/daily/ - Insensitive Edition

The point of these threads is to encourage people to look for new and interesting music. We do this by listening to and ideally discussing albums we've never heard before. Many of us already listen to new music daily, these people are in it to venture "out of their comfort zone" by listening to albums they otherwise wouldn't have, or just to have a good time.

>make charts

>listen to tunes

>listenalong schedules, OP pics, etc.

On the last episode of /daily/:

Other urls found in this thread:


for the ___

That edition lmao

Joy Division?


>not "/daily/ - Loss edition"
you had one job


not an album

I thought Loss was about a stillbirth.
I was tempted to do Musical Abortions though, but then sdc would have too much fun.





nearly did a spit take

I know an uncomfortable amount about CAD Tim and no it's a miscarriage the guy's named "Buckley" actually. There's a joke in there but I'm too lazy/unfunny to find it.

wait wot

fishmans have reddit flair

you'd think they'd know how to get around

bum tickley

>an indieheads mod stopped by /daily/
inb4 they never post again

This thread is going places. I can feel it.

this explains everything desu

and i'm going to sleep thanks


LACR stands for L.A. Club Resource, really cool label that features some very very Interesting releases. Very dark stuff, mostly Delroy Edwards & co in the label

Still accepting entrants

Album only, no longer than an hour


how do people vote on who wins? Everyone listens then avg the rating?

no, accel does, then he let's his shit taste speak throws a lukewarm review and you get out or advance

cute, Accel what sort of stuff do you listen to normally?

Sup Forumsdrone electronica or netlabel bullshit iirc

no woman s/t

hi selib


i havent even heard 66% of Sup Forums's bleep picks, please

i cant get through the whole thing

The Village Fugs Sing Ballads of Contemporary Protest, Point of Views, and General Dissatisfaction

Happy Canadian thanksgiving leaflads!!

The community uses it, individuals aren't currently
using it.
Any questions?

>You faggots are losers
Finally a coherent point I can cosign on.

Cute dogs

Aawhhhhhh that really sucks man, my condolences :(
Keep reading the baby books though and best of luck to your future loads.

Gimme a Throbbing Gristle onion.

>>Drone, Poseurcore

Nobody in the friggen extended universe rips through the entire Fishmans catalogue before hearing 98.12.28, I don't know why you fishfags are so obsessed this idea. Guaranteed you both heard it early on and it fuelled your love for the band, prompting you to explore their back catalogue, and now you have this half-baked idea that you should do 300 hours of listening research before getting any audible pleasure.



>chad born
too alpha for daily

I am.

>implying this isn't the most alpha general on Sup Forums


this post made me laugh

tee hee

that's what i imagined you saying in front of your computer

it was more of a

too hoo

it was le funny joke don't hate me axel

it is ok

Probably because these fishspamming butt pirates pressured you into thinking it was CRITICALLY NECESSARY (!!!!!!) to sift through shit before hearing one of the few good things the band actually made.
There's nothing lost from listening to the live album, then going through the studio versions. Then you can listen to the live album again if you really want and note the differences. You don't need to align the fucking stars so you can achieve maximum orgasm and become an enlightened Jap pop connoisseur. Saving yourself for the finale is utter bullshit; it's like wasting time looking through Picasso's childhood drawings so you can ''''really get'''' his best paintings. This idea needs to die.

what the fuck's this general about

suckin fat ones, bonebro

no, that makes sense
this general doesn't

takin big mouth chodes, singer boy


please refer to this post


L0 :0

>Jean-Francois Laporte ?- Soundmatters
>Musique concrete, Drone
First track is lots of wind. Mountain wind, banshee wind, before it finally blows a door shut. Tinnitus and anxiety follows, sitting in whatever mountain-side cabin this takes place in. Then come war horns, and a 26 minute piece with engines.

Not too bad for 1998-2005 works, but not very groundbreaking for its genre. Good for someone who just wants dark ambient.

>Lionel Marchetti & Seijiro Murayama - Hatali Atsalei (L'echange des yeux)
>Musique Concrete
The dying escapes of breath from a withered, atrophied woman, before the unmistakable scrapes and crackling of footsteps through snow. An anxious and riled dog, and hidden gliding drones.

Very menacing, but its quirks grow old quick. The cacophany midway of Part 2 is definitely something, but I'm Fucking Sick Of ASMR In My Music

>Seijiro Murayama and Eric La Casa - Supersedure
>Free Improvisation, Field Recordings, Musique concrete
Water and drums is an interesting approach, mainly because those drum heads will be fucked by water damage, so I suppose this was a one-time album. The unique ambiance, the build into track 3's meltdown, choice of samples envisions the quietist riot.

>Michael Pisaro - Stree, Sleep, Pipes, Tones
>Field Recordings, Lowercase
Serene, but also the musical equivalent of watching security video feeds. Bass clarinet and electric guitar also appear, interspersing silence and an extended melody. Very light sine waves combine with these instruments. A haunting sucessor to Brian Eno's Obscure label.

>Arsene Souffriau - Experience BIMES
>Electroacoustic, Musique concrete
An archival release of a little-known Belgium composer. Much more disjointed, but a lot of similar bitter textures to ABECD on this chart. Much less "post-rave", more sinister and melodically unsustainable systems. Stockhausen synths and piano experimentation makes this a gem of the past. I

do you guys associate flavors with genres and sounds?

I think Dream pop tastes like hot cocoa, indie rock tastes like chicken nuggets, Radiohead taste like dirty paper, and Fishmans taste like shit

Don't worry, I can make my own shitty choices (like responding to you). I wasn't pressured by anyone.

why are Pleasant Street and Phantasmagoria in Two so good

ayy check em digits

oh fug

Have you heard Dream Letter 1968?

yeah boy

(sunglasses thumbs up face)

I appreciate you.

hey guys, i made a slightly stupid decision and don't really need any lecture over it, butttt
i just took an xtc pill on my own and would very much like music recommendations or other stuff i could do if any of you have any experience with doing this stuff on your own :)))) anyway, love y'all

XTC (the not bleep one) - Skylarking
XTC (the bleep one) - XTC EP

I just released a video essay about undertale that's longer than most of my albums



this is the most "internet-raised strange boring white boy" post ive ever read

i hate myself

yes i know

omg u mad lol

i've said plenty times it's not necessary and just my opinion and I don't feel like repeating myself every time but apparently I need to for people like you

holy hell how long did this take

more than half a year

3 more spots left

>plugging Frisk Frugt

ive sent my rec like three times

no woman s/t

Why? I know someone already asked, but why this game in particular?

>people like you
wow fucking racist

Serious question; do you wish in retrospect you structured your Fishmans listening to model your suggested flowchart?

yeah i agree there shouldnt be any Woman on this tourney


Cus I liked the game but I thought there wasn't enough critique of it

accel. please. please just put the album on the chart. please

my taste is surprisingly /daily/ and i never browsed here before until yesterday
is that good or bad

i cannot find an album called "No Woman" besides this

define /daily/ taste

oh fuck i am so dumb i am so soryr. please kill me.

second woman s/t

seriously, my Fishmans "procedure" is just a rec and shouldn't be taken too seriously and honestly wasn't meant to be.

In a way, I do wish I listened to more Fishmans before the first time I heard 98.12.28. For me it was Kuchu Camp -> Long Season -> Uchu -> 98.12.28. I definitely appreciated it more listening to more of their stuff but obviously it can be enjoyed on its own merit, but everyone I've talked to said they've liked it more after hearing the studio versions of the songs.

I think a more reasonable suggestion is that if you like 98.12.28, you should listen to the studio versions (just of the songs not EVERY album) and head back to it.

how bout Absolutely Free by Zappa

mad props, I am only 20 minutes in but I'll definitely be saving the rest for later


just based on this: 3.bp.blogspot.com/-8i5Ee0eIj5g/WQppi5wv8aI/AAAAAAAAAAM/dQ9HkW3D0x8sUbC0htUQWIYNInzbkUYGgCLcB/s1600/daily.jpg

lot of my faves on there:
>fishmans live album
>soul's true love
>ekkehard ehlers plays


I just had a GIANT piece of carrot stuck in my nose for the past hour and I just blew it out eeew yucky. I feel like I just passed a nose kidney stone

Music for this feel?


so fucking disgusting


>fishmans live album
garbage pls s/t

you've never gotten carrot stuck in the back of your nose? Do you not eat enough veggies?

thanks kings

that was on your drone chart


oh ok

the hell

>that was on your drone chart

/daily/ isn't quite as avant-meme as it used to be but there's still plenty of following for those people
Keiji Haino used to be THE meme man, but we don't really have much of a mascot anymore

>garbage pls s/t
>you've never gotten carrot stuck in the back of your nose?
no people are not disgusting and they eat properly

okay but none of you have recommended music for this particular feel

>people are not disgusting
[citation desperately needed]

trip. it is my job to be clueless not yours
i already heard women s/t, it's in the top row of your chart i did
suggest another album pls

because i havent had that feel since i was in 6 years old

the entire fishmans flowchart in order with no breaks

you replied to the wrong person you fucking shit




thats public strain on the chart.

are you jokINg? i think yuour're are just joking with me.

David Thomas & The Pedestrians with Richard Thompson - Bird Town