If every Jew dissapeared and was never seen again would would the negative impact be?

If every Jew dissapeared and was never seen again would would the negative impact be?

No movies or porn any more

This is a bad thing?

Are you joking me?

Would there be any negative impact?

Peace in the middle east
Oil prices fall drastically
Economy in texas takes a hit

Jew girls with awesome titties ....
that's all......i love Jewish girls...they love my uncircumcised cock too....they always want to rebel from their strict parents , so they fuck niggers and Aryan looking Europeans like me ....

I would have to find new legal representation

all the doctors, lawyers, and actors would vanish
a whole world of gentile idiots

I live in Eastern Europe ...so ALL people here are white ...doctors, lawyers - white
actors - wot.??
..you mean people in entertainment industry
..i watch US movies...so ..you got me there

>Peace in the middle east
Yeah, the whole middle east, including new countries like englandstan, swidistan and germanstan

Dooooode....muzzies hate each other more than ze jews.
Shia-Sunni hatred is over 9000

Really, jew?

Depends on the Muslims.
Yeah you have extreme salafi-sunni like ISIL - but they are outnumbered by the Muslims who just hate the west and think of us as infidels.

By fact - Jews are the only ones who know how to handle Muslims

>a world full of gentile idiots
Kek the hebe really is delusional.
Jewish iq is a meme. Notice that all of these iq studies differentiate between east Asians and southeast Asians, as well as Ashkenazi and other jews, yet all gentile whites are lumped together - Irish with English, northern Italian with southern, and all of the rest.
The fact remains that 90%+ of all STEM related endeavors are the product of gentile European ingenuity. There will never be a jewish Newton, Gauss, or Galois. Word games and aggregation are all you filthy rats excel at.

There would be a lot less porn. Most pornproducers are jews.

And frankly, i think the reason why porn is legal at all is because of jews in the legal system and politics.

>filthy rats
i take this as a compliment, user - thanks

>there will never be a jewish newton, gauss or galios
uhhh, hello? einstein???


We'd never know, where they hid all the jewgold


>begs Hilbert to create the mathematics to describe his theories
>greatest of all time
In all honesty saying they are Einstein's physical theories is still giving him too much credit. Gauss, Riemann, Bolyai and numerous others posited that the universe was non-Euclidean more than 100 years before Einstein. And iirc Lorentz and Poincare did all the mathematical groundwork for SR.

you are not a philosopher are you?

Can OP rephrase this question and insert "muslims" instead of jews.
I'd, for once, rather have jews in every corner than retarded sandpeople.

Guy is baiting you...
Einstein - smart nigga , but Newton is GOAT......

No more lawyers, banks would close and no more people we could use as laughingstocks.

More equal distribution of wealth for a while, plus an intensified hatred of the western world, because we’d become the new most greedy people on earth.

go to bed.

you _do_ have jews wherever you look

you are a btard.

Higher proportion of Muslim extremists

>implying banks and lawyers are a good thing (or good for anything)
you're right on the laughingstock, though

I think the whole world would be better off without inferior whites who think they are superior.

Jews let the sand people into our countries, newfag. Why didn't we have these problems before the 1965 Immigration Act? Coincidentally around the same time jews began holding disproportionate amounts of representation in our political, academic and judicial systems.

Yet here you are, shitposting on technology created by whites in a European language. What does that make your kind? One that insists on surrounding themselves with the cultural of a bunch of interiors? Moron.

implying you know my race or ethnicity based on my opinion of dumb white people like you.

No more wars or hate no more conquests humans would probably get to love each other and respect each others differences then the shit we have now no more shitty jews celebrities or shit art we have now we would have real contests and real good scients rather then the jewish mafia doing the world bada

Never forget einstien was a jew and his entire work was plagerised

He was not invited to work on the manhatton program cos he was a retard anyone who questioned him and asked about the plagerism was called a anti semite

Global economic collapse. You might hate that we control the worlds governnents and how much power they have over you but you need us. You’re nothing without us.

I never implied I did. I asked you, retard.

It’s ultimately be worth it. Fewer would die.

We were fine before you and we will be fine without you, delusional hebe.


That makes sense, doesnt it?

Look at how america reacted at 9/11 and there were only a few dead then.

Imagine if, say, the germans managed to kill 6 million americans. What would the reaction be and how would they think about genocide in the future?


It was Germanics (USA, Britain, France) and Slavs who stopped Hitler you cretin.

This. Kikes should be grateful we have allowed for their continued existence. But look at their gratitude?
The US is beginning to look strangely like the Weimar Republic, except on a much larger scale. It will be interesting to see if the results are similar.

You remind me of my kid when they were 12.
>”Dad im 12 I can make my own decisions! I can do this on my own and I don’t need you”

> If there were no nazis and whites

We would have space ships with warp capabilities by now.

Instead we have wars and insecurities of their dicks.

Would would?

The muslims would be happy and empowered but would need a new enemy....

Cry a river bitch, you will die and your racist fears will be gone from the world. The less of u the better.

nobody can do math anymore
nobody cares
people already used to the Paleo diet will rule the world.

The middle east will be worse than ever. Arabs and Persians and Kurds all hate each other, even Arabs (Sunni) hate Arabs (Shiite).

They were just jerking off their mutual hate seed onto Israel.... now they will commit to total war on each other. They will all lose, and the middle east will become a giant resort - Dunes A Lago....

Entertainment / movie industry, the economy, science, all those things would take a hard hit in the western world. (who cares, asians are smart enough to run that shit on their own) However, there would be so many positive effects, they would be countless.