Why did hitler focus on jews instead of brownskins?

why did hitler focus on jews instead of brownskins?

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Becuase he was waiting for trump to take care of them for him


there weren't many niggers in germany at the time

Because Germany didnt really have brown skins.

Because at the time Europe was still a white continent. The SS killed gypsies and muslims too when they saw them but it's not like they were that common as the jews.

This desu

Because he underestimated the British threat.

I think jews were ~2% of the population yet were completely over represented by the number of jewish politicians, bankers and business owners. They were partly responsible for the depression and the rampant depravity of cities such as Berlin prior to Hitler's economic upheaval of Germany.

He also focused on jews because of the German Revolution which happened after WWI

There was not niggers in germany, you fucking retarded.

Why did hitler hate jews?

Is there a quote where he says why he hates them so much?

He didn't like them either. He sterilized the "rhineland bastards" (probably the only brown people in germany at that time) and compared black people to monkeys in "Mein Kampf".


to early for the locusts to spread, niggers deserve it 10x as much a jews did.

It was because he blamed them for his own shortcomings.

t. mainstream western and Russian education for the past 70 years.

Jews were communists that were enslaving and killing millions of people

They were the main enemy.

Yeah, there is.

>jews dindu nuffin

you know other than the communist revolution, the starvation and massacre of millions, and otherwise enslaving whole countries.

are you fucking retarded?

Because they were the ones infesting Europe at the time.
If he was around today he'd be all about sending mudshits to the ovens.

>why did hitler focus on the source of the problem instead of just treating the symptoms

Think they fucked Germany good.

Why did Hitler respect pseudo-mudskin American Natives, comparing them to Aryans?


I wonder who it could have been

True Hitler underestimated the Anglo's thirst for white blood. And the Anglo's love for multiculturalism.

hitler was a cuck, he even called iranians and poo's "aryan"

He didnt hate them. He just tried to recover Germany from treatry of Versailles. But his aim was against interests of international Jewish bankers.

based Solzhenitsyn

Didn't really matter, they were in their own countries

He was objectively right though

Yeah how about ignore everything everyone said itt and have Hitler himself explain to you in his own words here

Okay everyone? No faggot is talking on behalf of Hitler.


>Bolsheviks killed much more
>tried to overrun Europe and bath their bloody boots in the western shores of Europe
>stopped by Polacks
>nobody fucker remembers the horrid things Bolsheviks did
>also Jewish Ideology


The only problem is that Indo European ( "aryan") features are so rare in those areas due to race mixing, invasion, genocide etc.

Hughposting is the best

Is this picture trying to convince me that Pakistan is as white as Denmark?

No, all the white features were quickly bred out due to the high poo in loo population density

But in low population density areas (central asia, middle east) you still see light features.

Still in South Asia there is a genetic "split" between invading light skin "Aryans" and dark skin "Dravidians" but they are so mixed it barely means anything.


I think we all know the real reason the Nazis were mosnters

These people should be quarantined and protected as an endangered species.

And fucker is still kicking.


they really should be

they're like a diamond in the poo.

completely over represented by the number of jewish politicians, bankers and business owners

thats the same rethoric sjws use against white males.
hitler= sjw of 30'

And it's truly a mystery why the Jews supported the Rothschild and Marx

>“Himself a Jew, Marx has around him, in London and France, but especially in Germany, a multitude of more or less clever, intriguing, mobile, speculating Jews, such as Jews are every where: commercial or banking agents, writers, politicians, correspondents for newspapers of all shades, with one foot in the bank, the other in the socialist movement, and with their behinds sitting on the German daily press — they have taken possession of all the newspapers — and you can imagine what kind of sickening literature they produce. Now, this entire Jewish world, which forms a single profiteering sect, a people of blooksuckers, a single gluttonnous parasite, closely and intimately united not only across national borders but across all differences of political opinion — this Jewish world today stands for the most part at the disposal of Marx and at the same time at the disposal of Rothschild. I am certain that Rothschild for his part greatly values the merits of Marx, and that Marx for his part feels instinctive attraction and great respect for Rothschild.

>This may seem strange. What can there be in common between Communism and the large banks? Oh! The Communism of Marx seeks enormous centralization in the state, and where such exists, there must inevitably be a central state bank, and where such a bank exists, the parasitic Jewish nation, which. speculates on the work of the people, will always find a way to prevail ....”

Never underestimate a beedy

uh you're forgetting the part where Hitler would have prevented our extinction and provided a future where we aren't subject to this degenerate racial melting pot.

Every man should place the security and future of his people, nation and race as his foremost goal above all else.

The fact this goal has been taken from us is the main problem and something that must return and with it a positive remembrance of Hitler.


"Releasing Hebrews was a mistake" - an egyptian slave overseer.

>2% of the population
>almost all the leaders of the communists
>not a single leader of the opposition to communists was jewish

yes it's "totally" like SJWs

fun fact: they were never even slaves in Egypt

They were "captives" in Babylon (Babel) though.