Niggers are now crying over racist H&M hoodie

Niggers are now crying over racist H&M hoodie.
How do we end this?

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comments on a video of people discussing it are also fucking retarded

We white supreme race kill all the niggers in the most inhumane way possible and we put in a HBO special after game of thrones. Suggestions are welcome

I'm in a fb group and the blacks are chimping out and now posting about whites. Can y'all make some photoshopped pics on other black kids

who's "we" nigger? deal with you problems yourself you triggered faggot


Need a hug pal? Why so angry?

You know i was watchinf dave chappelle and he was talking about emmet till and how he sparked the civil rights movement due to some white chick lying.

You guys may just be that white girl if you keep fucking with the niggers

just got banned on /r/news cuz i said it wan't racist

its the traps thread, they are making me angry and confused and horny


>how do we end this

ITT nigger tier Sup Forumstards chimping out and giving H&M more free advertising. It's a Jewish trick goys

Niggers chimp out all the time. you faggots already prepared us for what to expect

I don't get it, if niggers don't think they're monkey's why are they getting mad than ?

blacks find everything offensive

I fuckin laughed so hard when I read this article. Fucking perfect.

Why inhumane, do want to inspire an uprising? Why not just sugar life them into unreality?


Just for keks, because it's true

We kill all the niggers and nigger sympathizers. Seriously, this should have been done so long ago.



Literally a non issue.
Unless this is too?

whiteboys be mad because they know this little fucker is going to fuck all the girls they will only fap to

Found the ape brained spook darkie blacknigger.


Why are niggers so easily offended? It's almost like they want excuses to be triggered so they can justify their looting and violent acts.........

Couldn't have said it better myself user

What do you mean "we" tough guy?

Hello nigger

Pipe down and go steal some KFC, Jalonda.

nice trips, white boy be too fat, need people to lift him up and drive him around and shit

Nigger be too stupid, need special classes n sheeit

Genocide of nigger race from planet.

>How do we end this?
Reinstate slavery

Actually that chimps name is probably Tyrese, but we don't really care messing up animal names now do we?

whats up mah nig? you too fucking hot white bitches and leaving the white boys with nothing?

Is this one of those "I'm not racist but..."

and yall need a special crane to get out a bed mah nig

This statement brought tears of happiness to my eyes.

I think somewhere this was supposed to anger someone? Please try harder. And don't ever disrespect trips again you ignorant fucking nigger

True that, his name could be Nigger N. Nog for all I care.

Go back to your mud and shit hut before I bring out the job applications.

Who cares? My life doesn't revolve around an extreme obsession with race, especially since it has no impact on my life.

It's always funny when niggers try to generalize others to deflect from the fact that they are the only ones who embody all the stereotypes about them.

fuck off and grow a pair ape lover

ignore them.

call the police on every black person you see no matter what they are doing.

Is pissed because he couldn't get fat off that govt cheese.

It's always funny when niggers try to generalize others
congrats user, full retarded achieved

>hello officer, I feel in danger
>what seems to be the problem
>there's a black guy

>nigger can't greentext
>nigger has no reading comprehension
>nigger has a double digit IQ
Par for the course.

All of them are criminals, so the cops will easily find something on each of them. Nice strategy. I'd rather just have them work my farmland though.

I wish Nike would come out with a ad/product like this so niggers would stop murdering people for their shoes.

This is the only reason that we taught them to stay the fuck away from our shit. Most of them couldn't grasp the language tho.


Your life revolves around crime if it's got nasty niggers. I know you like your stuff, but in the right situation, even your device used to be on here could be stolen by niggers. No good niggers.

They dindu nuffins though they was good boys out spreading the word of Jesus by lootin them stores.

Niggers are a travesty, an abortion of human nature and decency

whiteboy be afraid? close the curtains mah nig and stay hidden in your mommas basement

This is the only reason that we taught them to stay the fuck away from our shit. Most of them couldn't grasp the language though

i aint the one making no sense mah nig, im tellin the straight shit in yo face


Stop trying to read and comprehend language before you hurt your ape brain, Lydarius.


Don't you have a convenience store to rob or a fat nigress to knock up, you filthy spook?

Whoever posted this fucking picture, God bless.


>It's always funny when niggers try to generalize others
explain that mah nig, still waiting

Do you honestly not understand what that means? Is the word "generalize" too big for your nigger brain?

You want to get rid of niggers? Have only white men fuck black women. In 4 generations they won't be black anymore...

Literal fucking retard, I can't believe I'm actually spoonfeeding a nigger

>thinks greentext makes an argument
>uses "has no" in a sentence
>-1.E99 IQ
Snowniggers are the worst

>thinks using "has no" is incorrect
Niggers are actually illiterate, I thought it was just a meme.

How do y'all white Boris even compete?! Bwaaahhahahah

It's much more simple to cleanse the earth and kill all the niggers.

and what you doing when you say "niggers" like they are some kind of entity mah nig? You are a brainwashed fool, only a fucking uneducated idiot is a racist

step 1: stop being racist.
and that's pretty much it.


Whatever helps you sleep at night, backpedaling spooky darkie coon skinned ape brained tar baby boon lipped welfare sucking crack dealing moon cricket porchmonkey spear chucking nigger.

>waaaaaah le hoodie is racist
Fuck off.

>needs to be slapped with the pimp hand of god
She needs to be slapped with a shovel in the face

uh argumentum ad hominem mah nig? read a fucking book for once in your life you bigoted fuck

To think I even went back to see if the nigger even made sense, my God, even elementary grammar is too hard for apes, but apparently not unemployment and victimizing themselves.

There's nothing be argued, you stupid nigger. Stop trying to turn everything into a debate so you can pretend like you've won something. You will never receive any fulfillment in your life, and that is because you're a nigger.


>but apparently not unemployment and victimizing themselves.

it is racist, nigga. notice how the same people claiming that shit isn't racist, are the same people who's calling for genocide of black people.


See, there's the problem. Maybe if people like you wouldn't exist, they wouldn't have a reason to be upset at all. You're the cancer that corrodes humankind.

>what is false equivalence
You know what, never mind, just ignore that. I don't expect a nigger to understand what it means.

im not even black, i just come here to laugh at stupid people and trigger them

You can't be this retarded.

End it? We dragged them in chains from their huts and enslaved them. That was our chance to end it. Instead of stopping there, however, we released them, filled their heads with the idea that they were our equals and now we give them whatever they desire lest we be branded a bigot and scorned by our own countrymen. Sit back, relax, and try not to get imprisoned for a hate crime. This one's gonna take some time to fix.

>im not even black
It doesn't matter, you're a nigger.

I'm not the one that doesn't know what "generalizing" means, you stupid nog.

That little demon is ugly af, this shit was without a doubt on purpose, it was probably one of ours honestly that used so sjw doublethink to allow supervisors to justify it. At least this is what would be funny as shit, to shitpost and frame a super that is a giant cuck.

When you act like a subhuman you get treated like a subhuman

Or, and here's a thought, they should stop victimizing themselves and get the fuck over it. Nobody else starts riots and murders people over mean words. Go back to your hugbox you fucking pussy.

Haha fucking loser

Your English is fucking trash like your fucking future nigger. And just to be clear I'm different from the other user, I noticed you saying mah nig like some kind of wannabe comedian or rapper trying to act all tough. Fucking kill yourself asap, look at your skin and evaluate how shit you look along with your people. Like literally, fucking take your family into the garage, close the doors, turn on your shit excuse of a car, and choke on that carbon monoxide.