Be me

>be me
>student in AP programming class
>final project for the semester coming up
>decide to make a discord bot
>my server desperatley needs a multipurpose bot, since our old one got hacked because the dumbass dev let a backdoor
>get the api, code it to say "gay" after someone says "hi"
>forget about it for a week
>day before christmas break
>teacher reminds us that its due after vacation
>blow it off, say I'll do it later
>dont do it over the entirety of vacation
>wednesday before its due
>teacher says its due on friday
>get to work on it
>something is broekn
>can't figure out what
>spend the rest of the day trying to find the root of the problem
>cant find it
>school is cancelled on thurs and fri because snow, try to find the problem
>find out its the api
>can't fix it.
>admit defeat
>program a 6 function calculator.
>mfw I need to write a 750 word paper on a 6 function calculator

Other urls found in this thread:

Only option is suicide. Unfortunate

should have just waited until college to take a compsci class you fucking retarded braindead piece of shit faggot.

Post discord bot api on github and share it with us.
We may be able to help you, don't lose hope!
What language did you write it in?
(I have nl experience with discord bots but i know c++ and c# quite well so maybe even I can help you)

My advisor is the computer sci teacher, she persuaded me into taking the class
Also I need it in order to graduate with a distinction, which looks good on college resumes
an hero incoming

You can bullshit a 750 word paper on a calculator, just get creative

You managed 170 words with this post.

Java, using the JDA. I think a discord update fucked with the API, I'm not sure what it was though. It's ok though, its due tomorrow, the calculator is all done in its craptastic glory, and it's not even that bad for something I cobbled together in an hour.

That is like two pages. I have written 10 pages about bigger bullshit in one afternoon

Talk about the call graph and cyclomatic complexity. That should get you half way there.

Thankfully, it's not that hard to write a paper with. The stuff its outlined in a rubric, but its still way too much. I do programming instead of english because I have the pragmatic skills of a retarded 2nd grader.

Just say programming class and get your head out of your ass kid.

You make 700 sound a lot. Just reopened an old paper I did.

700~single space Times New Roman 12 is 1 page. Jesus Christ kid, come back in spring break with all the others

Well thanks for posting it i'll take a look tomorrow.
I should be sleeping anyways

Then why the fuck are you complaining? Rubrics are basically Lego instructions with a requirement of 5 Lego pieces.

Who are you quoting?

Technically its AP Computer science principles, but I thought that sounded too asshatty.

It's not hard by any means, its just monotinous, and its on a subject that's way too straightforward.


Btw meanwhile if you're in a really big hurry, I have some project that I'm working on with a friend.
Maybe this project can help you:
It's a game we're working on, using raycasting, you can find more info online.
Use it as a last resort.

Oh, one more thing, I made a discord room for your bot.
maybe more programmers can get in on this:
( MEv2gaE )

bumping OP's thread.
Has potential.

you da real MVP

You can do it op I see you got some support too

by the way, the bot was nadeko. If anyone has it on your server, you should get it the fuck off right now.

shameless bump

You sure it was Nadeko?

100% sure. Audits showed the bot making an invite, and then two cunts using the invite to get in
will post audits when I find them

got into my server where I was hosting the bot and fucked everything.

Are you in APCS Principles? Took that last year as a senior and the class was a fucking joke. I could have gotten a 5 without even taking the class. And a six function calculator is far beyond anything that the CB is looking for if that helps.

Yea, I'd hardly call it AP, but free college credit is free credit.

Glad to see other anons are taking this weird class that didn't do much for me give me an easy pass.
Shoutout to my teacher.

if it wasn't obvious, 3way was the hacker.

The thing is, I'm not sure if it counts for anything anywhere. Didn't at my university. I barely got any credit with my APCSA 5

welp, shit. I'm planning on going to some STEM related school, since I'm really good with science. Hopefully someone will count it.