I am debating whether or not to get a flu shot. People are DYING this year due to the flu...

I am debating whether or not to get a flu shot. People are DYING this year due to the flu. I can get one for free with my insurance. But I've heard mixed opinions about them; whether they are a scam, if they do harm to your body, or if flu shots release DNA into your body so the government can track you.

Let's shed some TRUTH about flu shots and whether they are worth getting or not.

nigga get your goddamn flu shot
smh all this anti-vaccine shit is retarded

I've never had a flu shot and I've never had the flu
Your results may vary tho

people are dying every year of the flu, it's a bigger killer than aids.
but if you're not in a risk group ignore that shot and carry it out should you catch it, the odds are likely zero
risk groups are the old, medical personell or immune defects.

Please don't, you'll get even more autism.

spent years of my life getting a PhD in immunology, focused on the human response the the flu shot and flu infection. GET THE FLU SHOT. Negative reactions happen but are rare, but even in years when the "efficacy" is low (like this year, about 10%), the benefits to you and others around you far outweigh those possible negative consequences.It may not be great at preventing you from getting sick, but if you do, the severity is likely to be lower that if you didnt get it. And you're less likely to pass it to others (including very young, very old, and immunocompromised people)...

Look up "Tuskeegee government syphyllis"
Also, they only work on 10% of the strains of flu out there. Source: I was hitting on 2 doctors (chicks), and one was telling me to get it and other said it was total bullshit. The hotter one said it was bullshit.


People dying in my area from flu this year too.
Don't know whether I should get the vaccine or not as well.

Your entire story is bullshit, nigger. Let me guess, the "cute" one was your 60yr old GP?

and this is why idiots trying to think about efficacy numbers make things seem worse than normal. Realize trolling, but come on. Lives.

one strain targets healthy young ppl up to mid 20's...that's the scary one.

I have the flu. I haven't been sick in years. I literally want to end myself. even in my dreams I'm in pain.

strains dont target. they may be better/worse at infecting you based on your history and your genetics, but... again, come on. why talk about things you know nothing about?

You have to be absolutely fucking retarded to get a flu shot. The strain in the flu shot is last years strain. Even if you run into the same strain flu shots have been proven to be ineffective in 80% of cases.

If you have to specify (chicks) they were certainly not chick, you cock mongrel.

also, my insides are on fire while my skin is cold. then on top of that, I'm sweating. literally the dumbest combination ever. I want to blow my sinuses out and drain my body of the gallons of mucus I must be producing. haven't eaten in 3+ days. starting to get eye migraines which I've never had before.

flu is a natural culling method for our species. why the fuck should everyone live to be 100? gtfo

the strain is NOT always last years. It typically is based on what's circulating in the opposite hemisphere (it's flu season in the southern hemisphere when it's time to make the vaccine in the northern) but the strain selection is also based on predictions, math, etc. You're talking to someone who has helped make those predictions.

Flu jabs are fine if you're young. Risky if you're old. I knew a 87 year old man. Still fully independent and driving his car about. He had the flu jab. Had a really bad reaction and never recovered. He died 3 months later.

Dude I'm a fucking bartender at a high end restaurant. Professional go in there all the time. I didn't know they were doctors. Started talking to some bitch that was Indian (dot not feather) about how she was going to South Africa. I went there last year and started talking to her about that. And then her hot white friend joined her a little later. I asked the Indian bitch if she had already got her shots for Africa... thats when they told me they were doctors and it went into the flu shot. The hotter doctor even made a joke about how her friend loves to take it in the ass... a double entendre referring to dick and shots. You fucking miserable lonely piece of shit. Just cause you have tittles and are angry cause you can't see your dick, doesn't mean people don't flirt and fuck each other. God damn.

>Dude I'm a fucking bartender at a high end restaurant. Professional go in there all the time. I didn't know they were doctors. Started talking to some bitch that was Indian (dot not feather) about how she was going to South Africa. I went there last year and started talking to her about that. And then her hot white friend joined her a little later. I asked the Indian bitch if she had already got her shots for Africa... thats when they told me they were doctors and it went into the flu shot. The hotter doctor even made a joke about how her friend loves to take it in the ass... a double entendre referring to dick and shots. You fucking miserable lonely piece of shit. Just cause you have tittles and are angry cause you can't see your dick, doesn't mean people don't flirt and fuck each other. God damn.

Dude I'm a fucking bartender at a high end restaurant. Professional go in there all the time. I didn't know they were doctors. Started talking to some bitch that was Indian (dot not feather) about how she was going to South Africa. I went there last year and started talking to her about that. And then her hot white friend joined her a little later. I asked the Indian bitch if she had already got her shots for Africa... thats when they told me they were doctors and it went into the flu shot. The hotter doctor even made a joke about how her friend loves to take it in the ass... a double entendre referring to dick and shots. You fucking miserable lonely piece of shit. Just cause you have tittles and are angry cause you can't see your dick, doesn't mean people don't flirt and fuck each other. God damn.

>Still not understanding the value of herd immunity

The good thing about people that believe in fake science is that they'll get fucked with a self inflicted Darwinism.

Do it OP, don't take the shot. Don't take any shot. Go die with something. Get out of the genetic pool.

>being this completely fucking stupid
Hey, dipshit, The flu shot doesn't give you immunity nor is it effective 80% of the time.

define effective. you're wrong.

All of this Anti-Vaccine shit is a scam. It was all started by a rich businessman of a pharmaceutical company in the UK. Basically, a rival company brought out this brilliant new vaccine at the time and lowered his sales. He forged false papers to discredit them and claimed that the vaccines caused Autism in children. As a result, people believed him and did not vaccinate their children, resulting in an increase of infant deaths. Several years later, he issued a formal apology, admitted he was lying and withdrew the papers he published. The very man who made up the antivax lie said that it was false.

Vaccines consist of a small sample of the disease which is placed into your body, normally a weakened strain. Think of it as target practice for the immune system. I won't bore you with all the detail but the immune system learns to combat that particular threat (e.g. a flu virus strain) and when the virus actually does infect you the immune system can immediately recognise and combat it before it does you any harm.

Source: I literally develop and study vaccines for a living.

pretty late in "the season". at this point I wouldn't bother

>Anti-vaccine shit is a scam
No, 10% effectiveness is a scam. KYS, shill.

Noooo. "The season" really lasts until Aprilish every year, and if you remember that whole H1N1 "swine flu" season, it can be much later than that.

>scared to get flu
>decides to have flu injected into them
How retarded can you be? If you are afraid of getting sick boost your immune system. Go fucking eat a bunch of veggies that have iron in it. Trust, everyone is anemic and needs it. Be like pop eye eat fuckin spinach.

Again, define "effectiveness"...while this year's vaccine has been said to have 10% efficacy, that does not mean it's only going to work in 10% of people. It means it prevents about 10% of infections, but that number does not include decreased hospitalizations, reduced severity of disease, etc.

Try harder

Fuck out of here paid vaccine shill.

Is this fiction or truth? Either way, funny. You cou!d probably make money with your storytelling abilities man

I am literally a fucking doctor who develops vaccines for a living and you try to tell me that I'm wrong. Sit down kid

"shill" = "i have given up trying to argue on the merits of my reasoning"

i havent got mine.. i NEVER get any, haven't since i was about 6. i rarely ever get the flu, while people i know that got the shot also got the flu. You don't need it.

I'm a pharmacist, so I feel qualified to respond.

Get your fucking flu shot. Vaccinations don't cause autism. Hundreds of millions of people receive vaccinations yearly, and a small number of people have autism. Even if there was a 100% causation, it's still fucking better than polio and smallpox.

tl;dr don't be dumb. Get vaccinated.

This. Our hospital is admitting several new flu patients daily. It's really picked up in the last two weeks.

right because people are supposed to get the flu. it's 100% natural

Have gotten one every year of my life since I was 5 and I got the flu twice in elementary school. And once it was the Avian flu, not the same thing.

>Got vaccine
>Family didn't
>Entire Family got Flu
> I didn't, repeat most years

people harp on herd immunity, but what about survival of the fittest?