There is absolutely no reason why the age of consent shouldn't be lowered to 14. Prove me wrong

There is absolutely no reason why the age of consent shouldn't be lowered to 14. Prove me wrong.

There is absolutely no reason why the age of consent shouldn't be increased to 21. Prove me wrong.

isn't she like 30 now?


who even is this?

14 is too high.

Checkmate, faggot.

Your just angry cause nobody your age will fuck you, you fucking creep

Muslim detected!

The concept of legal consent based on age is stupid to begin with.

i would not trust 14-year-old me to make responsible decisions about anything regarding sex or the possible results.

Do you ever wonder why Sup Forums is such a hated board, OP?

Holy shit, what was her name???

Who is this!?

This, if you don't know how to do taxes I don't want to do anything with you

fucking hell OP...I hope u get raped

at 18 you can be drafted into the military, take out loans that could fuck you up financially for a decade, and purchase lung cancer (tobacco) but god forbid that you actually fuck a girl.



Hannah Minx

Nah, it's clearly a republican politician.

Smoking age is 21 now, at least in CA

You cannot be proved wrong, since you are right.
The "18 year old" age of consent thing is actually one of the few "social constructs" there is, unlike gender, like those deranged fucks that are now so in fashion pretend to make us believe.

actually shes called MissHannahMinx,
JWOW was Japanese Word Of the Week

>tfw the age of consent is 14 in my country but i'm a beta manlet

havent heard that in a long ass time...

I don't trust people under 25 to make responsible decisions. if responsibility is a requirement for sex, then make 25 age of consent.

New fags wow ...

That would suck, there would be prisons overflowwing with 'pedos' cause it would be hard to resist fucking a fully grown women.

Canada? its 18 in alberta

The reason why age of consent is 1 and up in civilised countries is because sexual maturity is not only physical but emotional and mental too.

Youd have to be a young retard to believe that.
I know dozens of 40 year old people who make stupid decisions, so if we want a shithead government, lets make age of consent 60.

Im 30 so I really don't give a fuck.
Most states have the +/- 3 rule. If you are outside of that, you have a mental illness.

That's just what they want you to think you warped faggot

This motherfucker knows whats up. She was also refered to as Minxy and Jinxy at various times on Sup Forums

Youd have to be a miserable idiot to somehow suppose that women are "fully grown" until they are of that regional made up "21 year old" nonsense.

fuk that, never above 18, and not a second under 14 if not 16

In Italy, the age of consent is 14.

kys pedo scum

No, california

I never heard of this word. It sounds like a fake word. I don't like fake words, but i'll tell you this: my grandfather used to say to me -- he was a smart man, by the way... a professor -- he'd say "a man has every right to fuck any woman that he wants". I've always lived by those words. Throughout my childhood and even today. It's a wonderful phrase of advice. And it's true. I'm pretty sure it even says that in the Bible, right after "God made woman" and before "always vote republican". I don't know the exact verse, but it's in there. It says it right there in the Bible. Believe me. Nobody knows the Bible better than I do. And I'm not just saying that. Many people say I know the Bible brilliantly. I don't know who, exactly, I just know it's many many people. I love these people. But They're 100% correct: men have that right.

u cant fuck anyone 4 years younger or older then u? thats fuked.

Cali, but only Cali in the states

Because you're a pedophile trying to justify raping children. Please die.

How is a 36 year old fucking a 26 year old a mental illness?

i dont think we should be fucking 8th graders

Well, it is in most 1st world civilized countries. It sucks that you live in that shithole amerikkka where weed is illegal but drugs worse than heroine and shilled by doctors.

Italians are well cultured.

theyre not, but there is usualyl a clear differency between a 16, 18 and a 21 year old, the way they act, the way the look and the decision they make.

Except that brain development continues until about 25 years of age. After that, if you are still a fuckhead then there is no hope for you.

Do you eat shit 3 times a day you miserable retarded fuck? Lol.
No man made law defines what is naturally healthy, stupid shithead.

You must be a very stable genius....
Obviously it only applies to under 18.

That's about when the brain finally stops developing, so yeah, there's an argument for that. I don't want it, but it's reasonable.

Even if places where the age of consent is lower they still do not let old guys fuck young girls. It's generally only low so young people can fuck young people.

If we did allow 30+ year old men to fuck 14 year olds legally it would quickly hasten the ruin of western civilization to ridiculous degrees. Rich men would get harems of sugar babies, majority of women would would have their holes blown the fuck out even sooner, marriage would end, more men would go mgtow.

how do you know if your a fuckhead? societies standards arent always 'not fuckhead'

I think he means +/- the legal age if you're both within 3 years, so a 19 can bone a 16, but it's 18+ for you if you're 21

>age of consent is 1 and up in civilised countries
>1 and up
Woo-hoo for civilization!

Realistically it has more to do with people under 18 being less able to support a child financially

Never said that.
The implication was 18 fucking a 14 year old.

no it isnt reasonable, were all sexual beings. everyone should be able to have sex with their peers, its only fucked when its a really old person fucking a really young person

So what? Who the fuck has the right to tell them that what they want is wrong? uh?
Sexuality has nothing to do with "the way you act".
Would you suggest that, say, a 40 year old person with down syndrome does not have the right to fultfill the biological need of sexual pleasure he needs because of his decision making ability?
Because you are not a fucking idiot, and you know, say, 15, 16 year old girls are dying to have sex because biology demands it, right?

Would you say a man made law, written by some perverted shithead knows whats healthier better than nature?

whats so srong wiht that?

You guys are pedofiles who probably get your local Girl Scouts to suck your chub in exchange for buying cookies. Filthy casuals. Adhere to the law sick pedos

Everyone matures emotionally at a different rate. It should be like a driver's license. This would be like an adult license, giving you not just consent, but most, if not all legal adult rights. Something you take a test for, earliest you can apply for it should be at the start of puberty (Basically as soon as nature says you are an adult).
There are kids that out there that know a Boeing 747 cockpit inside and out. I would trust them to fly a plane better than I would trust myself. So what if a kid proves, through a government drafted test, that they know more about sex, pregnancy and the consequences than me? In that case I say let them do it. I honestly don't accept that there are people (albeit children) who can naturally birth offspring, but that natural process is the most demonized in the entire world. That can't be right. Surely the future of schooling should include making children well-versed in their own biological and societal potential to produce offspring, by the time they are able to do it.
It's arbitrary. Different people are more (or less) mature at different ages. Some people can handle sexual experience at a relatively young age, and some people can't handle it at the age of 25. That said, I think the age of consent should be lower than it normally is in the west.

if your alive today it because someone stuck their dick in an 11 to 13 year old a long long time ago

just member that sand it was legal and normal
in the US until 1959 when the moral police got other and made that decision

keep in mind these fuckers lost power but still today sine we are living longer want to rise age of consent to 28, so if they had their day liking a 27 year old would make you a pedo

Look in the mirror
If it still looks like you after 25 you're fucked

Kek, sorry, had to take a cheap shot

You "pedosexuals" (actually pedophiles) will make up any "natural law" bullshit to justify raping children. You're actually mentally ill. You deserve to have your genitals tortured, then left with open wounds so you die slowly. That's what is naturally healthy for the rest of society :)

Hurrhurr Trumpcuck autistic screeches again!

This, but also

Nope. You're just a pedo.

Ah sorry misinterpreted

yes please




Very interesting thought!

When two people want to have sex with each other, its never "wrong". You have absolutely no say in it, even if they are 16 and 100.
You shut the fuck up, look somewhere else and go mind your own fucking business.

I thought it was the DEMOCRATS

Are you having a stroke? What the fuck are you trying to say?

age of consent should be fucking 11. not that im that old, but shit.

Ever see a 13-year-old girl naked? Hot as hell.

aj styles molestes his child

Go eat shit, indoctrinated baboon.
"Children". Fucking deluded idiot lol.

Yes, but only because the Democrats kill their kiddies before fucking them.

Doesn't matter the age, people are "debating" it on secret rooms and we can't do shit about it

If she doesn't seem distressed and seems to like it, what's the fucking problem? Every day millions of children are forced to go school and suffer for 5 hours straight but everyone thinks that's ok. THAT is fucked up in my opinion.

im not sure what side your on,
1. consent should be 25
2. consent should be 14
IMO everyone should have the right to fulfill their sexual needs, as long as it doesnt hurt anyone in the process.

But making consent at 25 is ridiculous and anyone who proposes it is stupid. If your saying that then there is alot of other things that would have to be moved up till that number. I sure as hell wouldnt want to wait almost a third of my life before engaging in sexual activities. Thats fucked

Someone wrote something very similar,

people mature differently and when a person is matured enough thne thye should be given the right to make their own decisions such as on sex.

You don't, which is why I said if someones argument was mental and emotional maturity then they would have to set it at 25. Someone else suggested older, to which I pointed out that after 25 it doesn't really matter, because if you havent matured by then you wont.

The whole point here is that 14, 18, 25, they are all just arbitrary numbers that make no difference as to whether the person having sex feels ready. Claiming that its rape for a horny kid to have sex with another horny kid is just criminalizing hormones, and in many cases it carries a life sentence on the registry.

>men could fuck kids
>niggers were property
>women were child-bearing sex slaves who couldn't vote

Na but can we all agree the idea of making a hard cutoff limit for fucking based on how many trips you made around the sun is absurd?
Granted we'd all like a better system, but until you come up with a better definition we're stuck with this weird shit. 18 does sound reasonable only considering that's at least how long your parents have to hang on to you. I'd be uncomfortable serving dinner to some other dude my age who's trying to fuck my high school daughter

>In Italy, the age of consent is 14.
>age of consent is 14.
Moving to Italy guys, bonjour mein cyka puto.


Ok. Let's make a stupid shithead count.

Raise your hands all of those unaware of the meaning of the world pedophilia, which means "sexual attraction towards PREPUBESCENT CHILDREN", and somehow believe that it means "feeling attraction towards whatever the regional made up rules says you shouldn't".

PREPUBESCENT CHILDREN, you inbred, ignorant retarded fucks.

Nope. You're just mentally ill. Hope you get caught and end up on the sex offender registry for life, AS YOU DESERVE.

I'd rather have it be a test you take than be based on age. But if we are going to have it be based on age then it should be higher than when the average teen would be mature enough to have sex to protect the ones that aren't mentally ready yet.

Age of consent is set so adults can't legally take advantage of children, not as a qualifying age of when the individual is ready. The law is in place to protect the vulnerable. That's why it should be a year or 2 higher than when the average teen is ready to have sex.

no they don’t, age is not your maturity, every person is somewhat different and matures differently

hey, get a grip on reality, fucking crazy clown. Read this.

How about just fuck a woman who's your age? Like if your THAT desperate just get a hooker, unless your wanting to say that pedophilia is a sexual orientation, which is absurd

roy moore. you guys JUST supported him. nambla: the GOP supports them. and now the GOP wants to lower the age of consent to 14. you guys are child rapists.


yeh, but anything under 14, they dont know what the fuck they want, the respond to the other person who is involved...and follow their lead


>Do you ever wonder why Sup Forums is such a hated board, OP?

No. I mean, it's not as pathetic as, say, /mlp/, but this board attracts more deviants than an alternative rock concert. If Sup Forums was a building, I would burn it down. Burn it right to the fucking ground. Screw an investigation; I wouldn't even bother to try to hide the fact that it was arson.