Shota bread
Shota bread
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holy shit someone else
Couldn't let this die.
What is so good about drawings, seriously?
It skips the bs
What's so good about digital media of any type? That jpg is just a jpg after all. /logic
Some people
yeah alright
I'll probably jinx it but he went to his waifu thread and no one gave attention so he left
I'll probs do degenerate things soon anyway
degenerate things like being yourself
That dick looks weird af
what kind of degeneracy tho
Nah its a secret
OK Guys, listen up
It's clear none of you understand that the megaman post is just a spammer (disguising themselves as a shota poster).
We need only to smother his posts and he will go away. This is spiderman's evolution. This is the whole reason i started this thread.
Feel free to spread the word~
Nah. Theyre some pissed off anime fag from waifu thread
We're dealing with it well
it will presumably be very very gay then
Nothing gay about it wtf
then what is it
Good to know. I was worried. Porn economy is important to me and I didn't like seeing you guys get cuc'd.
Alright its a little bit gay
They broke down in a thread yesterday which was pretty funny
Just get namesync then ez mode
what could you possibly do that would be gay
Talk to you
got me there
but rly i'm interested kek
Its not that amazing
didn't expect it from you tbh
Says you gayboy
i actually don't do it often at all
Except you go the the (no go refugee) zone every week
cumming from butt impossible tbh
oh new thread
i feel really inspired to work on my project right now but im also really tired at the same time, damn
the new materials even arrived today and i havent touched them yet
Yeah I agree
Apparently the "no want balls" fags can though
Combustion my engine gay boy
Are you suggesting it's best to perform sexual acts on living children, user?
no, it'd be too loud and wake everybody on my street
what project
well yeah makes sense that a fag could do it
make your own keebo
Says the Ultimate fag
bite my ass
experimental efficiency upgrade to regular gas engines
i think ill just take a shower and call it a night
Unsurprising coming from the ultimate fag
>going to sleep at like 5am
just throw some lead shot into it
no u
Hes a gay engineer
Gaygineer if you may
Whatre you going to be when you grow up
its almost 3am, you're thinking more towards the east
hah, no
I was just guessing. The time isnt going to matter when Kimmy has his way with you
hey it worked in the past tho
Write me into your will
i'll leave you my extensive dildo collection
"Theyre all minority themed"
dragons ARE technically a minority
Like you have any COOL dildos anyway fuccboi
anyway brb
implying i have enough money for them kek
Any of you guys got stories like this one?
kimmy? but our button is bigger
nah, i dont want to wake the city
ok im actually getting off now, cya fgts
cya homo
I've actually done exactly this in the summer.
what were you cooking?
Depends on which time you're asking about, I do that fairly often, my bf loves it, and I'm a bit of a nudist anyway. The most recent one coming to mind though is curry.
and good taste in food
herbs and spices are my thing. Another thing I love making is salsa, but I always have to tone down the spiciness because my bf can't handle hot food. When I make it just for myself I use ghost peppers, but he can barely handle jalapeno peppers. I always get a kick out of it when I think about it because I'm an uber manlet that looks 14 and he's a weight lifter that could probably tear my arm off with his hands, but I love ghost peppers, and he can barely handle jalapenos. My best friend falls in the same category, he's a swimmer and a lifter, and he's a wimp about hot food too.
aaaaaaand trips responding to trips, nice
loves herbs and spicy things? you're actually describing me kek
never had anything as hot as a ghost pepper tho
Ghost peppers have a great flavor, and a really nice heat. I tried skorpion peppers once, yeah I know that's spelled wrong but whoever named them spelled it that way, but they have no flavor, they're just heat, so I don't care for them. The heat from ghost peppers comes after like 10-15 seconds though, it isn't up front, that's why when I make salsa I use a jalapeno pepper too, because it has a slight initial kick, and it kind of makes the heat like an uphill climb. You get the heat from the jalapeno that's very slight, and then the ghost pepper comes in, and it builds upward.
A while ago some a friend gave us some p hot chillis they grew, had nothing to do with them so I just started eating one a day to build up tolerance
Thanks for the salsa advice too lol
Those may as well be girls. Gross.
I woke up when a irl shota in my bed. I can't move or I'll wake him up. Send flowers to my funeral please
you may as well be a girl, queer.
Why the lol?
steak sandwich acquired
i end all my sentences in lol or lmao because i'm too stupid to show i'm not being serious in another way lmao
Cheese, steak, onions, cheese and hp sauce
its pretty good
I say lol and lmao to mock people