Thoughts on ellie goulding?

thoughts on ellie goulding?

I wonder what her bacon smells like?

Shit body of work, boring music

My favorite female artist not Joanna, Kate or Bjork.






Good when I just want to keep on dancing.

her first album was cute, sufferable but overproducd glittery pop
she has gone complete shit afterwards

She's actually very good live and clearly cares about and legitimately wants to entertain her audience. Has a couple good songs and generally tries to perform well, if having a voice that's well-propagated in our time.

Her opener was better. Has St. Lucia done anything since like 2014? They had a moment there but I've heard nothing since, they fucking blew me away as an opener unexpectedly.

I jerked to her one, good jerk

>she has gone complete shit afterwards

unironically, straight-up, a talentless hack

Caught her by mistake really at Coachella a few years back. Can second this. She really surprised me and put on a great heartfelt show, engaged with the audience and really impressed me. Have liked her ever since. Love the smoky quality to her voice.

She's shit, but she looks kind of hot and like a post-op trans guy at the same time which could fool you into thinking she's good if you're an idiot.

She used to be Skrillex's girlfriend.

Is that a good or bad thing?

Love her first album, it was cute, unique. All down hill from there.

No I don't think about her.

annoying, boring, meaningless