Behold the future

behold the future.

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This won't happen until 90% of everything is automated.

Gibe moni plox hurr durr seize the memes of produkction

So like a decade from now then?

The boss always needs a worker and the politician always needs a victim. Until you can successfully address this dynamic and present a solution that won't lead back to it, you will never see this movement gain serious traction.

Robots can hardly walk. I think we have more than 10 years before robots can replace humans at everything.


how much $ a month are we talking about here?

Were people slaves when they had to hunt to feed themselves?

Freedom is a lie

Except money = freedom in a capitalist society.
Just because we've built a system where you don't directly need to everything in order to survive doesn't mean it's slavery to need to work to live.
You can fight the system man and fuck off into the woods if you want to. No one's stopping you. If you choose not to work there you'll die.

In a system where no one is asked to work in order to recieve the basics, not enough people work to produce those basics and everyone starves.

This will not abolish poverty, it will only shift the poverty line higher

>Close to quads = Bullshit thread
And who is gonna pay for it?

ooo. and you were so close.

T. Brainlet

a lot of work can be digitalized, atomation dose not in every case transelate in to humanoid robuts doing stuff

>And who is gonna pay for it?

and who is going to pay for the funeral when someone kill you kin over a 20.00 bill or whatever.

Keep up with the times fag haven't you seen that Boston Dynamics robot doing back flips and shit

Right, but a lot of work like construction, waiting, doctoring, yard care, etc. cannot be done digitally. Jobs that require physical presence are a significant portion of the economy.

right. so: how much $ a month are we talking about here?

Not the same
You can't do that anymore all land is owned by somebody and you would be trespassing and arrested

Show me the accounting to make this sustainable and I might support it

It'll work if the prices aren't raised ridiculously

these fucking retards here have no idea

>We don't print money
>Money comes from the sky into the hand of the bankers directly
>We can't just make more

All those jobs are headed for the chopping block soon, easily ten years

Why wouldn't you?

Some eu country is doing like 500 a month

Not a lot but it helps especially if you make 500 a month

Lets make a deal. We get rid of niggers, spics, jews, islams, and pajeets and I'll be in support of universal basic income.


What if just the niggers and islams?

it wont eliminate poverty. basic income is not a lot of money so poor people that work will stay poor if they dont work. the money is then spent in the capitalist economy making the rich richer as usual.

other than that, great idea

Okay, deal. I can live with that.

Yeah, because committing genocide and 'muh aryan rice superiorituh' surely means better economics

But you can work for money. Even working a shit min wage job you can afford a nicer standard of living then your ancestors ever could. You aren't forced into working, it's the best option available. If you aren't able to provide for yourself you aren't providing a valuable service to society. You CAN choose not to work, but then you won't be afforded the advantages of participating in the system, people do this all the time.

With basic income the state enslaves everyone.

Hey, I don't give a shit about 'aryan' race. I'm okay with non-whites as long as they don't act like violent subhumans or defecate in the open... y'know a reasonable expectation for 2018?

If a huge portion of whites did that shit, and it were the other way around, I'd advocate that we get rid of whites.

so how does this work?

if everyone has basic income they dont need a job

where would you spend your free income?

who makes shit?

and before you say robots...
robots need power
robots need creators
but why create robots when you have free money

ok so money is now worthless because nobody needs it anymore

now we are back to square 1.
only now, there is no money...

great job commie faggots

>Everything you fucking said
Do you even exist bro?

Could have just as effectively said only for my family.
What's good for me, is bad for thee!

getting rid of you sounds easier and preferable, honestly

Why would I want to get rid of my family? explain yourself you dumb nigger


>Uhhh, okay but you can work for money and it's better than not working god you're so dumb.

Holy shit batman you are a nigger.

You give me just about enough money to live on without any strings attached and i would call my boss a cunt, storm out and never work a day in my life again.

And 99.9% of the population would do exactly the same meaning (effectively) nobody working, nobody paying taxes to fund it and the whole system collapses, the entire country goes broke and everybody dies of starvation.

>Thread filled with lazy fucks who don't understand how goods and services work
>Try their genius idea on how to make everyone happy and lazy
Absofuckinglutely doesn't work.

Basic income doesnt mean you don't gave to work anymore, it's just to help out.

smelly poo poo pajeet detected... too bad we are all anomolous here and you can't even afford shoes let alone a gun...

The entire point of basic income is to give everyone just enough to live.

residence + food

That's it.

If you form communes you can pot the money for more than that though.

So group of 5 living in one residence will essentially profit from this and be able to buy more than that.

That's the only big hurdle I see from this.

If you want to live better than soviet tier you'll have to get a job to afford internet, tv, etc

That'd be so cool. I wish Capitalists weren't such fucking faggots.
"Muh hard work"
Primitive fucking morons.

liberals actually believe this...

they think if you majically poof trillions of dollars and hand it out to everyone that the value the dollar is still going to remain the same somehow and not drop dramatically to compensate.

It sounds like a genius idea in the mind of an autistic liberal shitlord, but the reality is that UBI will make our burgers cost $60 and a single bedroom apartment cost $8k/month

This is why we must gas these communists. They are beyond reprehensible.

The problem is it doesn't matter how hard you work.

You can work in the trades and have shitty joints/knees/body by the time you're 50 and have worked your ass off and have not made enough to retire most likely.

The trades used to have strong unions to prevent this but now it's basically every man for himself and everyone in the trades have bought into this whole propaganda that if you're in a union you're lazy and don't work which is completely untrue.

Yeah okay even under that system I'm pretty sure the length of time it takes for the average SJW fag to get angry and jealous at people who do things have more than they do could be counted in minutes.

they will be dumbshit, FOOD will immediately become the problem item too, you WILL end up in a fucking bread line

That argument is from the ass, not observable reality, that if the absolute basics of life are guaranteed for all, that no one will want anything extra or ever want to work again, that might just be a projection of one's own idiocy. The 'hedonic treadmill' model of behavior predicts that once one's basic needs are met, people always look for something more to fill the void, ensuring an economy.

>If you want to live better than soviet tier you'll have to get a job to afford internet, tv, etc

>Basic income doesnt mean you don't gave to work anymore, it's just to help out.

If the source of the money is from the treasury printing it, then that's called inflation.

The market will adjust accordingly. Prices will rise. Now you're back to square 1.

If the source of the basic income is taxation then the market will adjust by raising prices to cover the cost of taxes. Again, inflation.

If you want to control prices while giving out free money then you become Zimbabwe or Venezuela.

Again, fuck you retarded commies.

Unions sabotaged themselves by essentially acting like insurance corporations and cutting off /fucking over some members when they need them most in order to stay afloat.

It's become more of a pyramid scheme than anything.

corruption fuckin everywhere.

This is yet another capital re-distribution scheme designed to 'help' the lazy, uneducated people breed.

This is how ghettos grow.

Look up the federal reserve and QE you subhuman mongrel. Printing money and giving it away is exactly how our system works cuck

This depends entirely on just how much basic income will be.

If you get no more than say 400 dollars a month you basically have to live in a trailer park on noodles for the rest of your life.

most people will consider this unacceptable and look to work anyways.

The great positive benefit to this is that telling a corrupt and abusive employer/boss becomes a shitload more viable because even if you quit you still have scraping the barrel minimum income to not instantly get fucked over by not taking up the ass.

If we're talking 800-1000 a month for rent in okay place + food you definitely have a point.

Meaning, they became as bad as what they claimed to be against? Hmmm... Must be the first time that ever happened, concentrated 'power' to a few and then they just abuse it!

Not if you fund the basic income with taxes, you take more taxes dependiing on the income, that way the poor get help and the rich lose a bit of money, but are still encouraged to produce money

Higher taxes would also force corporations to reinvest their profits to avoid those taxes.

Only possible if there are no niggers. Scandinavia was close up all the shit skins invaded.

No one said anything about printing more money you professional shill, there's already more than enough worthless fiat notes in circulation, only problem is the system doesn't deter one from being a greedy cunt and hoarding wealth, making everything more expensive for everyone else.
>but taxes are supposed to solve that
Anyone with half a brain knows taxes aren't for rich people, they're the tax collectors, and the only beneficiaries.

Einstein said the only way the future would work was with some sort of communistic society. The amount of jobs are plummeting due to automation. Experts say within 20 years 40% of the jobs that havent already been taken by AI, will be taken by AI

IMO something similiar to UBI is needed as we progress into the future

I doubt it will be happening anytime soon though. This is a huge paradigm shift, and will be met with backlash by bigots and the upper class

Heres hoping the world will be a better place by the time I die

>tfw wanted to cook with butter like I used to before socialism but after 9 hours in the food line the last package is purchased by Shaniqua Hamplanet Jackson who eats them straight to maintain her massive niggergirth even during socialism

>Einstein said
[Citation needed]

again with the youcantdothat because of tax evasion.

No, because if the poor have more money to spend, they also buy more from those corporations, no need to significantly raise prices

You think that matters? Oh you'll be walking to it and doing everything it can't for it. That or you can just not receive that service at all. Those will be your choices.

Sure you can.

This is exactly how American businesses made it work when taxes were ridiculously high in the past.

pretty easy to use google, friend
there are loads of resources of Einstein talking about both socialism and communism

"Private capital tends to become concentrated in few hands, partly because of competition among the capitalists, and partly because technological development and the increasing division of labor encourage the formation of larger units of production at the expense of smaller ones. The result of these developments is an oligarchy of private capital the enormous power of which cannot be effectively checked even by a democratically organized political society. This is true since the members of legislative bodies are selected by political parties, largely financed or otherwise influenced by private capitalists who, for all practical purposes, separate the electorate from the legislature. The consequence is that the representatives of the people do not in fact sufficiently protect the interests of the underprivileged sections of the population. Moreover, under existing conditions, private capitalists inevitably control, directly or indirectly, the main sources of information (press, radio, education). It is thus extremely difficult, and indeed in most cases quite impossible, for the individual citizen to come to objective conclusions and to make intelligent use of his political rights."
- Einstein

>>tfw wanted to cook with butter like I used to before socialism but after 9 hours in the food line the last package is purchased by Shaniqua Hamplanet Jackson who eats them straight to maintain her massive niggergirth even during socialism

>the rich produce money

This whole thread demonstrates why universal suffrage is a disaster every time. The morons try to vote themselves rich and end up destroying the human ecology that made them somewhat prosperous in the first place.

Mass die offs by end of century, comrade.

Eisenhower warned everyone a very long time ago.

>“Should any political party attempt to abolish social security unemployment insurance and eliminate labor laws and farm programs you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group of course that believes you can do these things. Among them are a few other Texas oil millionaires and an occasional politician or business man from other areas. Their number is negligible and they are stupid.”

Unfortunately their number is no longer negligible and they have the Republican party in their pockets.

there is so much arguiing whether or not it will work or not, but like its already being implemented within some nordic countries within the EU, and is going as expected

our world is changing whether you like it or not, the current model we have is not going to be acceptable in the future

stop being basement dwelling conservatives and move on with the times

there are income taxes and sales taxes that wont be affected. tax evasion still exist for profits but you cant let that decide things for you

it always amazed me how little people are willing to accept change

whats even crazier? its never the people that are already happy. the ones that want everything to be the same as it always was are the miserable parasites of society

Except you can't. You money to buy land, and you need to work in order to get money.

>in their pockets
not just the republicans

>The rich produce money

Actually, no. The rich produce goods by investing money... except it's actually the workers who produce the goods while the rich pay them. So the rich create jobs. But wait... those jobs wouldn't even be necessary if it wasn't for consumer demand for those goods, which comes from the workers. So... what exactly do the rich do again?

All living things are slaves to the stomach. We're no different - we've just made it less direct.

Nothing wrong with changing the way goods and services work.

>Anyone with half a brain knows taxes aren't for rich people,

the top 1% of earners in the USA pay HALF of the taxes collected.

time to change the bong water sport...

True they're in everyone's pockets but at least the democrats use lube before the stick it in your ass.

Republicans are shills for corporations.

>This depends entirely on just how much basic income will be

To figure that out, you need to figure out cost of living and factor in inflation.

If there is free money entering the system IN ANY AMOUNT, you get inflation. There's no way around it.

Inflation = higher prices

So the circle of fuck continues UNLESS you want to go full commie, in which case society is pretty much fucked in the ass.

Bottom line, your circular logic is flawed.

They pay more taxes because they fucking own everything.

How do you not get that? lol.

No, you're wrong and a fag. People like you are the cause of millions of deaths. Yes, I'm sure like always a bunch of fags will try to reinvent the wheel and refuse to admit they're getting nowhere until they kill millions of human beings and the rest of humanity has to beat them up and scatter their stupid ideas to the wind so another weak FAG like you can pop up and the same shit can happen over again. What we SHOULD do is just kill navel-gazing FAGS like you, and really why not? You're always the sort of little stinkers who will gloat over the deaths of millions and talk about the low value of human life - but if you had to take a life yourself you'd break down like a pussy. That's the worst thing about people like you, that you can never be held responsible because you're too worthless and too weak to make up for what you've done to begin with. It is a crime against humanity that humanity itself will only get to murder you once.

>So the rich create jobs.
>what exactly do the rich do again?
you can take it one step further, the rich kill jobs. if you want to compete in a free market, your goal is to take market shares from existing businesses. if you are successful, for every job you create, you kill two jobs somewhere else.

smaller amounts result in less shock to the economy.

A basic income of 400 might increase inflation by 1% while basic income of 1000 might increase it by 10%.

Besides if you're correct then why haven't food prices skyrocketed from pretty much entire population having access to food stamps?

Most merifats are below poverty line for their country and qualify, not always but usually. Enough to be of significant impact. Yet food prices haven't really gotten worse. We're still overproducing food like fucking crazy to the point the US gov has to pay farmers to waste harvest to keep prices high enough for just to cover transportation to shelves.

>They pay more taxes because they fucking own everything.

>Anyone with half a brain knows taxes aren't for rich people,

Again, time to change the bong water sport...

Nonsensical rant > logical, coherent argument

you sound upset. someone needs to get laid

You are filled with the shit, bastard head!

inflation is caused by creating new money

ubi is simply moving the money we already have into different hands

i mean its much more complicated than that, obviously.
the first thing everyone thinks is, duh, it causes inflation. Anyone thats completed highschool should automatically think that. Do you really think it would of gotten this far with such an obvious hurdle? no lol. Inflation and how money works are not as simple as it sounds. And there are alot of economists on the side of UBI

this shits already being used as a trial in finland to see how well it would work else where in the world, seems A-OKAY, bb

>transfering of funds

Apperently just cutting current welfare programs and all the bureaucracy attached to it would be able to pay the 800$ x month UBI

Transfer of funds, hense no inflation

UBI is a fantasy and will never happen, all that will happen is the gap between the haves and have nots will increase and the haves will shrink to an even smaller group than they are now. Prepare for third world status folks.

It's not like people will be getting enough money every month to buy Lamborghinis. There aren't enough jobs to go around as it is, and with automation that number will only fall more, and drastically. There would still be incentive to work because you'd be even better off for doing so.... if you can find a job.

Taxes used to be solely for rich people until someone thought up income tax because the average pleb started making too much money and getting uppity about the abuse.

less money your average pleb has in capitalistic society the less power they have.

what are you saying to me dude? you sound schizo

is this copy pasta?

I dont even know how to argue.

This. All you have to do is ask yourself why there isn't a UBI between first and third world nations. The answer is because nobody gives a good fuck, humans are happy to let a select few live in privilege while the majority starve/scavenge or even better slave to survive.

About 3.50