Sit down, Sup Forums. I have a story to tell you about how I broke up with my fiancee...

Sit down, Sup Forums. I have a story to tell you about how I broke up with my fiancee. What once started as a fantastic relationship turned into a nightmare of gaslighting and narcissism.

Out of what little respect I have left for her, I won't be supplying pics.

>Be me
>Be late September of 2016
>Be playing World of Warcraft
>Recruiting for my guild
>Girl/Boyfriend couple inquire as to what my guild is about
>Tell them
>They join up
>Playing Overwatch halloween shit
>"boyfriend" is being a shitbag
>A week later, "girlfriend" messages me, gives me logs of her and him fighting over text. Asks me to call him out if he brings the drama into guild shit
>Tell her I'm sorry about her shitty boyfriend
>"What do you mean? We're not together"
>"Did he say we were together?"
>"Jesus Christ. No. He just wants to be. We've been friends for years and he keeps trying but I won't let him"
>She tells me that one time, he tried to buy a house next to hers and move a few states over
>Jesus Christ.
>He leaves the guild shortly afterward

What did you say she gave you when she messaged you?

cool story op


god damn op have it typed out before ya post!!!

>Her and I are close friends by now, flirting and whatever
>She's doing shit like telling me she was in the store without any panties on
>it's obvious what she wants
>We start dating in November
>Long Distance is bullshit and I live in Canada
>Things going great, she snaps me from work and shit. She works night shifts, I work day shifts, but w/e
>She won't let me drive to work without calling me to talk as she's falling asleep
>A little clingy but whatever
>Fast forward to January
>her and her parents fly to Canada
>We spend a week together
>Dick hurts from all the sex
>Best week ever, honestly
>She goes home, we are sad.
>Long Distance won't work if we can't live together
>Head out to live with her for a few months in the States.
>First month goes great. Again, my poor dick.
>Slowly start to see her problems
>She's a little entitled but whatever
>She does things differently from the way I do them, fine with me -- not fine with her.
>Change the way I do things because it's really no big deal
>Her own independence is a big problem because "Don't ask if I need help, agreeing to help is a sign f weakness", but not doing anything when I help you without asking apparently isn't?
>Second month is on and off, she's visibly stressed and I don't know why -- doing all I can to help her out
>She breaks her hand
>She only drives stick. I don't. I tell her I can help but she needs to tell me when to switch gears
>She doesn't tell me when to switch gears
>She gets mad and does it herself
>I'm in big trouble now!
>Get home, she's livid.
>I'm a horrible person I guess

>Things quiet down, I help her paint her living room/dining room, things are good
>Go out to a movie, come back and she's talking to her "boyfriend" again
>Ask her to inform him that she's seeing someone
>Explain that I would just feel more comfortable that way
>Cue 10 minute shouting match of me having no right telling her what she can or can't do
>Meanwhile always telling me she wants a man who will take control
>Will never relinquish control when I try to take it
>Next month is pretty shitty, everything I do is wrong and there's nothing I can do to fix it
>What the fuck.
>I leave to go home and she kisses me passionately at the airport and says she's sorry she was such a shit.
>Progress. Maybe we can still make this work.
>Spoiler alert.
>I spend like 6 hours in LGA waiting for a delayed plane with no Wi-Fi.
>She's texting my sister like crazy hoping I'm OK
>Get home
>Busy so can't talk to her while she drives to visit family
>She's pissed
>Tell her I can talk to her in 10 minutes
>"No it's OK. Don't bother."
>What did I do wrong this time?
>She starts to psuedo-ghost me
>Tell her that if she doesn't want to be together, we can break up.
>"No I love you"
>We have a big talk about how shitty she's been lately.
>She promises to change
>Spoiler alert.

>She's going to Colorado for her birthday
>Don't have much money, but offer to come along anyway
>She doesn't want me there
>She takes her male coworker though
>What the fuck.
>He's gay tho so whatever
>Spend months without seeing her face to face
>Back and forth over "I love you and never want to leave you" and "I'm ignoring 90% of what you're saying to me and I don't want to spend time in calls with you"
>What. The. Fuck.
>Serious relationship talk
>She apologizes, and things are good for a month or so.
>I go over there for Halloween, there for two weeks.
>Plans to propose, because I'm stupid and we kept talking about marriage, because things were really, really good
>Nothing but fighting.
>It wasn't meant to be this way
>What did I even do this time?
>Things get better near the end
>She's crying, she's so fucking happy.

>Go home
>Things are good
>Suddenly, everything I'm doing with my life isn't good enough
>Not living well enough
>Not finishing school fast enough
>My hobbies aren't hobby-ish enough
>Too much time on the computer
>Bitch I only spend so much time on here to talk to YOU
>She's back and forth on ignoring everything I say and telling me she never wants me to leave her again
>Get her Christmas present
>She's elated
>She says she has one for me
>Still haven't got it to this day
>New Years rolls around
>Ask her to Skype with me, we haven't in over a month because she doesn't ever want to. She got mad when i stopped asking for some reason.
>She says no
>Ask why I ask if she keeps telling me no
>She has no response
>Tell her I'm done being played around with. Wasted a year of my life on her and all she does is fuck with me now
>She's mad.
>I'm mad.
>She comes from money, and tells me that she had all her shit together when she was my age (a few years older than I am)
>Tell her that her step-dad paid for her house and her car and her schooling
>I'm not wrong
>That was the final straw for her.
>Shouting match.

sounds pretty dysfunctional
never get involved with women you meet in chat rooms

>Four days of discussion over whether to try and fix our relationship or not
>She invites me to play Overwatch
>Doesn't invite me to Discord call with her and her "boyfriend" she reconnected with.
>Go AFK, nobody acknowledges it
>Come back, ask 4 times in different ways what's going on and if we're waiting for someone.
>Still nothing
>Tell them in chat that if they come back to let me know, and go play solo because 10 minutes of waiting with no communication
>Enter game
>They enter game immediately afterward
>Finish my match and feeling a little hurt, because we weren't broken up at that point
>Tell her the least she could do was keep me in the loop with what's going on when I ask about it
>She's defensive
>It's my fault somehow. It's always my fault somehow.
>We broke up.
>She blocks me after another fight
>I'm fucking depressed even though I know I just got out of an extremely toxic relationship where I was a verbal punching bag and she did everything she could to fuck with me and make me think that I was the problem

I just needed to get all that out there, Sup Forums. I never go here anymore, because Sup Forums is shit, but a bunch of strangers on the internet seemed like a great group of people to vent to about why I haven't been myself for awhile now. I'm so fucking upset, and I know she is too (because if she wasn't, I don't think she's be sending some of the messages she's sending me), but I'm not going back to that. I refuse to go back to that. I got fucked up real good.

Thanks for listening to the hyper-condensed version of my story, even if it was shit.

Nah man, it wasn't even a chat room. I've had fantastic, healthy LDR's before (one better than any of my IRL relationships), but this one was... Something else entirely. It was like she put on a facade until she knew she had me. I don't even think it was intentional, either, because our mutual friends only ever saw that behaviour when she was around me.

It gets better
Just go flog off a few times to tranny porn and youll never be the same again
New year new you

aye. Recently broke up with my toxic ass GF because she was becoming angry with me every time I couldn't hang out with her because I was busy with studying. The kicker is, my 'best friend' started fucking her like a month after I dumped her, so at least that didn't happen to you. It'll get better, man.

You need to find a woman who is down for you, and everything that you're doing. Until you find that woman, you needn't date. Focus on your major life goals and hobbies. I believe in you.

op i have a similar story to yours if youd like to hear it, lol.
only if enough interest is garnered

out with it m8. Not OP, but looking for perspective on a similar situation.

Alright alright
so we start with a bit of a back story
>23 years old
>start dating internet famous facebook personality
>long story short she cheats on me for the last 4 months of my relationship with her, tried to get me thrown in prison, wasted 15 grand of my money

fast forward 2 years later
>on tinder
>fuckin around, still railing anything that walks and isnt fat
>i'm 6' 8" workout, play college hockey, have my own place, great teeth, good fashion sense and make a decent income, so when i really put it on i have no issue getting laid

>match with this girl, don't message her or anything
>she messages me one day
>we hit it off, go to the same campus, agree to meet a few days later
>we meet, go for a small hike through the ravine around the campus
>talk, shes huge into pc gaming, overwatch, pubg, R6S, etc.
>I haven't picked up a video game since I was maybe 17
>she tells me she's a vegan/radfem (never again)
>come from an upbringing that taught me that it doesnt matter what someone else does if i dont lose sleep over it

>so i figure I'll give her a fair shot, it's not like the radical feminism and veganism will be totally intolerable
>it sucked
>so we agree to hang out over the upcoming weekend, she invites me to stay the entire weekend, which I was figured would be cool, probably end up getting laid
>we boned
>no oral
>cant cum anywhere near face, no mouth, not inside cuz she wasnt on birth control
>we spent the weekend in good spirits, no problems
>throughout the week we both agree that with my hectic school/sports schedule and hers combined weekends were all we have to see each other
>picks me up on friday (I dont drive- supporting my aging and disabled mother myself so a car is a luxury i cannot afford)

Joke's on you. OP here.

I was dating this one girl and when i broke up with her, her and my now prior best friend were fucking within the week. He had been trying to move in on it for awhile and even tried to convince her to leave me a few times. Every time I've tried to talk to him about why, he literally turns tail and runs in the opposite direction. He and my room mates were doing some D&D shit and I came home one night with groceries and he just froze and stared at me until I went upstairs. The fear I could see in his eyes even two years after the fact was priceless.

>we go to the store to get some food to make for the night
>shes texting this person she claims she plays vidya with
>im like ok cool w/e
>fairly perceptive person, i see that this person shes texting is a male and is sending her things youd send a girl youre trying to fuck
>brush it off as some tinder bum that ghosted her or whatever
>ask her about him later, she tells me hes just her friend who she plays overwatch with
>k whatever cool
>next day we're watching the Overwatch championships or whatever
>I've taken an interest in the game as an ode to showing interest in what she likes
>same guy still texting her, things like "i could sure use some cuddles right now"
>she doesnt tell him shes with me or anything
>we argue over something that night, and I quote the texts I'd saw verbatim, hoping she'd pick up that I knew she was being dishonest

>we resolve our squabble, agreed to make things official around halloween (this was before the fight)
>a week later she texts me wanting to break up because she felt rushed into the relationship
>I remind her she was the one who embarrassed me at a halloween party by scoffing to my friend when I introduced her as my friend to him
>told her I was down for whatever this would turn into.
>she agrees to make things official
>back to the text conversation
>im working out, doing cardio
>she feels rushed, feels i went through her phone (I did, accidentally, she never password locked her phone and I went to plug it in for her one night and accidentally tapped a text message, opening it on screen)

hahahahahahahaha I guess it happens more often than I thought. Yeah man, same thing going on here. The other day I was hanging out with a mutual friend who is also my prior best friend's roommate. When I dropped him back off at the apartment, dickhead and my ex were unloading their car to head inside. As soon as he laid eyes on me, he froze and got right the fuck back in the car.

You're god damn right about the reaction being priceless. You'd think they'd stand up for their own slimy ass actions, but I guess not.

>admit thar at first, yeah it was an accident but I read on and saw that this person she was texting was disrespecting me by not respecting her relationship with me
>she lied to me about who he was to her, confesses he was an old flame that she was seeing 2 weeks before we met
>Already figured this out from the texts I saw
>tell her I normally wouldnt be forgiving but given how new the relationship was she probably hadnt had the time to tell him
>we resolve it, we're fine and still together
>fast forward two weeks, hes STILL texting her
>she knows my history with my ex who cheated on me
>tell her I wont tolerate it, pack up and get ready to leave her house and her entirely
>she begs forgiveness, calms me down
>me being the pushover I am, I forgive and forget
>eventually she does tell him she has a boyfriend

>im cool with it, I dont care if they remain friends, I just dont like some old flame overstepping boundaries
>fast forward to mid november- our university has a one week break between midterms and finals
>we agree to spend at least half that week+the last weekend of the break together
>I get to her house on a thursday
>all is well, no problems
>shes been staying up til 10-11AM playing vidya
>sleeping til 8
>the sunday i need to go home rolls around
>she sleeps til super late
>no point in going home, going to miss monday class now-roads dark, conditions icy and we live an hour apart
>missing monday class goes into the entire week missed due to her sporadic sleeping pattern
>I try to get 2 friends to pick me up on two separate occasions
>try to cab home
>try to take the 4 hour bus
>finally manage to go home the sunday following
>pretty pissed I couldnt get home, and any attempt i tried got vetoe'd by her because shed feel bad for me paying to get home when she could've driven me

>during the week I was finally home in the city, i strongly considered dumping her
>sexually unhappy, out of the eleven days i stayed at her house we fucked maybe 4-5 times
>unhappy with the lie she got caught in (twice)
>unhappy she takes hours to reply to me while shes gaming, like 3 hours is an average response time
>distant for most of the week, finally tell her
>no accountability, makes me feel like the bad guy for feeling neglected, and given that she had blown off plans in front of me to stay on discord and talk to her pals for 5 hours while I had a movie and food ready for us I dont think i was unjustified in feeling that way

>second last friday before christmas
>she dumps me
>like actually rushes my workout that day to get me home so she could dump me in my parking lot
>blames the 11 days I spent at her house on me
>blames the fact I went through her phone on me
>understandable, I shouldn't have gone looking for a problem, but I already knew something undesirable was up
>doesn't see that everything was all in her control, she just made poor choices that lead to this point
>been single for about a month and have been boning 3 different women so idgaf lol
>found out a week ago I got a scholarship to play hockey in st cloud state
yea we gucci now lads.
shitty sitch, but whatever.

thanks for sticking around and reading

jesus, what a fuckin mess man. I'm glad you got out of it. Sometimes I think I'd like to have a gamer girlfriend, but this story has given me an entire new perspective on that shit. Good on you for not letting her manipulate you into thinking shit was your fault. I've let that happen a couple different times.

Congrats on that scholarship as well man, that's dope as hell. I was looking to play college football, but I was never fast enough for that crazy shit. Hopefully you don't run into any crazy ass women along that path.

Yeah homie! I'm pumped. I worked out with some of our trainers today and it royally killed me.

You're not the only one that feels that way about gamer girls, my buddy dated one for a few years and said he saw this coming a mile away when her and I got together.

It's the attention, they get inflated ego's for doing something traditionally male designated.

good read/10

henlo bros today im sad :(

>girl is being a psychotic bitch
>don't leave her because im a little sad little wimp
>she lies all the time
>she cheats on me
>we break up

how could she do something like that to me :(
i cant belive i dindndt see it coming before :(

well sometimes the pussy clouds a man's judgement.

Also, no matter how many red flags there are, it hurts when its happening and it's harder to see. Of course it seems obvious to you when the entire story has been laid out in a few sentences, with the shitty qualities of the women and the relationship highlighted for the story. How often do you find stories like this with every good quality and nice thing that the woman did laid out?

yeah i kno
im going to kill myself now bye

alrighty then. Thanks for stopping by.

>I went to plug it in for her one night and accidentally tapped a text message, opening it on screen

Cmon at least be honest.