>People still believe that their soul is going to leave their body and go to heaven when they die

How do people fall for this shit?

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Because they want to fall for it.

Because it's the truth link related


Shut the fuck up. We gave you the 20 likes you wanted and you never delivered.

it's comforting to them considering the alternative. Just leave them alone and let them cope with the harsh reality by making up stories. They aren't hurting you

you make a person religious as a child since they believe anything


our world view shaped the the ages of 1- 8

= religious person for life

>link related
I doubt it.

No idea we just go into another person's body

Beliefs inform actions, and using comfort as a justification to believe things leads to horrible actions.


Brainwashed when they were children.

you stupid fuck...you have the right to your beliefs,,as i have the right to my beliefs..its that simple,,,your right,,my right,,,DO YOU GET IT?? no?? you dont??

You have the right to your beliefs. You don't have the right to never hear your beliefs challenged or insulted.

look you idiot,,its simple,i will die defending your right to belive whatever you want..even if i dont agree with it,,i still feel that its your right..so is it that hard to ask the same in return?? without insulting? you clueless twat

>without insulting? you clueless twat
ayy lmao

If you're going to pretend to be a religious hypocrite, you should at least make it a little less obvious.

Here we go.....


why do you automatically assume im religious ,and even if i was its still my choice on how to express it..you cocksucking free range faggot..all im saying is about letting each other belive whatever the fuck we want without getting any shit for it,,the sooner you faggots learn to do thiis the better for all

True its 2017 and the information in counter to this is readily available.
But you underestimate the use people for ignorance.
What exactly does the religious person have to gain from discovering there is no available truths to their reality? They only lose. Nihilism isn't to anyone's advantage.

>They only lose.
Do they? The truth can motivate people to take a different direction with their lives, enjoying this world rather than pining for the next. They lose an illusion and gain reality.

you were dead before you wwere born and youll be dead again its just a loop my guy and frankly wether there is anything or notis irrelevant does it really make you feel so superior to not beleive it that you would sacrifice any shred of peace you could have gained from it? i gaurentee when the wolves are at the door and you are on your deathbed you will pray

What is more important? Peace or truth?

Your guarantee is baseless. People can and do die without praying.

Learn English please

>making a religious argument
>still thinking it's 2017
athiests btfo

The alternative to believing is accepting you're just a quantum anomaly. No different or special than any group of particle in the universe. You're here for no reason and subject to random occurrences.

But why is there physical laws, why is there some order? Why are we conscious?

Why do we have an experience if it's for nothing? Why is is surviving such a big deal? Why do I even have the capacity to believe surviving is important?

>You're here for no reason and subject to random occurrences.
>But why is there physical laws, why is there some order?
We don't know. We may never know.
>Why are we conscious?
The brains that allow for consciousness gave us a competitive advantage. Evolution.
>Why do we have an experience if it's for nothing? Why is is surviving such a big deal? Why do I even have the capacity to believe surviving is important?
See above.

Read up on biocentrism. It's possible for life to continue after death without a guiding force or higher power existing

I understand if that matters to you. But what youre missing is to some it totally doesnt. To some its even relieving and enlightening.

Not only that but shit we used to think was god that we discovered was natural turned out to be cool as fuck. Sometimes even more abstract than god.

In my opinion its harder to accept some of the shit string theory has discovered than "yeah some.sky wizard did it." more interesting and fascinating too.

No god means more answers.

How do you know whatever it is that you inadvertently claim to know. Do you truly even know yourself?

It's possible to believe in bullshit without believing in gods, yes.

My point is there are no solid answers, and yet here we are.

It isn't a stretch to believe there exists something beyond our universe and there exists an afterlife.

For instance, we exist now, but not before we were born. Same thing could be said to alternate universes/heaven.

Do you even exist?

Not having solid answers isn't an excuse to believe things without reason. We have evidence of things existing before we were born. We do not have evidence of alternate universes or heaven.

cnhv dot co/14kod

The universe isn't as logical as you. Did the universe need things to exist before it existed?

I don't know. So far we don't have evidence of anything existing before the universe. The concept of "before the universe" may itself be nonsensical.

people dont like death

So no god, no real purpose, just this one universe, with these sets of laws now and forever, ya think?

Well...it does leave the body, just doesn't retain awareness, something that's mutually exclusive to being "alive". It becomes just another part of the universe, I mean there may be some repository for the soul after death of the corporeal form but it's not the grandiose affair that the bibles of the world suggest. Should there really be a "higher power/god", I think it sorts the experiences gleaned from our existence before filing us away to be reused. Like replacing a hard drive on a computer, all the base components are created here, the "god" just loads the OS from the bank of old souls, it might even be a passive function not needing a god's hand in it.

Until there's reason to think otherwise, yes.

Ive communicated with a Holy Spirit/God. I’ve had Devine intervention on my life’s path and without a doubt believe that something bigger then you or I had involvement.

Prove it.

Sorry user.. can’t prove it or even explain it.. it was a onetime deal and every time I think I’ve grasped the concept of explanation it slips away like sand through the fingers.

I guess. Some people don't like the answer of 'we don't know, we may never know'

If we may never know, then that's a bit magical right? Almost everything can be explained except this one thing. It's not like we can scientifically test purpose and find out what it is.

Or if we could explain everything, then it's possible to create our own universe?

Not liking an answer doesn't mean it isn't the correct one. There are a lot of things I wish weren't true, but they are.

Magical isn't the word I would use, and being able to explain everything would not necessarily make it possible to create a universe.

Do you believe in free will?

Depends on your definition of free will. We make choices, but what choices we will make are ultimately determined by physics.

I define it as, basically our brain creates a list of choices, but it's up to us to pick one or none at all.

That's kinda a weird existence, then. isn't it horrifying believing there's no real choice, yet you're conscience of an experience. Like being a painting with eyes? What's the point of being aware, if we can't really do anything about it

Meant to respond to you.

Lmao! YOU.

i give up :^)

>basically our brain creates a list of choices, but it's up to us to pick one or none at all.
Which is what we do, but the choice you pick (including none at all) is ultimately determined. You are never going to choose otherwise.
>isn't it horrifying believing there's no real choice, yet you're conscience of an experience
No, why would it be?
>What's the point of being aware
Why must there be a point?

I agree user but apparently you've discovered time travel and I'm more interested in that right now.

Because it's like watching a movie and understanding everything that's happening on a deep level and having the illusion you're a character, but can't do anything about it. So life is just a long movie to you?

Time travel isn't difficult. Just move at an extremely high velocity and time will move slower for you relative to everyone else.

Except there is no distinction between the actor and the character, and this is the only role you'll ever have. I still don't see how this is supposed to be horrifying.

Isn't the distinction being aware of it?

I don't see how, which is why your metaphor is wonky. You are the actor and you are the character, being aware that there's a script doesn't change that.

What I don't get is how you even give a shite what other people are doing? They're literally at peace with themselves, yet you're bothered the most. Why can't people like what you don't like?

1. Extremely frightened
2. Extremely stupid
3. Extremely ignorant
4. Extremely self-important

That’s how

Yeah, but you can go off script if you choose.

I first said, it's like watching a movie, not playing in one.

So basically it's like someone put VR goggles on you since you were born, having the ability to be self aware, but never being able to change what is happening. This is your definition of free will?

>So basically it's like someone put VR goggles on you since you were born
It isn't though, you are the one making the choices, it's just that you are never not going to the make the choices that you make.
>This is your definition of free will?
It's the closest thing to free will that appears to exist. If you want to say that it's not free will, that's fine by me.

Well I was a catholic in my early childhood
but rejected the religion at age of 11, so checkmate

I don't think it's necessarily ignorant or self-important. It's just human nature to speculate on an afterlife. Most every civilization does.
Yeah, it may seem silly, but we don't really know what happens when you die. Some form of afterlife is possible, even if it isn't anything like what human religions describe.

Yeah, but it's still the illusion of choice. If you were to put on VR goggles since you were born you wouldn't know if it was you or the machine making choices, since you followed the story along all your life and it appears like you are.

I just don't see a purpose in being self aware if it wouldn't help or affect choices. In evolution every organ, protein, etc has a purpose for survival.

it's not often about about the souls going to heaven, but about the tradition of going to church, living a family life, forgiveness etc. but obviously westerners think that they're too inteligent for everything and have to simplify it to such a simple concept.

>I just don't see a purpose in being self aware if it wouldn't help or affect choices.
It does though. A being which is self-aware is likely to make choices different from a being which is not self-aware. That doesn't mean that those choices aren't still ultimately determined. Self-awareness is part of the system.
>In evolution every organ, protein, etc has a purpose for survival.
Not actually true.

Triggered religiotard.

Don't stress champ. OP is not trying to remove your right to be a moron. He's simply pointing out that you're a moron. And he's doing that because you're a moron.

all that matters is science
it is a waste of time to fight religion, something which has no proof needs not be disproven


At least religious people have a purpose in life. It's an imaginary purpose, but still, that's more than you'll ever have.

Good thing we're too le smart for that, right Sup Forumsros? We're enlightened by our own intelligence.

Their bullshit is, actually. When they stop pumping their religious crap into public policy I'll stop

life doesn't need a purpose

so why does science exists?

Idk, man. If everything was predetermined there wouldn't be a need to even make choices at all.

People just like to believe there is some higher purpose. Can't really blame them if their choice is predetermined :p.

i don't fuckin know

>>People still believe that their soul is going to leave their body and go to heaven when they die
>How do people fall for this shit?

What happens is that they are so vain they cannot imagine the universe will go on without them, so they imagine that something of themselves will surive the death of their body

>If everything was predetermined there wouldn't be a need to even make choices at all.
That doesn't follow. Making a choice is part of the system.
>Can't really blame them if their choice is predetermined
You also can't blame me for blaming them if my choice is predetermined. It could also be the case that my blaming them is what results in them making a choice in the future to stop believing.

I dont believe in heaven or hell. But my uncle who was practically a father figure to me died this morning of a heart attack. I am usually a pretty rational person but i have already tried grasping at nothing just to tell him i loved him one more time. Death is hard and dealing with it is harder. Life is fickle tell your family you love them before they are gone forever.

