Really makes you think, huh?

Really makes you think, huh?

Other urls found in this thread:

"Atlanta Black Star"

Pick cotton nigger

damn blacks are more obsessed with slavery than jews are with the holocaust

Really? Trauma is now visible in telomares?

Jews actually did it earlier

So for everything blacks do, they can blame the whitey for trauma

Wow we fucked them so hard we ruined their DNA and thats why they can;t compete. Damn it feels good to be white.


Genetic trauma is only meant for descendants of Holocaust victims, who do these goyim think they are?!

Does this mean the same for the descendents of whites enslaved under the Arabs or people enslaved by the Romans or the aztecs?

Wouldn't this only apply to African Americans?

Lamarckism Lives!

Good thing that niggers in Africa have pure unaltered DNA, at least they are living perfectly normal lives.

Setting the stage for perma-welfare

Black people are telepathic, which means that slavery affected all of them equally.

Holy shit

Guess I'm voting for Hillary now!

If two mere centuries as slaves marked their genetics, surely millenias of living as hunter gatherers in mudhuts while the rest of humanity developped did too

If that's the case, it's pretty undisputable that they're racially inferior to whites

Such horseshit... as if white people didn't endure centuries of trauma (black plagues, Crusades, wars, medieval hardship, etc, etc).


American / European blacks are fucking retarded.

Like, I'm certain that literal ooga boogas in Africa are smarter than they are.

The irony is that you fucked them, quite literally, and made them better. American niggers have 25% white DNA, and as a result have an average IQ ten points higher than African niggers.

But even that wasn't enough to breed the savage stupidity out of them.

Shhhhhhhh all blacks and African Americans, even the ones born in the Congo jungle.

>encoded in their DNA
Just like me after the Shoah, goyim.

>Jews said the same thing about the hall of costs

Ayyy we wuz slaves and shit mane gibs me dat muffing money now white boi or we riot

I think it's exactly 15 if I recall correctly, from 70 to 85

Does this mean we all carry trauma from every horrible event any of our ancestors experienced? How far back would you be able to go?

>tfw traumatized by war with neanderthals
>tfw trauma from the golden horde

Is trauma embedded in the descendents of the 1.5 million Europeans that were enslaved at the exact same time in history as well?

It was west African slavers and Moors who stole us and brought us to foreign lands...


The mysterious "Gibs" gene.
Those who possess it are entitled to lifelong reparations.

please tell me this foreshadows nigger fate

So the Atlanta Black Star agrees the social ills prevalent in the black population stem from genetic differences between whites and blacks

>Like, I'm certain that literal ooga boogas in Africa are smarter than they are.

Dont think so tim

>tfw gene encoded trauma from the swedish and we didnt even do nothing

Hip hop macht frei

They can wear the world star as identification

next we'll be blamed for the aging process

Ah, see this is the Jew's doing - once they can claim blacks were affected by slavery they can say that the Holocaust affected their DNA...

They'll never, ever stop using it as an excuse to ruin the world then. :^)

I'm sorry, does anybody but fedora edgelords take the scientific community seriously any more? Fucking garbage. Derr 90% of the universe is dark matter we can't prove it tho LOL

They've already used this trick with the holohoax


You mean selective breeding?

Kek, leftists trying to use whatever methods they can to avoid saying there are biological differences or that humans can basically be bred like dogs and cattle to produce desired traits.

Yes, but see the Jews are too few to effectively make this pseudo-science nonsense mainstream. Now they're going to go through the blacks, and then slowly infect other "minorities" like the LQBTQIAP+ community until it's so widespread that Jews themselves can use it safely.

Quick, trick the Nogs and the jews at the same time.


>tfw filthy turk enslaved my country for 400 years but my people don't ask for reparations while some niggers were made to pick cotton for 50 years and they have been whining about it ever since.

At least there are some in Africa that still have a productive albeit primitive society

but you could use the reparations to pay your fucking denbts

Was just about to write the same. Fucking nig nog vermin.

That's it, I'm now #Jebmissle

They're black! I'm pretty sure that that was a source of trauma long before the white man ever showed up.

Why Do Nigs Captalize The First Letter In Their Sentances?

top kek

its true though, thousands of years of rape, cannibalism, mutilation and tribal warfare probably fucked them up more than slavery.

agreed but I suppose my people still have some dignity left.

>Really makes you think, huh?
Makes me think you're a faggot OP.

Wow, guess you're getting paid to post!

Living in Africa can be just as traumatizing, how about that?

Huh, he's right you know. I'm now a #CruzMissile

Already taken care of




Well then.

Same argument can be made about people from oppressed countries.

Dissidents in the Soviet Union were harshly punished and basically everyone was traumatized.

Only those who remained alive through trauma got to reproduce, passing on their genes.

Does that mean that Eastern Europeans have trauma encoded in their genes?

They still managed to be very relevant and beneficial to the world.

What a bullshit statement from paid shill "scientists".

My thoughts exactly

Oy gevalt

kek, you can see the other nigger also reaching for a shiv. so niggers don't kill each other only in the U.S.A. interesting. also checked.

Yeah, we noticed. It's called the victim complex.

How is this pseudoscience not immediately laughed at? I feel like I'm reading a parody article.

because they often leave out the spaces between words


>slavery was so bad it affected the nogs DNA
>none of the various traumas Europeans have gone through have any effect whatsoever

>the genes are encoded

The only way this makes sense is if the people who survived were the ones who were originally genetically predisposed to slavery, and who were the only ones who survived thanks to their slave owners keeping them alive.

>tfw Neanderthal DNA may be the missing link between IQ differences
>tfw scientists discover more and more intelligent design by Neanderthals and almost nothing from native Africans

Really makes you think.

1. Have an idea
2. Pursue idea
3. Formulate idea as a theory
4. Pursue idea together with many other scientists
5. Find as much evidence as possible for the theory
6. Don't be a bitch if proven wrong or another idea supercedes yours

The scientific method.

Now we know
Whining blacks and worthless niggers are those with damaged DNA

For the good of the Human race they should all be isolated, prevented from breeding and culled

Maybe the small surviving number of blacks can then be respectable

Haha nice propaganda Van bastard, you're fucking a white male

Why do Jews and Niggers keep trying to one up each other?

Fucking parasites.

1. Have an idea
2. Convince people to fund your idea
3. Idea turns out to be wrong
4. Ignore evidence that disproves it and convince people to give you more money to continue research

Scientific community in a nutshell

It's been on all news channels.
The evidence for the theory that Neanderthals were really intelligent is piling up.
We already know they migrated to the middle-east as well.

Don't worry, you'll have some neanderthal dna is you're ethnically a local.

is an argument

My ancestors were kicked out of Africa before they became white. I want to sue.

Pretty much, sadly.
Those old cunts will be dying soon.

We are long under the stupidity event horizon and there is no singularity to which we can fall.

In russia slavery was WAY longer, for fucks sake, and no slavs go crying about damaged DNA. I think the only damage niggers have is one more chromosome than usual, cause that fuckers STOLE IT SOMEWHERE. Fuck.

Matter of fact the slave word comes from slav.

Probably there are more slav slaves right now than there's nigger slaves in Africa.

Slavery was a thing literally everywhere at some point in history.

No really. They can't build a railway line on their own even when China pays for it and sends the needed know-how

For those that don't want to watch the whole movie fast forward to 1:12:50
It's sad as they can't even get a reliable gravel supplier

If slavery is genetic why isn't literacy?


Well, when did we cancel it? Somewhere in 19-th century. And we got it since i dont even know when. And those niggers, who were slaves much less time say THEY ARE VICTIMS. Fuck it.

Damn, guess we ruined the batch and need to throw them out.


The topless nigger actually survived

Oy vey we jewed ourself now we need to pay shekkels to niggers

Epigenetics is the quantum theory of biology. Bunch of fucking wack jobs trying to force their unscientific views into a new frontier that isn't well understood.

Epigenetic changes don't last more than a generation or two (possibly).

It's more contradictory bullshit. So are blacks genetically different or is we all the same?

Un trauma féroce?


you know they enslaved whites also, they just stopped because whites died too quickly and were unprofitable

>Guess I'm voting for Hillary now!

why because she wants to kill all the blacks? she accepted the margaret sanger award

Kek, That money was lost along with the 6 million you killed in the holocaust goy, you need to pay the niggers now.

kek, Eddy Malou putain, je l'avais presque oublié.

black people had a caste society with a dietary component, slave class black women were denied protein during pregnancy guaranteeing stupid children that were easier to manage, this was happening for thousands of years before blacks were doing business with arabs or europeans

>Does this mean we all carry trauma from every horrible event any of our ancestors experienced? How far back would you be able to go?

trauma promotes positive genetic mutation, Mengele noticed that the children of people who had endured extreme trauma from a very young age had heightened ability regarding memory and intuition or clairvoyance

nazis were big into this research

there is some merit to the thought, but not in the way they want to think about it.

people bred slaves without any regard for different groups that should no have intermingled. toss in the occasional slaveholder bastard slave child, and that makes it worse.

Blacks in africa are extremely tribal, and still are. certain groups do not mix with certain other groups. And there's probably a good reason, when you look at how fucked up the biology of American Blacks are. (more prone to obesity, diabetes, etc) they, much like certain breeds of dog, (pitbulls come to mind) are a ruined breed because they were mixed the same way you'd mix different strains of stringbean. just for the immediate qualities, without regard for the damage you were doing to the overall genetics. Not that they knew about genetics the way we do now, though.

Same here m8

Literally agood thing, 24% European ancestry so they arent completely retarded

>literally a GIBS gene