What do you main?

What do you main?
i main Aatrox


I main Bard.

nice,i thought about maining him

yasuo is the only one correct answer

Yo soy main Nautilus xD


I main Bolivear.


I too hate myself and main ADC
Right now I’d say my top 3 mains are Ezreal, Twisted Fate (AD), and Morgana

>Lux maim reporting

why would you play tf AD?

League in 2k18. Top kek

juicy 100% AD scaling on W & attack speed from E




Yea i also like to play as a melee minion

Fuck you, and your bullshit QR one shot combo
I instantly ban her and her bullshit
200% mad


What said and it’s fun

Eziest unrank to diax in one Day in preses
Fiddle main



you should try maining clorox


Trundle and that guy who can summon skeletons/zombies. Forgot his name, I don’t play anymore


im support main.
my first pick is blitzcrank
if banned=>morgana
If enemy support is blitzcrank or thresh or leona=> braum
im silver 2

Try lulu no one can handle vs this cancer on lane. Strong as fyck 2vs2 and in tfs

lulu is anoying at best. but has no kill potential. and lacks a good late game

I main random


Annie. She is my waifu


This new passive rework makes me NUTT

Jax jungle main


nasus farm till 500cs @45 mins

Sion is my boy

you creepy pedophile you...



Lame and too slow

Dota 2 because I'm not a camgirl on twitch or a 10 year old.

one and only.
Currently building as triforce/lethaity juggernaut.

fuck off

panth illaoi and yoric
i really like top lane

exuse me,but did i say who do you main in Dota 2?
no,now fuck off and suck valves dick

Ekko is love, Ekko is life

Jhin and Zac main.


Hello I main most ADCs but my favorites are Sivir, Jinx and Twitch




Azir Main reporting in

Main Irelia

I main nunu. My name is Ñunu on oce.

I haven't played in over a year tho. Tried redownloading a few days ago and the download speed is like 30kb/s for 6000mb because of problems on Riot's end. Like a week to download uninterrupted. Maybe it's best I can't get addicted again. Praise the sun gril Leona was fun as heck. I was a team fight monster

Im main Aurelion Sol.
Playing lol since season 1 while quitting now and then for a few months or a year.
But never had a champ that was as funny and skill based like aurelion sol.
Plus its not one of the straight meta fagget champs thaz doesnt need skill or anything.

The only logical choice

Ahri and J4. Anyone up for normals in west?


Diamond Garen main reporting in

Literally THE god champion. Climbed from Bronze to platinum with this unbalanced piece of shit

Get the fuck out you underage autistic faggot and take rest of you cancerouse niggers with you

Draven and Hecarim.

There is no cock like horse cock

stoner detected

Sloppy Poppy, Gold IV

some1 is butthurt

OP here
should i download Dota 2?

Shaco main here.

I also main Lux and Jinx.

My only intrest is to make people mad.

450 games last season as morde. dunno why but all the other champs are just unfun to play to me.
>wow i picked gnar and won lane what a surprise...

Karma is my bitch

Here is my main bitch

Try it it's free
2k hours here

My negro
Best hero of Dota 2

I stopped playing for about a year but decided to start again over the holidays.

Raise your Dongers!

I'd main Taric if I'd play one champ that I need to win with.
You can easily carry a shit team, 4v5 or assassinate ADCs with Taric.

i downloaded it yesterday,played idk what happened,deleted it.
i'll download it today

I wonder how 14 years old little girls are capable posting on Sup Forums?

Man up and stop playing your waifu shit anime fake ass 2ez moba and start playing DotA!


Player base is still growing so?

>adults playing video games
No wonder you're all fucking virgins in your 30s.

>idk what happened
That's what I feel every game
Btw try again, use juggernaut and play safe, don't count too much on spam your abilities max the q early and gg

This guy

it's not our fault you can't score any virgins.

Oh boy bud, you've been away for a long time

Malphite but I haven't played for years.

Now i may apologise sell lol acc switch to doto thank me later

yeah i played jug yesterday


Riven... 440k points but thinking of maining Kha'Zix.

OTP'd Anivia from Gold to Diamond


wait do what is adulting and what are you suppose to do with your adult life? Just wondering since adulting comes with a manual and all that shit, y'know like parenting.

800k Kayle

Invoker 5300 mmr, but not your typical one build invoker sunstrike every game

i main twink