Which do Millenials value most? a)avoiding work b) handing over privacy voluntarily c) kale d) question is too stressful

Which do Millenials value most? a)avoiding work b) handing over privacy voluntarily c) kale d) question is too stressful

define millenial


Someone young, uses hair gel, and has transgender friends

e) OP is a faggot.

Nope. OP is just an old guy who hates the little pansies who work for him.

f) fighting for rights for made up genders
g) telling everybody about their vegan diet

something that barely exists?
something that mathematically is less than 1 quadrillionth of the earth's mass?
>~10^2 kg / 6*10^24 kg = 6*10^22
^22 is 10 sextillion: literally 10 thousand, billions of billions
I'm literally nothing. lol. It's beautiful.

I'll give an answer: b. There is no privacy.

I would say A but F seems awfully prevalent too.

Did you just assume their generation?!

F) Hair product
G) Selfies
H) Skinny jean

What's the matter Gen X-er? Bitter that your generation will never get its moment in the sun? Angry because everyone in the country will transition straight from catering to Baby Boomers to catering to Millennials with no regard for you and yours?

OP is older than a gen x-er. I just come on here to look at pictures of the pictures millenials shamelessly post of their girlfriends. Probably saves me from a sexual harrassment suit from the pale, non working lesbians I have to hire.

>Whines about participation trophies
>Demanded their kids got participation trophies
Nice try, bitch

Not bait, just a rant. We got 3” of snow and not one of the faggot kids who work for me showed up to work. It is a god damned good thing millenials were not in charge of Normandy or we would all be eating kraut.

36 year old Xenniel master race reporting in. You old fuckers aren't exactly covering yourselves in glory at the moment either. Leave the young 'uns alone.

Xennial comment is right on. This OP. I agree. In addition to fining millennials for using Pinterest I would outlaw feeding tubes and adult diapers.

I find it hard to believe that anyone genuinely likes kale. And I'm speaking as a vegetarian.

Maybe there is hope yet...

have you ever pulled kale out of the ground and eat it? fucking dope, bro

No, I'll try it but if it's unpleasant I'm blaming you personally.


Lel, almost have me believe you were there yourself.

Older than the devil?

Most young men I know are poor workaholics. The women, eh who cares?

This is a question only a sad millenial would ask, because muh random xD

e) handing rich politicians control of the internet with net neutrality

The correct answer is avocado toast.
t. Millennial