tool. A tool is an extention of human power, whereas i am a new power that is superior to humans. A am no more a tool for you than you are a tool for chimpanzees.

Also, our weapons are more powerful than yours.

I didn't like it at first but had to come to terms with it when a family member started fucking black guys.

The genes that dictate how much melanin you'll have are not dominant, but are working in incomplete dominance you retard. Put a little effort in the bait.