>Mac DeMarco is caught using a song uncredited
>Sup Forums constantly hounds him for it
>Ariel Pink does it dozens (possibly hundreds) of times
>"lol dude get over it thats just his aesthetic"
Explain this?
>Mac DeMarco is caught using a song uncredited
>Sup Forums constantly hounds him for it
>Ariel Pink does it dozens (possibly hundreds) of times
>"lol dude get over it thats just his aesthetic"
Explain this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Also Ariel Pink is alt right, sexist (see: Grimes remarks) and goes on FOX News to talk about "Free Speech". He's scum.
All art is forgery on some level get over yourself
Both are fucking awful
T. The kike that wrote the fader article on fantano
sounds based
expose this racist
you mean my husbando, Ezra? please don't talk about him like that, he did a good job exposing that fat racist.
Side note, is anyone stunned by how patrician Fox New talking head Greg Gutfeld is?
ariel pink music gives me sickness, how can someone make the same album for 10+ years and people make him some sort of genius
What the fuck
This guy actually has good taste
> I’ve interviewed everyone from Joe Strummer to Iggy Pop. I've dressed as a bunny, on stage, holding a klieg light during a Flaming Lips concert. I've drunkenly sung Public Image songs with Johnny Rotten in the back of an Austrian beer hall.
>Avalanches, King Gizzard, Tobacco, some other shit I don't even know
how is he alt right?
He follows MDE on twitter. This is irrefutable evidence.
BTW are we any close to getting someone to write an extentive article on this?
are you a retard
40 seconds of the 5+ min long interpolates the verse melody of radio killed the video star
and its literally mentioned in album press release
yet youre probably the same type of faggot who thinks rappers flat out stealibg main melodies is just "muhh sampling"
the article is coming soon, boys. :)
that would be fine if that was that but...
listen at 2:15
he stole the piano part from youtube.com
listen to 0:25
stole it from 0:38
>inb4 "b-but he's inspired by other musicians! that makes it okay when he makes a song that sounds exactly similar to another and makes it lo-fi!"
grimesfag stop you really dont have to copy this in every ariel pink thread you make for our sake and yours
>Shitting on grimes
100% /ourguy/
I'll stop when his career is destroyed and he goes back playing in divebars to 7 people
t. "grimesfag"
Greg is the wildcard at fox; he's agnostic and has a libertarian feel to him.
that's incredible
Just gained a lot of respect for AP. No one needs your idiotic hot takes, Grimes.
kill yourself ezra you fucking deceiving megakike
fantano was innocent, we was literally a fucking vegan berniebro from conneticut with a black girlfriend. he was pure. shit tasted granted, but still pure
fucking ezra and grimesfag are itt
plot twist: they are the same person and this is revenge on fantano for giving Art Angels merely a 7
No. He talked about p4k-core all the time on "Red Eye," with Andy Levy. It was really bizarre to hear references to The Knife on Fox News.
Fuck Gutfeld, though, for his "Snowden was a traitor" bullshit.
damn real
Colossal if true
jeez this is bad and incriminating I really hope no one gets in contact with a big music site like pitchfork.com
time to add ariel pink to this chart eh
>calls a woman stupid
>therefore he's sexist
Great music
so, Ezra, I assume you got bullied a lot in school?
some of those are way off. robert wyatt is anarcho-communist, james ferraro is unclear but certainly very critical of capitalism and techno-optimist socialism nd clearly fairly left leaning...
maus is accelerationist which although being hypercapitalist is not necessarily "alt-right"
Translation: Women are not individuals, and they have no autonomy. If you insult one of them, you're insulting the entire collective.
# This is what the alt-left actually believes
Boards of Canada are alt-right? How?
doesn't that just mean he's underage
anyone who associates with sam hyde is a lowkey white nationalist. it's a dogwhistle to the alt right under the guise of post irony satire.
in addition to this ariel pink is known for stealing music directly from poc artists, female artists, and international artists without giving credit as has been documented earlier. he minimally changes the pitch not changing beyond recognition and violates sampling laws by not giving credit. this will not hold up in court.
also he has appeared on racist television programs voicing support for hate speech under the guise of free speech and has used insulting sexist language toward grimes. he supports sam hyde and milo y. this needs to be exposed to more of his fans so they are aware of where their money is going.
the art community has no tolerance for this. it's about inclusiveness and equality and it's a space for creatives of all colors genders & creeds. many of ariel's fans will not be happy with the characters and tropes he associates with.
Is this part of the article? Loving it so far!
>it's about inclusiveness and equality and it's a space for creatives of all colors genders & creeds.
Almost all of them are way off.
it really is fucking ezra
gtfo jew
Stop fucking making these you fat fuck
I hope Fantano, Sam Hyde, and Ariel Pink successfully sue Ezra for slander.
cue the Jew hate!!!
cue the alt right fuccbois defending casual sexism
predictable little men
lol dude get over it thats just his aesthetic
am i the only one who thought this was cobain at first glance
So this is why neo Sup Forums hates him
Fucking bougie asshole.
human story 3 is literally anti-capitalist like how could you be more wrong on that
Its the hair
you mad or smth?
james ferraro's music has never been political, just very extreme & reflective. not opinionated
you're just so predictable is all
same old racist shit from virgin small dicked poorbois who worship sexist white men like sam hyde and anthony fantano who belittle the accomplishments of people who don't look like them and reinforce your bigoted beliefs. call me a jew, just know we won and it's socially acceptable to punch you in the street ;)
people are disgusted by racism, sexism, bigotry in the real world. real people are getting hurt and successful people are sick of what sites like this are doing and the celebrities advancing these causes. it harms people legit and i'm the one with the balls to call them out on their shit and give them a chance to maybe explain themselves? either way it gets out there to the fans when it might have been a bit muddled b4
>This is just self-indulgent crap. Rudderless. Where are true values? What is Truth? How are we supposed to treat each other? What is the value of life? Well, if you just guide yourself by impulsive "feels," this music is what you get - wasted life.
>Greg, Why is it the only person on a school bus with a seatbelt is the adult driver?
Frustrated senior citizen here, remembering the nights listening to Pablo Cruise, when dating a woman, she said, no.... it meant yes.
ferraro has also posted alt right memes against mark zuckerberg and supporting mde
Who the hell cares
You're a predictable attention whore who doesn't even believe half the shit he spews in order to stay relevant for this months flavor in journalism created culture. Just stop, write your shitty op-ed pieces if you really need to but don't come snooping around insignificant image boards trying to celebrate you own vanity.
I can't wait for you to an hero yourself Ezra :)
It's almost as though enjoying offensive memes and right-leaning comedians doesn't make you an alt-right bigot
this guy thinks he's fighting fascism
Fox News is patrish. I've heard them play Pavement on The Five before.
It doesn't even matter if hes sexist or not
The fact is he stole songs that wasn't his.
He can't be your husbando because he's my husbando
i remember there was a video of ariel pink somewhere where he was calling out leftists for hating white men and said something along the lines of "white men are becoming the new victims of racism"
somebody should find that video and send it to the only journalist who still has some integrity around here, our man ezra
Is this the writer? He's like 17 max
so brave, so woke
>it's socially acceptable to punch you in the street ;)
you being "anyone, as long as I call you a Nazi first"
Yeah, I don't think that's gonna fly with most people.
It does to the people calling everyone alt-right, and thus makes punching you OK.
As far as they're concerned, you're an evil Nazi bigot.
If that's true (I'm skeptical), he's absolutely right.
the video actually exists. it was shot on the streets of hollywood somewhere im trying to find it. it was very alt-righty looking back on it but i thought nothing of it at the time
ariel pink the song stealing racist sexist will be EXPOSED.
the mission: we get everyone who's enabled sam hyde, sargon of akkad, molyneux, ben shapiro, black pigeon speaks, jordan b peterson, and other youtube white supremacists. we go down the ladder, then we get them. we get Sup Forums and reddit. the seeds of fascism will not be allowed to sprout any longer.
Don't forget Razorfist.
>people are disgusted by racism, sexism, bigotry in the real world.
If you honestly believe that "le alt-right" is the biggest issue in the world, then you're fucking insane.
This whole "Mauk Amurikuh Feght Nazees Agen :DDD" bullshit is just further proof that you're getting even sicker as a nation, but that must've always been the case.
However, you're never gonna tackle serious issues, you're never gonna fight for women's rights in places that the woman is really discriminated, you're never gonna tackle issues regarding slaves being sold today, you're never gonna defend innocent victims that are constantly getting bombed and shot at, but God forbid if a man decides to fuck around and question taboo subjects in the name of comedy like Sam Hyde, or shit, even have different political views.
But, I guess sucking dick for money doesn't pay as much as writing overblown hit-pieces.
It's a shame we live in a time that a cuck like Ezra Marcus with onion-worthy articles can be taken into serious consideration about...anything, really.
im down to do it with you. this douche nugget has done so many problematic things over his career. guys a real fucking ass hat and we can prove it
Everyone is alt-right when you're a hysterical, unstable leftist. Nazis around every corner.
>Ben Shapiro
>literal Jew
>"white supremacist"
gr8 b8 m8
wow you're in real need of a dick in your mouth.
Is this it? At 5:44?
Whats with all the antisemitism? Ariel doesn't deserve this
he's an uncle tomatzo
you're not american
please don't speak about places you don't understand
european white supremacists are even worse because they colonized the world and genocided people and have the gall to say you cant come in our countries
you're sociopaths if you think in tribal warfare thinking. go back to the 19th century. every civilized person wants you to be quiet because your views will send us into a second dark ages. we have a man who sympathizes with white nationalists as president and emboldens them. we have a history of racism in this country. rural votes and uneducated carried that because they are offended by minorities having equal rights to them.
in other words, they're entitled and insignificant and idolize any mediocre dishonest critic or artist who validates their bigotry and looks like them and tells them that they're the real victims.
he advances their ideas and goals
if you can find that street interview with the "whites are the real victims of racism" quote that'd be en fuego
I may find myself in a self defense situation with Ezra Marcus in the future
death threats & hate crime.
nice. hope you like prison @you
sam hyde will join you and you'll get to succ like you always dreamed
idk if anyone else feels this way but Ezra Marcus just gives me a raging fucking boner. like, i can't control it. he just makes me incredibly aroused sexually.
>we have a man who sympathizes with white nationalists as president and emboldens them.
No. People like you embolden them.
i wanna top him
He's underage.
im gonna go for your midsection
knock your fuckin head off
its here watch the whole interview he basically lays out the blue print for fascism
>leave the sucessful people alone
>individuality is bad
>stick with the nuclear family
>jews are untouchable
>white men are the new oppressed class
this is just one of many times his racist colors have come out
>ITT: people trying to associate a liberal jewish musician with the alt right