Princess Nokia 'threw hot soup in racist man's face'

Yasssss qween!

AOTY for sure

her music sucks. so of course she has to resort to identity politics

so glad cardi b is on top now.

Was she really there in that video? Btw she looks like the type of girl you find on dating apps that arent tinder

I should imagine that physical confrontation was the intended consequence of this man calling a group of people "niggers," and that that should be fairly obvious

>publicity stunt to compensate for shit music
Sounds about right, hopefully it faces charges.

dae music threads


That dude watches Rick and Morty, 100%.

Hahaha its funny you say that because its probably true. They are the most normie fanbase ever


shes amazing

Don't assume its gender, bigot.

not sure what the problem is.


say whatever you want about her views but shes stunning. her man is lucky as shit.

i know she identifies with female pronouns although is critical of constructions of gender to begin with. shes awesome at bringing topics related to identity politics and race issues to forfront and a powerful role model for young people.

>commenting on her appearance

wtf is wrong with you. shes incredibly talented and smart and brave and thats all you have to say?

also nice assumption she has a partner at all, or if not is in a monogamous relationship,
also nice heteronormativity and gender binaries....

>violence is never justified meme

so youd let a grown ass man call your mother a whore and let bygones be bygones because assaulting him would be against the law?


no ones laughing user. just let it go.

I'd just call him a cunt and be done with it

I respect my parents and I know the last thing they'd want for me is to be in trouble with the law.

This is correct, although most people who use this argument would never actually do it

so you wouldnt do it because its against the law not because your morally opposed to it?

violence in responce to bigotry and oppression is justified if your too much a pussy to fight an unjust system because you dont want to break the law your part of the problem. "the law" is part of the oppressive structure of society we need to push back against it.

im not trying to be funny im trying to educate you all. and that misogynistic post pissed me off

Doesn't this seem like an action of a rational person?


What exactly did the man do to deserve that? Unless he started the altercation it was not justified.

well i guess were fundamentally different people. violence shouldnt be the first response but were human and if an attack is vicious an unwarranted enough, some of us will snap.

>violence in responce to bigotry and oppression is justified if your too much a pussy to fight
yeah dude i'm totally gonna pay the medical bills to some random faggot because m-muh honor
you NEVER assault someone unless you wanna drop $1k per tooth broken

t. white person

He was inciting it, even if he didn't do anything physical. Not saying that he should get punched in the face, but that he should get kicked of the train

That's what I thought, being white. You'll be the next blm poster child you shit nigger.

t. white person


I'd just tell him to fuck off. Now if he assaulted my mother than the assaulting would begin.