Why are americans so disgusting ?

Why are americans so disgusting ?

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Sup Forums is an American made product

Idk bro, but i agree, they are fucking unpleasant

Nobody fucking cares, cunt


American here and I would probably avoid that at all cost. I think they do hamburger to in a can? How lazy can you be to not just make a burger?

As an American, oh fuck no I'm not touching that creepy bullshit.

Implying that Sup Forums is good new fag nigger

thats a canadian item

I think this user Means that nobody cares it's an "American made product"

Exactly what i meant, you fucking 40 IQ moron

Really glad to hear then

Wait? Are you calling me a
> 40 IQ moron
I was this user

Never seen or heard of that. Looks Canadian honestly.

you are supposed to cook it.. not eat it like that out of the can

The unhealthy obsession Europeans have with the US is really sad. Does your country suck so bad that you constantly feel the need to tear down more successful countries to feel better? It’s just weird, bc Americans literally don’t give a single fuck about europoors or what they’re doing. I guess when you’re the chad of the world (US), you don’t feel the need to make fun of the retard sitting by himself at lunch (Europoors).

Starts at 00:50

Yeah, Americans would definitely choose to eat that instead of fresh, hot chicken that the supermarkets prepare fresh every day. That makes complete sense.

God this guy is fucking disgusting

Those canned chickens are perfect for making chicken stock.

Dude killed himself last year :(

So true. Every time I talk to a Eurofag, they have something snarky to say about the US, like they all walk around butthurt worrying about why we're so successful and give zero fucks about what the rest of the planet thinks about us.

That's why they're so angerey about Trump - he is the personification of zero fucks given toward anyone or any thing that isn't American.

Eurofags. We're so sorry you're angerey. But we promise to save your asses for the 3rd time when Germany conquers you again.

He's out of breath just from sitting there and talking. And I think he actually died not too long ago, IIRC.

He killed himself long before that.

Zero appreciation for saving all the EuroFags from oblivion. Go get raped by all the Muslims y'all let into your shit hole of a country.

Holy shit, have never seen this! Where to buy, if any sources?

You're just proving their point

people eat that shit?

Good point, user. Way to keep a positive viewpoint. I doubt the meat is edible anyway

America is home to the most brilliant minds of the modern world but at the same time 80% americans are retards. This fascinates me.

The fucks wrong with canned chickens, I'm not American but I can see quality snacks when I see one

Ignorance is a problem here, and it breeds stupidity.

Your post is also prime example of that 80%

except that im eurofag user

We don't eat this

This is actually a joke, go on Amazon

Link to source i wanna buy it

You must be that guy Jimmy Rustle I've heard so much about.

gr8 b8 m8 8/8 don't masturb8

that's what I thought. But how can you produce the best talent in the world in a climate of ignorance?

Europe is full of culture and shit but still we get nothing done compared to americans when it comes to top shit.

Yes I am, watch me exert my rustling powers upon this thread with the >pic related


i don't get it

That explains why it's so shit.

>52% of American population is non-Hispanic white

The number is more around 62%, but it's what it is, depending on the statistic cited.

thanks user
have some titties

Why are Germans so disgusting ?

that's a burger you fucking burger

It’s a German burger

>beautiful landscape
>label over says "cheeseburger"


>Why are americans so disgusting ?
to piss off the eurotrash

im a kraut and i've never seen canned burger before, where the fuck is this from?

I assume it's camping surplus by the word "trekking" and the landscape on the package.

No one eats that shit. Its only 2 dollars more to get a fresh rotisserie chicken. Which everyone does.

seems to, but i've never went camping with disgusting abominations like that

>McDonald Grease


You can watch the dumb American eat it on YouTube

nazi-trips don't lie

The fuck would anyone ever think this is a good idea. If you want a whole chicken go get a rotisserie one.

I heard it's because most of us are of European descent. Umad?

The lack of knowledge for using or making chicken stock in this thread tells how Sup Forums cooks, except

Youre just jealous cause in our country we have enough to eat.

How's that curry taste

Are you mad because we throw away more food than we sell?

I bet if I shit on a plate and covered it with shredded cheese and called it "American bean dip" you would eat it

Don't act like we actually eat that. I'm 36 and I've never even seen one in a super market. Honestly looks more like something some poor slav would choke down after a half bottle of vodka

Not even I would believe that europoors are so stupid that they couldn't figure out to put meat between 2 buns

At least our shit is contained to cans, whats your excuse?

All my brain heard was "bean dip" and I'm hungry.

same order me food

Why are non-Americans such spineless faggots?

Europe, and I mean both the union and the individual countries, constantly rank higher than the US in pretty much everything but militarily. We will beat you there soon though, when the EU army gets up and running

Well, Germans are known for jacking off to literal shit*. So burger in a can shouldn't be that surprising.
*Besides being known for cucking themselve so hard just because Nazis existed billions of years ago.

This American jewish is really lucker

Freedom of speech, something the US is severely lacking but still uses as it's only point of pride

Micheal jackson liked doing that. Except it couldnt of been very good, the meat was over 40 years old and the buns were usually 12 or 13 years old.

That's retarded. You can say whatever the fuck you want here. The only problem we have at all with that is at Liberal Colleges and we're fighting that. The US is one of the few countries were you can say whatever the fuck you want without the thought police coming down on you. If society wants to come down on you well that's another matter, that's their right of speech to call you out for being an asshole. But that's about really the only right we have left. Gun rights are a joke at this point, many states have trampled all over the Constitution in that regard but free speech we still have

You're making the assumption that your biased opionion is actual fact.

Only liberals have free speech...dont you know that?

Its ok for them to parade around acting like flaming queers but the minute we wave the flag or eat a steak they cry and call us terrorist.

>EU army
just a friendly reminder that this is germany's minister of defense
also known as flinten uschi (rifle ursula) to mock her incompetence

>EU army gets up and running
did a pretty good job of that in WW1 and WW2

Also EU Army? The Rainbow Cuck Brigade? Can you even concieve the logistical and Command nightmare that would be?

Imagine an even more ineffective and cuckold UN Force trying get a snap decision made by their coalition of disparate and mutually hostile Yro-cuck leadershi...oh wait...


"The US is one of the few countries were you can say whatever the fuck you want without the thought police coming down " Lmao, welcome to the rest of the fucking world buddy

There is nothing wrong with that canned whole chicken. Just rinse the fucking grease-jelly off you coddled retards


That's not a free speech issue,it's combination of a brainwashed half retarded society and humanity regulating its self. You can't expect to be able to go around shouting"hang all the niggers" without someone eventually bricking you . Free speech is about the law coming after you for something you said, not people.

like europe where most countries have hate speech laws?

T'es ridicule khey

it looks like death

Yeah I honestly didn't Kno what point he was trying to make with that post

canada is part of america

It's already agreed upon and in its infancy. It won't be a coalition or a joint force, but an outright EU army, controlled by a central committee.

Are you implying that no European army fought, because your doughboys figured out how to come sweeping in and "save" an already won war, trying to make people believe you were our saviours?

Thats nigger food

or how about all those middle eastern dictatorships or china, or NK
hell i think even aussies have limits to their speech

Good thing she won't be solely in charge then.

Are you joking?!?

If Germans would win WW2, Europe would be a paradise right now.

Yrops resistance to the Krauts was limited to an Island...


Lend Lease

You're Welcome.

because they always will be one step behind first world countries.

yeah we did a good job in ww2 as by the time the usa got there germany was already fucked also how many americans died on dday

>controlled by a central committee.