Hey Sup Forums

Hey Sup Forums
Hat should we do to experiment on these 5 subjects?

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replace their water with gatorade and see if it helps them become good atgletes

my nigga at least timestamp

In anus

put a large rock inside their sad stagnant world.


Throw feminist posters and wait

I'm a fish keeper I have atleast 100 fish fish don't experience pain like other organisms what your doing is nothing but ignorant masturbation so no how about do it to something that knows whats happening like a sibling or a dog or your penis you pathetic fucking cockroach

space program

Yeah, stay a fish keeper, good choice.

Space program

>ballon with helium
>small plastic baggies with water

Piss in the tub.

Not just no but hat no.

Cum in it
See if they eat it

Put them in your ass

Buy a 10 gallon tank, a filter, and a heater


Place kool-aid in their tank, then post a pic to proove you did it.

OP is a fucking faggot

See how long they survive if you adequately take care of their needs.

Put them in your ass

Let me guess, you just put them in tap water withoout conditioning the water first right faggot? Also, that isnt an Aquarium, that is a pet container for mice and gerbils.

>feed 2 all veg
>feed 2 all meat
>dont feed one
>post results over time

put some cocain in there with em'