Roast me

Roast me

You look like an upstanding gentleman

You look like a nice person, I'll like to be your friend

id fuck you

I can't think of a reason why.

i like your hair. Very well done my friend very well done

You're a fat, disgusting hambeast that's everything wrong with American culture

You appear to be a highly intelligent person with impeccable grooming and hygiene

Just make some exercise (noting too fancy, maybe a 45 minute walk) eat well and that's it...there is nothing to roast about you OP

get the fuck out of here how can you say that to a Sup Forumsrother

you look like that kid russel from up... I LIKE THAT KID RUSSEL FROM UP... he's cute!

You sir are a poopy-head!

I don't think I can make a fire big enough to roast you

Yay! A Russel thread!!!

He's too cool to burn the fire would just go out

Hell no! We all will get cancer

Damn bro
I bet your dick is huge

Care to fuck my girlfriend? you can do me too if you'd like

get in line

You probably aren't even smart enough to successfully kill yourself

All I can say OP is that you're one cool cat!

I think life roasted you enough already

no. i dont have enough fuel

You have the rugged good looks of an action hero!
