Does child sexual abuse affect people's ability to form relationships later in life...

Does child sexual abuse affect people's ability to form relationships later in life? My gf was abused (she hasn't said it but I'm pretty sure) and every single relationship she is in fails. This one is failing too and I've stopped caring. Though, I'm still curious. Pic unrelated

I believe it might. Two close friends of both genders who confided in me that they were abused as children are both homosexual

I've been abused and while I have a lot of mental problems which may or may not get in the way of most of my relationships, I'm currently with a gf who understands and cares a lot for me, and she tolerates my problems and helps me through them.

So she may just be having trouble communicating that she has mental problems?

From what I've seen and experienced, people with abuse in their past typically get along better with people who've also been abused in their past. Maybe she's having trouble finding someone she can relate to - and thus grow much closer to.

Just a thought.

Yes. From personal experience, run Sup Forumsro. You can't fix other people and it's not worth your time and suffering.
I wasted 7 years and came out completely fucked. Save yourself.

relationship defines trust which is literally loyalty, communication and that includes sharing secrets with your partner since she/he will the most time with you. If you miss any of those categories I wouldn't call it a relationship.

She's mentioned her anxiety and PTSD from "past experiences" that "she can't go into" and that's about it. She has been distancing herself in favor of hanging with her friends (who live in verbally and physical abusive homes), so she talks about her problems very vagely with me

I mean she's mentioned her suicide attempt (almost sliding her throat) and taking care of ehr sick mother before moving with that. After that she just skips to moving out of her dad, though I;ve shared with her my neglect as a child. Guess she doesn't trust me enough

Then support her more than actual. I wouldn't give up on her which could make it worse for both of you. She could suicide and you'd end up with a trauma if you can't handle it. I'd suggest doing something nice with her like a evening cuddling while watching a movie or so (but only happy end movies). Give her atleast the feeling that someone is there for her and caring about her.

It's long distance, and can't fly to see her. And she's not suicidal now, but is dealing with stress and anxiety.

>She's mentioned her anxiety
worthless trash, get rid of her. nobody wants a GF who's a whiny bitch and can't function properly.

Should've mentioned it before. Long distance is hard to keep up, but let her know, keep the hopes up.
You're better in front of your screen faggot aren't you?

I'm really trying but she just doesn't want to talk as often anymore. I try texting and she 'forgets', and I just don't know anymore. My therapist also tells me it might be better to end it if I'm not happy and if I'm doing all the work

Then better listen to your therapist instead of asking on Sup Forums. He knows what's better for you.

I'm inclined to agree. I know 3 people who were abused and to varying degrees they cannot hold a relationship. Unfortunately one already has 2 kids, but never married, nor can keep the guy around.

I know, but part of me doesn't want to leave. Even though I don't feel loved anymore, I'm hoping she changes. But I also know people dont change

it's up to you user you can choose but you gotta deal with some of the consequences

To be fair, doesn't every relationship either fail or end up in marriage? And even then can fail?

i think she's just being an entitled little bitch because nobody told her "no"

What do you mean?

She needs counseling and “wants” to move on. Or she’ll stay like that forever.

I;ve told her to see a therapist but she doesn't want to. Shes the "therapists won't get it" type of person. And she can't afford insurance