If its so bad to be an alcoholic then why do i only do useful shit when i drink

if its so bad to be an alcoholic then why do i only do useful shit when i drink

my son and gf treat me like fuck all when i'm at home all the time, but when i drink i fill out job applications and stop being a pussy for a little while. so does that mean i should just fucking drink and make it work or be a bitch and do nothing for the rest of my life? both options are wrong imo but it's what i have right now

In reality, it's fucking up your body. if you're having trouble with motivation/ lack of inhibition you're much cheaper/safer in the end just doing a pill of mdma when you need to get shit done. It'll make you a more loving person, more motivated and it's cheaper than buying a bottle of grog everyday. It won't make you all disoriented or clumsy like alcohol will either.

>wearing bathingsuits and the kids still feel the need to cover up

MDMA is essentially alcohol without the bad side effects. You can take antidepressants the day after if you have trouble dealing with the day-after depression. Personally I don't get the mdma hangover, but I know friends who get it really bad.

>mdma wont disorient you

lol. well OP look into other drugs. or do something when you drink that will permanently change your life. go into the woods with a knife and survive

>why do i only do useful shit when i drink
>how does that make me an alcoholic

Because just like a drug addict you are utterly useless and helpless until you get your fix

If you just do small doses, it won't. I'm not saying go and drop 5 caps in a night, I'm saying if you're at home and looking to do something like write a resume, parachute half a point and wait an hour

Get clean, go exercise and get high on the endorphins, make yourself a better person. Drugs are just going to lead to more drugs

This is the most retarded advice you could give someone with a drinking problem. Switching habits doesnt solve anything. And honestly, saying there is no bad side effects to mdma is rediculous simply by its function within the brain. But you wouldnt know that because you are 15 and you once heard a rap song where some nigger told you to pop a molly.

The therapeutic effects of mdma are for group therapy because of its empathetic effects

If you think something will make you happy, and you take it, then it will. Because thats how the placebo effect works.

If anything mdma will make you more depressed in the long run because it will reduce the number of serotonin receptors in the neurons throughout your body. Taking more forever doesnt solve this reality


The only post OP should bother reading.

OP here, sorry guys. as scary as it might sound i am a daycarer and i was letting the baby go to his mom, so i am back now and typing out responses.

i used to exercise but have had issues understanding why it's not as easy now. i experience quite substantial joint pain that makes it difficult to do what i used to, and my locale is not as accessible for more gentle workouts. we can talk more on this if you want

i know this is like 3 posts in one but i'll respond to them all at once. i have no interest in doing any drugs, i don't even want to drink. i tend to drink in excess because i want to get rid of what i have, and i try to buy only one bottle or can of beer when i drink that so i don't overdo it. when i get a lot at once, i just try to get rid of it, and hardly enjoy the effects. i used to do drugs and avoid them like the plague. therapeutic effects aside, i have no interest in them regardless of their potential clinical benefits.

now, the real kicker i have to work with is that i don't feel i have a drinking problem as much as a thinking problem, as i know they speak of in alcoholics anonymous. however at the same time i believe their system is rigged to make you think you have problems, and my difficult to convey whilst intoxicated reasoning proves myself right to myself i have an inclination to try to focus on what i feel are more pertinent conversational points, like what i can do while sober to bring myself a satisfaction similar or par to what i feel when drinking, that can encourage healthy behaviour. because for some fucking reason when i do good things while drunk they become bad things.

more drugs = more funner

there are 2 options
continue drinking and be a useful tool
get into therapy and fix your issues that prevent you from self fulfilment when sober

it depends on whether you're american or don't live in a shithole 3rd world country with health care to actually help you get your shit sorted

therapy as in actually learning to deal with shit, not being fed medication to make you compliant

A drinking problem is a thinking problem... but it will inevitably become a physical problem if you dont cut back. Alcohol is the only drug that you can die from withdrawals from

I will explain.

According to my experience (I have been a drunktard most of my life) what you are referring to is disinhibition. Alcohol makes you more confident, and that's why you (think) you accomplish things while you are on booze. But you have to take into account that when you are under the influence, you are more clumsy, you commit more errors, your time management is fucked (id est you spend time in the buying-drinking-hangover aeternal loop), you pay less atention on detail...

The issue is that when you stop drinking, you get depressed. Alcohol filled so much void space...and now all that void is in front of you. And you don't know what to do.

But this is only a matter of time. Once you give up booze for a while, you regain energy, and you begin to fill that void. All by yourself. It's just a matter of habits.

Try stopping booze (with some phisician's help), and go for it. Be well aware that if you need alcohol in order to function properly, you already have a problem. A big one.

Best luck.

Because you need alcohol to be normal.. Thats addiction. You need help. You need alcohol to perform simple tasks..

If you don't want to drink then why do you buy alcohol? I think your problem is that you're dumb.

Taking antidepressants and MDMA isn't wise.

therapy isn't the most viable option, though i have tried it and not gotten far. i appreciate your input and wish to hear more, if there is any.

i wish to die but fight my father's words in making it never happen. so i guess yes let me die but don't let it be by my direct intentions

my alcohol or lack thereof doesn't inhibit me the same way intoxication might. there have been times in my life i can stop at one beer, or shot, and fall asleep, and wake up feeling on top of the world. i wake up after heavy drinking to my alarms, whereas normally i sleep through them. why can i do what i need to do when i drink but not otherwise?

i can do them either way, alcohol just makes me comfortable...

i don't drink regularly

on my third response, i understand that alcohol prevents REM sleep, but i function more productively day-to-day with alcohol than otherwise. idk if that really clarifies what i meant, though

The reason you feel like shit is because you're dependant. So you just have to be useless for a while. Might take a really long time and some sort of therapy, or new healthier habits like exercise. But once you overcome your addiction you'll be able to function without alcohol, and you'll have that drive and capability sober. And you're less likely to die prematurely of some sort of disease. It may seem like a long road, but it's totally worth it.

When I first came to grips with my alcohol problem, I also came to the conclusion that all the recovery clinics are a for profit industry that don't cure addiction. I'm sure most in that industry are genuinely interested in helping people, but the whole thing is fucked up and designed to jew you out of you medical insurance shekels.

I had sucess with Stanton Peele's stuff. Google him. Order a book or something. Even if you don't like it his book is way cheaper than seeing a series of doctors and councillors.

I no longer drink every day and I never (almost) drink more than I intend to now using his system

I reckon there could be alternatives out there. You'd probably be better off being careful with prescribed Adderall or something rather than being reckless with alcohol you likely have an endless supply of.

Obviously it's not ok to just swap your addiction from alcohol to amphetamines, but I reckon it'd be far easier to control. If you really are just after the calmness or mental clarity then you shouldn't have much issues with addiction.

Do whatever works for you. Most people are worse when they drink. If it improves you, do it. Some people are outliers

i go months without booze, i don't depend on it. i can go months without thinking about drinking. it makes things simpler, in the short run, and that's all i focus on when i drink. my problems aren't solved, they're only ever ignored, and i do that intentionally. is that my flaw?

i will look into it

i sought narcotics for experimental purposes from a professional and they refused me, so i don't know how effective they would be from a clinical aspect.

i'm not opposed to it, but it's an expensive habit...

>i sought narcotics for experimental purposes from a professional and they refused me, so i don't know how effective they would be from a clinical aspect.
Might be worth getting a second opinion. Obviously don't go against what they say, but doctors do sometimes fuck up.

I have the exact same thing. When I'm drunk, shit gets done otherwise it doesn't. Can't explain it, just the way it is. Improved blood circulation is probably what's behind it. There's something fundamentally biochemical behind the performance enhancing effects of this drug and I don't believe any ideas about alternatives like muh psychological issues or muh self improvement because I tried all that and it got me nowhere. There's just something invigorating about a shot of vodka or two and then my body has energy and off I go, if you get me.

No, you idiot, you just get the DT's when you don't have your alcohol and you've forgotten what it was like to be sober.

Let the liquor do the thinking

That's a nice and fancy theory and all but as I have alluded to already I've tried longer periods of sobriety and my workplace efficiency took an unbelievable nosedive so fuck off with your bullshit. Does it sharpen the ability to tell apart important from unimportant, does it somehow allow the mind to cut through irrelevant details and find what's important, does it enhance blood circulation, something else entirely, who's to say, all I know is this stuff is potent and sharpens my analytical skills.

>MDMA is essentially alcohol without the bad side effects.

This post is hilarious, since every person I knew in my teens who regularly dig MDMA is now basically retarded.

Yes. You have a shallower sleep when you have drunk, I have experienced it.

In my opinion, you are going downhill now. If you do not drink, you are depressed. But this will develop into nervous depression over time. If you drink, you perform better.

Just a hint: bipolar disorder with concomitant alcoholism, if not there, incoming.

You just need to stop. Depending how old you are, alcohol is fucking up your body. When you drink 10+ years heavily you WILL start to see the effects on your body, kidneys/pancreas/liver. Liver is actually very strong and that usually goes last but pancreas and kidneys are not that strong. No matter what you lie to yourself you will need to gradually stop or you'll need to choose between the grave or being homeless.
I would suggest seeking help and getting counseling.
Underage idiots who offer their MDMA advice are too young to understand that you can't take that kind of drug daily unless you want to end up having a crippling depression and other fun effects. It's actually very bad advice on every level.
I would suggest taking opiates as a replacement. That's way more safe than any other drugs but in the end you will get up addicted (please understand that addiction, no matter what any retard here says, is physical and mental). Having go through heavy cold turkey widthdrawal from months of prolonged heroin use is not something you want to experience.
Choose wisely. You need to replace the alcohol with something. You can choose poorly and pick another drug or you can do effort and choose something which is helpful in the long run. These things are not easy but at some point you need to make decision and stick with it.

Oh yeah and to add: if you think your relationship and/or friends are creating bad energy around you and giving you another reason to drink: quit your friends and quit your relationship.
When you hang out with people you don't like the chance that something bad happens grows bigger every day until it happens.
If you hang out with good people there's a chance you are good as well but if you hang out with shit people there's a huge possibility you are shit or grow to be shit as well.

Get a prescription for benzos maybe, sounds like you're stressed. Also, put the bastard on time out and drop the whore. You'll feel better.

Not at the same time, he said when you're coming down from the MDMA.