Do women acc like dicks like do they crave them like faggots do or do they fake it for power

Do women acc like dicks like do they crave them like faggots do or do they fake it for power

its a mixture of "what woman do to make her lovers feel good" and "how to manipulate to get either a better position jobwise or getting blackmail material"
in short words: it's the power

It's about the experience.
thats why foreplay works so well on them.
its why they go skank, go lesbo, act prude but then go full freak at times. They crave the experience

Idk, source?

Some definitely do... Most really could care less.
But it is almost a paradox. The ones that don't generally enjoy sex usually haven't had good sex. That is because the vast majority of men have mediocre dicks/sexual skill.

It's hormonal. 2-4 times a year dick is a priority. Otherwise it takes motivation.

why only 2-4 times? what exactly happens those times?

A lot of women have stronger sex drives than men. I've had several gfs that wanted it more often than I did. Sometimes you just want to get some sleep, but they wouldn't take no for an answer.

This is actually a catch I make when I determine whom I wanna date.

She has to genuinely love dick. Otherwise she's like a lesbian who is just acting straight to please society.

Sauce pls

id rather have that than a girl who never even thinks about sex at all

how do u determine this beforehand?

theres a week in the month when a woman is ovulating that they feel hungry for dick. on the other times they fake it

They crave it but if they fuck too many men they get labelled sluts. As opposed to men who get praised for fucking a lot of women.


Femanon here

The answer is both and it depends on the guy. I pretend to like my boyfriend's dick so that I can use him for hugs and kisses, but I cheat on him constantly because his dick is only average.

Said every woman ever.

>inb4 people will fail for this

Almost all girls even lesbos like dick. Don't be an asshole and learn how to use it properly and they will like you

You're in a really tough spot in your life if you are seriously asking this question.

The answer is yes, women are attracted to guys, you idiot.

No, women don't have dildo collections, they don't rub their clit, they don't watch sit and spin porn, and above all they hate dick. Yep.

damn I can see you faked your way through grade school. holy fuck that was painful to read.

Nah it is too obvious, people are not that stupid .... wait.

Dicks are really only sexy if you're looking at them, sucking them, or having them rubbed/slapped against your clit

They just feel alright if they're inside you