




Definitely not sfur, but I approve of big tiger cock. Yummy.



Nice red background


leave the dicks in gay

Why are you even posting this? Dash isn't even here anymore.

That's a straight pic. If you don't like straight fur maybe you should leave.


















Kys faggot


















Ugh, all this feral is killing me. I've been thinking about my girl back home for a few days, I miss her.



fucking dog fuckers



Yes, I am a dog fucker, but above all I'm an animal lover. I love my husky girl, and she loves me. There's nothing wrong with making love to an animal that loves you back.


why is it always fucking huskies






They're intelligent, sweet, cute as can be, and if you're lucky and/or persistent, sometimes big enough to fuck.


i swear i can never look at one of those dogs without getting the feeling someones fucked it



It's not impossible. There are a lot more zoophiles than people admit, and many people have done sexual things with animals, but don't tell anyone because it's seen as taboo, which I personally find ridiculous.




Poor sick man. I pity you.

Not like pity pity, but honestly paying taxes so government funded mental institutions keep working for the likes of you pity.

I don't need your pity. I'm perfectly fine with being a zoophile. It's everyone else that is so deluded to think that animals don't enjoy sex too.











So much pride.

Not like honourable pride, but a blind, ignorant pride, like a disabled man without legs and arms refusing help to get up while smiling saying that he is fine... just fine.

Poor sick man.

he has a reason to be proud. he's living the way he wants. all you can do is criticize him for being happy.

you should be ashamed of yourself

Pride of an intelligent, open-minded man who knows how animals behave while most people are ignorant, and only give a shit about what the media crams down their throat to manipulate and control them because they're too stupid to think for themselves. Yeah, I'm okay with being prideful in this because I know my shit.

More feets and footjobs

I'll be the first to admit that I am certainly not happy, but being a zoophile is not one of the reasons why. I'm happy to love animals, as anyone should be. That is one of the few things which dissenting opinions won't affect me.







Fur fags die






>intelligent, open-minded man
like any other paedophile, rapist, serial killer, etc.
they all "know their shit"

But I still feel sorry for you. I know you are not the one to blame. It's life that made you this way. Chance. And you were just to weak and went along with it. I can't blame this fish for swimming only downstream, nor I can blame the river.
I only can pity that fish.