Hey Europeans, I just emailed the EU.
>pic related
See ya
Hey Europeans, I just emailed the EU.
>pic related
See ya
Sup Forums Sup Forums will be only populated with Australians, Canadians and other loo-posters. T'was a good run
do the same to the canadian government so we are rid of leafposters
>implying that Bosnia is in EU
Who gives a shit?
Our old Bhutanese pigeon racing forum will be no more.
But Mr. America sir, who would you banter after the ban?
No more europeans, number of posts reduced by half, only boring countries left.
Is that what you want?
Jokes on you, faggot. We are a board of peace. You can't punish all of us for the misdeeds of a tiny minority.
Yes, they will totally ban it now.
Europeans can no longer use the catalog
pic related
Sup Forums is in clear violation of mandatory european cuckoldry laws. it's a miracle they haven't banned this already
Vote Brexit or lose Sup Forums forever.
Our time has come, Sup Forums will now be a Canadian board
At least we'll still have Australia and Canada to bantz with.
imagine the prosecution
EU should be gone for good
Canadian vs Australian shitpostwar
Anglo scum
It really makes you think...
Someone tell Trudeau about this site now.
Demand American-style negative rights or you will discover that you have no rights.
kek I bet it would be something dumb like that
So long, Euros.
I, for one, welcome our new leaf overlords.
Enjoy your future SJW website. Wait, it already is.
People saying Trump is a madman...
Try living in EU.
You're not white and you don't count.
That's how the shadow market picks it's next victim
heil hitler motherfuckers
Thanks, I want to get off this ride
Well, it was fun while it lasted.
Thanks for absolutely autistic time lads.
Well shit i guess i am now a #cruzmissile
time to go to cripplechan
Okay why do you have that ?
kop tet
come leaf let me use you as toiletpaper so i have a maple scented ass
And nothing of value was lost.
See ya later Eurofags, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
what's the problem in having that?
it is not your bedroom, is it?
Say it with me:
Meanwhile the US is africa tier in 2 dacades
> wanting to be stuck in an empty echo chamber with Poos in loos, Huehue sperging and Russia bots bitching at each other in Cyrillics
Seriously though, they're not going to ban all sites of dissent. They probably do realize that if people don't have a channel to express their rage and discontent, the whole EU will soon be full of terror activity by Pink Panthers. They really don't want to open that door. It makes far more sense politically and societally to allow people to vent in their designated shitting sites. What they would look to censor is "hate speech" on normie social media.
I guess they were right about you
Is that syrup liquor?
Shadow market?
You really think they dont have a list of the 10.000 most "hateful" websites already.
At this pace the Internet will be a "state service" provided and controlled by the EU, within the next decade.
ur the gayest man alive
kek i'm from eastern europe
internet censorship here does not exist
Wait for TTIP
Emus, mexicans, huehues, argentina, kim jong un, hiroshima rad babies ect
>implying the friendly guys at google will not assist your country with that.
>Member of the EU
>no Internet censorship
who are you kidding.
>whats he flicking around down there
>oh hes jerking it
thats gross user
>Ban Sup Forums
>Uses Sup Forums speak.
Low quality b8
Sup Forums is satire, you know that. satire is protected speech in the UK. that should make it protected EU-wide
Nothing's gonna happen faggots.
>implying we need this side when we will have the EC in a few days
>IP blocking
>URL detection
>DNS blocking
wow everything can be circumvented in 5 seconds
>not using the name Franz
>writing in english, instead of german
4/10 cause i replied
those are some sad tities
Same, started a petition too.
>yfw EU becomes more of a safe space
You guys will eventually have to flee to South America like the German Nazis unless you'll wind up in a gulag / Orwell style reeducation center
I hope you euros know that
>no more povertyjog on Sup Forums
dreams do come true
Do you really believe that? Haven't you seen enough with all the rapefugees enriching EU already and what have the leaders done? They have done nothing except apologize. Your band is coming soon…it was nice knowing you EU's.
Sup Forums's servers are not in the EU retard.
nice try
>releasing me from Sup Forums
thanks senpai
Why is Moe Israel
kek i'm from eastern europe
internet here does not exist
There's always cripplechan.
The UK is working hard to exit the EU so it can continue the bantz on Sup Forums
Fucking jews
Oh kek
you will be stuck with canada and australia. It's gonna be fuuuun :)
curly hair, sells degeneracy to the commoners..
Do I believe the EU will do what I said? I don't have a belief invested in it. Maybe they do, maybe they don't. They would certainly love to control not only the interwebs but people's thoughts in general. But they can't. They also can't control the whole internet. So it's futile and inefficient to try. Hence they focus on normie social media.
If they did go all in with their tyranny and thought control, it would lead to Pink Panther terrorism for sure. There would be insurgencies all around Europe if they took away people's right to dissent. Especially when the dissenters are the native populations trying to defend their own shared history and culture. There would be assassinations, and once that can of worms is opened, the worms are not going back in. It would escalate fast. So if the bureaucrats are not complete idiots they won't push people to the point where they have no other option left except for violence.
>implying they don't already know about this shithole/not browsing it themselves and the one who read it will call you a faggot
>they don't have freedom of sppech
Nice. Fuck these commies.
>Fuck these commies.
FSB is coming for you
>kek i'm from eastern europe
>internet censorship here does not exist
>member of the EU
Please less hate speech.
The only thing of value lost would be the inability to complete muh flag collection. Other than that it would cement my move over to (2^3)chan. Much better discussion over there.
Banning free speech
no, im sure im already in the BNDs sights
>who would you banter after the ban?
They'll banter with the Kings after we invite them up to our level.
>But Mr. America sir, who would you banter after the ban?
Americans can't handle the bantz tho, it's why they're trying to get rid of us
>prosecute every person that has ever visited Sup Forums
>hundreds of thousands of people put on trial
>Sup Forums never gets shut down