Waifu thread

waifu thread


i don't know, that's entirely up to you
it's just a chat application people like to use
i think that sleepy gay boy wants to add to you

Meanwhile, in japan, while your waifu's illustrator works hard on making a qt girl for you to pretend to love

How so? It's just a hat...







Well, I suppose you'll try anything

Could I add you? I wanna pester you for music sometime


I didn't think he would be so shy and have a friend ask for him!!!
It's huuge though!
>Nice crop


What are you trying to accomplish?

Maybe I will one day

I'm most often alone
And I'd be going into an old building to be alone



Let`s be friends


I cannot. Her CPU will overheat. She needs a water-cooling circulatory system. Then I have to constantly plug her into something when she's tired. Its bedtime for me, goodnight Kuudere-user ( :
haha bring a knife too, just in case
Goodnight Mediator.


he has autism, you have to forgive him


I don't think I could ever hurt anyone

Goodnight, Yuki







Oh..please take care of your robots. Good night.



cut me mediator


Remember why you settle for illustrations, weebs.

mediator can't even cut


Here's the uncropped version.








And now there's infighting


Thanks for bumping the thread

That's dangerous. There could be squatters in there.



you're welcome




Why does a white guy have these saved?



I doubt it, I live in a very rural area
Even if there are, so what?

all I'm getting out of these is that Europe is fucked and will soon be like Africa and Asia where there are an estimated 40+ million slaves, still today. They enslave there own people, like they always have. Plus all the poverty, people shitting on the floors/streets, corrupt gang ruled governments and mass murders and terrorism everywhere everyday nonstop. That's what you're communicating whether or not you intend to.

I feel bad for you guys man. Sorry man. That's what happens when you emasculate a society and let libtard woman run things. Their hearts are too big and the result is weakness. Thus the barbaric are allowed to take over. All emasculated societies throughout history have one thing in of important note in common among many others, without fail, they fall soon after the emasculation.

Good luck, I hope you guys can turn things around.

You're helping out a lot

He's claiming those niggers, will you post nigger lewds now or something?







Glad to.

Yeah, Fucking spammers am I right?



yeah, hehe.

Somehow this thread is more cancer than /waifu/ usually is



It's a "piss off weebs and remind them they settle for 2D because they fetishize asians but even asians don't want them, and neither do whites, so I illustrate that with their likely physical contrast, manifested as men of color" thread

I personally find it hilarious that the shitposters are turning on each other



No I said interracial thread, LISTEN


Claim I guess

Can't we all just get along and spam in harmony?

I'm CUCKERMAN, and I thwart you

spam me mediator









Yeah, at least it's a good show

>Posts pictures of other men
>We're practically married in my head

This is going to end very soon I reckon

Or maybe we just dont like people (you included)


They're crazy old dudes with scraggly beards who will blow you head off and shit down your throat