Is Smells Like Teen Spirit the catchiest earbug song written in thr last 30 years?

Is Smells Like Teen Spirit the catchiest earbug song written in thr last 30 years?

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Completely different genre but there have been catchy songs written since then.

maybe the most overrated and forced one

I'd say there is something truly special about that song.

Noooo, that's one of the worst Kero Kero Bonito songs. >:|

In Bloom and Lithium are better tb/h
Or maybe that's just because SLTS has been played to fucking death.

It's Hey Ya. It's objectively Hey Ya.

>Nevermind will be 30 years old in 4 years

Nirvana is absolute fucking garbage, why would you even listen to that shit


Who Let the Dogs Out is worse
MMM Bop is worse
Fly by Sugar Ray is worse
There are a million worse earbug songs.

oh man

>can't understand any of the lyrics


Hey man, just wanted to say since you're probably new that you don't need to put anything in the name field. Sup Forums is primarily for anonymous discussion, and having a tripcode like that when your identity is irrelevant to topic at hand will make you seem like an attention whore

Today most trips like Friendo are complete garbage and attention whoring, but in the beginning of the site, almost everyone used a trip. They're not inherently bad.

go back to stop responding to newkids with anything other than "go back to "

Float On, Viva La Vida, and Pumped Up Kicks are the triad of 2000s Radio Pop patriciandom.

Link me your rym friendo i want to see your 5s and judge for myself whether you are a tripfag or just a fag.

i dont have 5s and also no

He's an annoying retard filter him

>lose argument to friendo
>spend rest of your time on mu telling people that friendo is dumb
this is how i imagine you lol

It's not really a good song, but All Star is legitimately more catchy.

To this day it's still a relevant meme despite being such a shitty song. That's just how catchy it is.

>have no friends
>name yourself Friendo hoping people will become confused and be your friend
this is how I imagine you lol

Oh my...
>I don't have 5s
>Nothing is perfect in this world
>I am so hard to please
>Please daddy no


>implying kkb has any good songs

Hey man, just wanted to say since you're probably new that you don't need to put anything in the name field. Sup Forums is primarily for anonymous discussion, and having a tripcode like that when your identity is irrelevant to the topic at hand will make you seem like an attention whore

good post i read it

lmao what the fuck are you babbling about i just havent found something i would give a 5

go back to

what your AOTY. i'm genuinely curious

A better question would be what your opinion on ITAOTS is.

Tell me your favorite genres of music and i will give you 10 albums that are fucking 5s. Come on friendo, i want to be your friend, don't make me filter you and think of you as a pseud for the rest of my life.

But the deal is you link me your profile on rym so i can see what albums you gave a 5.

It's pointless even talking about that album here. If you say you like it somehow will attack you for 'falling for the meme', and if you say you don't you'll get called a pleb.

Best to keep your opinion to yourself on that one

the only full album ive listened to from 2017 was an archival release so idk if that counts
if that doesn't count I guess drake - more life

ive written a few short papers on nmh songs but they were all from OAI
wouldnt mind writing one for oh comely or just itaots in general
its a classic really what kind of opinion can you have other than 9.99/10 or 5/10 or 0/10

>the only full album ive listened to from 2017 was an archival release so idk if that counts
you're not missing much. this year and last year sucked for music

>2016 sucked for music

man its not like i havent explored my fair share
my old rym had a few thousand ratings before i deleted it p sure my new one doesnt even have 100
until the day comes along that I listen to something and no part of my brain is going "yeah but what if they did this instead" I will not have a 5/5
my rym is mostly for keeping up with my cinema class which I need to leave for soon

like if i said post rock what possible new information is someone going to give me. ive shifted through more shitty post rock bands in the span of six months than most people will in a lifetime

yeah I haven't really seen anything that piqued my interest
XO TOUR LIF3 was a jam but that's just a single

wow david bowie so cool

>wow david bowie so cool

It's unironically a good album lad, what's your problem?

i have never in my life listened to david bowie and been happy about doing so

Fair enough Friendo,have fun with your cinema class.

>ive written a few short papers on nmh
Wow, and I thought I was the only Jeff Mangum scholar here. You might just be worth keeping around after all.