Holy shit

Holy shit.

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good but overhated entry level album

*unholy shit
shit alone would have sufficed though

It's the kind of black metal album you can listen to on a sunny day with your girlfriend.

>entry level

literally everyone jumped boat to the "IT ISN'T BLACK METAL ENOUGH" ship when they realized there was more to the genre

says a lot when the entry level album is head and shoudlers above the rest of the genre its in (referring to blackgaze)

I love this album but it’s a shoegaze album first and foremost

not a genre

Not real black metal. fuck these posers

black metal for hipsters



Can you guys be anymore of a cliche

Oh but you dont understand, its not kvlt enough. Its too popular, the cover is too pretty, and it doesn't sound like it was mixed with a toaster.

This isn't a black metal album. That's not even an elitest statement; it's just an objective fact. Anybody who believes that this is a black metal album doesn't understand black metal.

Even the band doesn't think that it's black metal.


Agreed. It's blackgaze. It has elements of black metal, like double base blast beats, tremolo picking, and high pitched screaming vocals, but soft, dreamy guitar mixing, mostly in major keys, and lots of use of major 7 chords.

It's NOT a black metal album, but it IS a good album.

I haven't seen anyone claim it is Black Metal though, it's Blackgaze i've seen BM elitists getting triggered over the term Blackgaze and not being able to admit the album has some form of BM elements.


Choa poster go away, shouldn't you be playing Black Desert or something?