You are on death role and get to pick what ever you want for your last meal, what is it?

You are on death role and get to pick what ever you want for your last meal, what is it?

penne quattro fromaggi, those things are my absolute fucking fetish.

your mums puss

>Death role
>r o l e

Dodo Burger

What's a do do burger?

never had it, I'm going to check it out


they are basically penne with 4 types of cheese, lovely. should definitely try them out

Neverending fries.

You never had pasta and cheese?

I'm going to the store to get my penne material thanks sir


Yeah but never called it by the proper word

We got it lol you are so cute

penne is the best pasta to eat with the 4 types of cheese tbh

a fat nigger bitch sitting on my face..

or this..

Prunes, unsoaked beans, and a chalice of ex-lax. That’s how I death role.

That's looks good, you must be black?

This is actually something I've thought of before, but it's a tough question. So much good food.


ça bande de fdp

The heart of the dude who will turn the switch

Veggie burger

Good one