God i wish her music was better

God i wish her music was better

who is that woman



no you dont

there is plenty of other chix on the internet user dont worry

>going through a midlife crisis at 35

Hehehehe, me too, user !

her records arent selling anymore so its time to start wearing less clothing apparently

Does she even have a band anymore or is her music composed by google captcha?

She poor

I want her to kick me in the balls

Me too just 1 time. Not too often I dont want to be a complete beta...heh you know what I mean

can someone post the kate bush pasta with all the embeds?

This new record will be her Everything Now. Not sure why people aren't waking up to that.

because her last one already was...

Have you seen the Berklee one?

>top tier short haircut
>no breasts

her last one was her reflektor

false, she was so much hotter with the jew look

also she has tits, pic related

>she has tits
barely. not enough to pull off the mommy look

>those saggy pancake tits
>no curves of any kind... just straight lines from face down


yeah but Thor likes it.
Pic related.
Thor is into this kind of thing

she's def not a jew. and that's called padding. look it up, virgin boy.
maybe that's why Cara Delavigne dumped her..
>Thor is into this kind of thing
Thor's not into dykes.

Listen to Marry Me

She isnt full dyke she is gender fluid tho right? bascially bisexual if she wants

>Thor's not into dykes
but he is into [spoiler]__jews__[/spoiler]

lol dam she ugly as fuck

that's BS. she never dated or fucked a man. she's just too embarrassed to come out as a dyke... just like Cara Delavigne.

So, enough to hold on to while fucking her.

you're calling me a virgin when you fucking know what she puts in her hair. Also I've probably fucked more sluts than you kike.

To each their own.


>It's a spics shitting on Annie episode

The one album with the milky drop on the cover is pretty good

>milky drop

look again

Literally most of her music before this new shitty album she's releasing was pretty good

goddamn her face is fallin