I've been contemplating the possibility of race wars and alien invasions...

I've been contemplating the possibility of race wars and alien invasions, and I started thinking to myself; what if aliens were actually black?

It's fucking terrifying to be honest, because when the aliens who are more advanced and powerful than humans inevitably invade earth, then I'd have to deal with two things I am fucking terrified of. I'm getting fucking uneasy as hell just thinking about it all. Here's to hoping the race of extraterrestrial Niggeroids flying through space won't destroy us, Sup Forums.

I don't think you can build a spaceship out of pointy sticks and even if you could HIV isn't a viable fuel source

what about fried chicken, watermelon, and grape soda?

Those were given to them by whites to keep them from burning down cities

Can't survive in society without welfare =/= Advanced culture & technology

To stop fearing blacks, stop feeding them.
Damn white people have a short memory.

we ain't talkin' bout african americans. we talkin' about extraterrestrial KANGZ.


All we're doing is basically bribing them on a daily basis just to not chimp out and fuck shit up. Them being gone would be an improvement on every level

Blacks are also amongst the most economically mobile, since they go from poverty to movie,music & sport stars at higher rates than anyone else in America per capita.

In all seriousness, I want Wakanda to not only exist ,but for all of Africa to be ruled by Wakanda,then we could send all the niggers in Europe and North America back to Kangzland and Prince Chaka can deal with them.

That's bullshit

For every Julio Jones or Kanye, there are 50,000 dindus scraping up enough money to put some 25" rims on their $400 Chevy Caprice



Ok and if we use the same maths for white people,how does it play out per capita?

Keep contemplating pal.

we wuz kangz n shiet

>thinking that an advanced spacefaring race who happened to share a superficial skin colour with any human who engages in self destructive and negative to all around them behaviour, would identify with them.

Please learn some psychology, only losers who can't do shit for themselves are Marxist.

Well first of all, how many blacks made their millions in a field that could be parlayed into producing an advanced society?

Basically, who is the black Bill Gates?

I specifically made mention of movies , music and sports, I also said ECONOMICALLY mobile, I never said niggers were the most technologically beneficial to society, I never even said they were beneficial.

Take into account the fact that they make up 13% of the US but take up 28% of the welfare, they're in the red.

That seems pretty economically mobile to me.
Look I think you are not understanding, what I'm saying is that there is a wider range of poverty to super rich.

I mean if they just lowered the min. wage and started bringing factory jobs back into america whilst ending the war on drugs and allowing former gangs to manufacture their products legally without having to fight turf wars to settle disputes then yea they'd probably be able to handle themselves better economically.


>Implying niggers problems are external

A nigger can't see further than his hand in front of his face. They will spend their money on ignorant frivolities within hours or days and then live in poverty till the next meager paycheck

We wuz kangz n shiet

Off by one

good. if they do that, then at least they'll contribute to more sales of consumer goods, which will create more demand for such goods and therefore more demand for people who can manufacture and work retail jobs to sell said goods; both of which being easy jobs that any hood rat could do with a day of training and enough money to afford housing and food. have you read economic theories on consumerism? the more stupid people there are that waste their money on cheaply priced shit goods, the more the economy is stimulated by such reckless but sustainable spending.

Just like how Mozambique, Zimbabwe and South Africa have...oh shit.

south africa is doing decently though minus corrupt president. also a better direct comparison of what I'm talking about except on the african continent would be more along the lines of kenya or rwanda's economic policies- which for the most part were based off countries like singapore, hong kong, taiwan, china, etc..