This guy wants to end Trump's presidency

This guy wants to end Trump's presidency.

Why we hatin on him again?

Yup, President Trump is worse than Kim Jung Un.
I swear it gets more and more retarded in here everyday.

Bc he wont give up the banks NK Has

Checked. And stop taking the bate mate

You know, he has signs all over NK for farmers to use their own and others shit as fertilizer. if one person has a parasite now a whole community has it too. most NK defectors who escape alive are treated for months to remove them and some are just un-treatable because it is so bad.

sage grows in all fields

Not a troll here, I'm legitimately curious as to why we haven't yet realized who the real enemy is.

> Not a troll here






holy fuck use better bait and neck yourself your shitty attempt itself is what made me angry fuck you


blueshare samefag cant even change file name. kys cunt.


Trump doesn't care what he has, whether it's nukes or dietary supplements and he hates the fact that somebody won't take him seriously.

>littleman syndrome




stay mad kid

Because he starves and enslaves his people and is threatening to nuke his neighbors with weapons shouldn't have?

stay mad kid

Just noticed it wasn't me who made the two posts above. Good work user(s).

> with weapons he shouldn't have

Says fucking who? USA is not the master of the planet, get it into your thick burger-filled heads. Yes, NK is a communist shithole but a sovereign state is a sovereign state and you will fucking respect that.

Not a fan of Trump, but just wanted to point out how wrong you were!

While he has been getting heated over Trump, he wants to end America completely, and its been that way since we intervened in the Korean War. Every citizen is raised up and taught to hate all Americans from grade school up. Even with how they teach math (ie: If there are 7 American Bastards, and you kill 4 of them. How many American Bastards are left?)

Trump is stupidly escalating things, but don't misunderstand, Kim is a threat to all of America.

>Because he starves and enslaves his people and is threatening to nuke his neighbors with weapons shouldn't have?
Uhh.. maybe cuz the US president also starves and enslaves his people and is threatening to nuke his neighbors with weapons (he) shouldn't have?

ITT: Arrogant fedoreans who don't know their shit

He doesn't want to end Trump's presidency, he wants to end THE presidency. That's why.

Fuck, dude, you have a point. I am pretty hungry right now and I am trying to avoid getting put into a prison camp.




Fuck off, Nazi.









Let's say your neighbor has some deadly bottle rockets that he wants to shoot at the assholes down the street, but he's still working on getting the distance right. So he keeps shooting non-deadly bottle rockets over your house testing out his range. He also has a lot of kids that are starving and that sometimes get thrown into his basement and beaten or killed. Every so often, one runs to your house for safety or to another neighbor. Eventually, he's going to think he's got his bottle rocket down and attempt to shoot the deadly ones down the street, possibly over your house. Do we still respect that?