I'm drunk as fuck again

I'm drunk as fuck again.
History/archaeology graduate.
Ask away. My focus is Greco-Roman, but I bet I can answer basic questions of any period.

what was jesus' deal? was he even REALLY jewish, and if so what does that mean, and why does it matter?

What would be the closet Greek/Roman God to Tzeentch from WHFB & WH40k?

Why did you pick such a shit tier major?

Shit, you give me a big one now and I just want to chill.

It's like this. Yes he was Jewish. Big on the ONE GOD. Keep the mockery of their one god to a minimum.
But the issue for the Empire was that he said that in the Kingdom of Heaven all people are the same.
For women and slaves, who were not equal in the Empire, this was huge. That's how Christianity spread.
Slaves and women.
And then soldiers.

yeah but what does one god mean, jesus was always vague on what ive seen him say on this type of thing, what do jesus say come with death? just illusions of self and perceptions of the mind?

Athena. Goddess of Wisdom and War. She was a smart piece of tail. Born out of Zeus' forehead.
Though I'm sure there was some actual god for intelligence and plans, but Athena fits the bill.

I was a dumb teenager. I regret this mistake every day.
Which is why I drink a lot. Which is why I'm here. So don't bite the hand that educates you on ancient history

what significance do you see in pagan rituals?

depends which jesus you're talking about
the spanish moor? not a jew
the king of the jews? definitely a jew
the stand-in for socrates? not a jew
the zoroaster stand-in? not a jew
the mithraic warrior godhead? not a jew
the egyptian carryover from Greece's troubled brother civilization across the pond? Jew, then not Jew, then Jew again

How did the Roman Empire develop and obtain its knowledge of engineering and construction?

Athena, patron Godess of Athens, feminized version of the Egyptian god Aten.

Good shit.

are you saying jesus was purely anecdotal to the circumstances of societies that chose to praise him? Also, more importantly, what is god to jews and is there one understanding, and what happens when i die?!?!?

It's a fedora tipping meme to make these comparisons, but yeah, they're still apt.
Why is Christmas on the 25th?
Winter solstice. So many religions celebrate this.
The Romans had the celebration of Sol Invictus. The Sun is now growing brighter.
There was also the Saturnalia thing. That was big too.
The Germanics had YuleTide.
Big on that time too.

And then there's Easter. Which in English we can clearly see the connection. Oestr, the pagan goddess of growth. So we have EGGS and RABBITS. Yeah, transparent connection. Eggs and bunnies who fuck themselves to death.
Even Santa Claus is connected to Odin and the Wild Hunt

Well far be it for me to say one way or the other, but that's how badly they crudely shoehorned all that into the bible, so, everybody just picks their favorite jesus and rolls with it.

I forget how many creation myths they jammed in there too, but those are less interesting to ppl these days because above all, people are mostly concerned with stories about... people. Ignorance of the way the universe and reality work take a back seat.

Practice. Having an empire means you have lots of opportunity to try.

One of the big "miracles" of the Empire is the water setting concrete. How can you set concrete underwater???
Well the Romans figured it out and it was dependent on Volcanic ash.
Of which the Italian peninsula had a shit ton of

Do you think any religion is 'correct'? any supernatural beliefs from this historian? ghosts, zoroaster?

What are some good books for somenone who wants to learn about helenistic period?

only because the christian bible seems intent on confusing followers to allow speakers and leaders to reign the sheep

>it's funny to think how this was the greatest religion of the west in its time, and its disciples were 100% certain that their faith was true and real and would live on forever, with absolute assuredness.

Every fuckin time...

gd greentxting erratically
aye fuk u i'm a little buzzed ok

Do you call Epicurianism and Stoicism religions?
Then I think they're both right.

I can't say, sorry. I'm more of a Romanoboo.
My basic intro book was by Rostoftzeff and that was for Rome republic to empire.

Alexander figured that out.

Alexander died a faggot at 33


That was some shit. The Greeks paid dearly for that guy.

Feel free to put your list of accomplishments against his, and any time in your life.

Have you done any field work - actual digs

Yep. Another high functioning fag. History is littered with them.

Good of him to destroy the Persians though. There was no way for Europe to have its moment to grow from the barbarian hordes with the brutal Persian empires still raging across the landscape. Only in their state of disarray and tribal chaos did Rome flourish, and it's to his credit that the world has essentially been fighting over pieces of Alexanders pie ever since.

I wish
Go do this dig
Oh wait, it'll cost you 10,000 dollars

Okay then please end this debate once and for all. Who is the master race?

epicurean sort of, it's more a brand of atheism in terms of religion tho. do you have any more defined beliefs than that as a result of history learnings?

Why have you been drinking?


What does SPQR mean to you. If you were to get a tattoo of something Romanesque what would it be.

Here's how it is from a historical point of view. Everything is bullshit,
People today are all about Christianity. How can you say that if you saw the bullshit the Church fought over in the first few centuries?

Most people know live Epicurean.
The good people live Stoic

Depends on the timeframe. Last few centuries, caucasians. Aryans haven't been a master of anything since the Achaemenid Empire suicided itself. In a century or two from now, probably the Chinese.

how old is the pyramid of Giza?

Why have niggers not advanced one bit throughout history?

It literally means of the Senate of the People of Rome.
I want to get a tattoo of the stars, but that's unrelated.

As old as they appear to be.
Fuck this conspiracy that they're even older
We see a fucking evolution of pyramids all the way up leading to the Giza ones.
They don't suddenly appear

the good people sure don't act good
they act quite badly and blame it on being stoic.

I have yet to find anyone who lives as epicurus advised, short of the highly idealized christ character of the bible.

>Fuck this conspiracy that they're even older
>We see a fucking evolution of pyramids all the way up leading to the Giza ones.
>They don't suddenly appear

I fell for that when I was a stupid teenager. It took an even dumber girl than me who I didn't respect at all to point out how fucking retarded I was being to not notice that all the various stages of pyramid development are strewn all over the fucking region and the fricken pay stubs (paid in beer!) )of the workers and the progress marks of the competing construction crews have been found and are readily available before I was forced to realize how stupid I was being.

What's the extent on your knowledge of Sumer? I've always been fascinated by the near east but especially ancient Iraqi civilizations.

Who would win in a fist fight, Cato the younger or Cicero?

I want to know about the Meads.
Biggest fucking greatest civilization on earth in its day written about as if it were the end of all civilizations, and a generation later, no one even remembered the name of the civilization that used to occupy its ruins. Just utterly erased from existence like a bad dream. Fucking crazy.

Did anything weird ever show up in the Roman ephemerides?

I know a bit about Inana and the Sumerian religion but not much else.
Fuck the whole "Sumerians were ruled by literal aliens" shit
Cato the younger.
He ripped out his own guts to die properly. That means he has big ol balls and is full of hate

It's "The Senate AND People of Rome"

What was the average height of an Italian Roman and what sort of diversity was there hair-colour wise?
And do you think that Christianity led to the fall of the Empire or other primary cause?

Could you say that Jesus was a social engineer or at least a manipulator using secret embedded code language and complicated linguistic?

The real question is, why haven't you been drinking?

I think that is just a bad meme misconstruing the old belief that there may have been an island or area of advanced civilization(s). Do you think any catastrophe may have knocked out a civilization we have no knowledge or evidence of? Or that any civilizations we know of had any advanced technologies or sciences/understanding/knowledge?!?!!?!!

If you could meet anyone in history, who would it be and why? I'd meet Erwin Rommel because my great great grandfather served under him in WWI and my great grandfather served under him in WWII.

why don't the koine greek poets follow homeric meters i thought they circle jerk over that shit everyday

>fuck the whole "Sumerians were ruled by literal aliens" shit
Absolutely. It makes finding actual/reliable information on them a fucking chore, having to sift through that shit. Rot in hell Zechariah Sitchin.

5'6'' to taller
Hair colour was broad. Even Greeks had blondes
And despite what Gibbon said, Christianty was not the end

Yeh. probably.

There's the real Santorini event. Which a Minoan island got blown the fuck up.
But most of those ideas comes from Plato and his fantastical pretend peoples

>any period

My girlfriend hasnt gotten hers in about three months now, should we be concerned?

he's the only one i can think of that mentioned this too :/ more tho I'm curious about your opinion on advanced techs, esp space stuffs like the organization of pyramids, solstice obsession, and potential for more advanced things like arabics were getting on batteries and i wonder how far that really went

Well that's possible, probably even probable, but since you're asking about civilizations we have no knowledge or evidence of, any answer would be indistinguishable from pure speculation. We do have evidence of plenty of island civilizations that were wiped out by entirely natural causes, volcanic & tectonic activity. Plenty of those. Human settlements on coastal plains never lasted long without flooding and sinking either. There are sites that for thousands of years just kept building new cities on top of the old ones as they sank. A lot of this shit is neat, but sad bc we have no hope of ever excavating that kind of a gigantic mess.

What is the pose of Rodin's, "The Thinker", from memory? Let's see how well you do.

but like, are there any societies that we do know of that you suspect have more advanced knowledge than we are necessarily aware of historically, kind of how governments plan and have projects.

Where the hell is that thing?
And a bigger question, why the hell in all these fucking millenia do people still think it's a good idea to build their citiy in a dry desert? Good farming? Plentiful resources? wtf

Nude hunched, resting fave on knuckles

What's your honest opinion of shit like pic related. Is it harmless or are we in danger of messing up the records that the historians of the future will use, as well as contributing toward a fundamentally bad understanding of human history in general? No politics, just a practical question. Thanks!

Sure, probably most of them had all kinds of big plans before one of their neighbors got uppity and showed up in boots and swords and consolidated power in the region. The big technological powerhouses were a handful of Greek and Egyptian cities, but any small town could have its own local tinkerers and inventors. In the end, they'd all be killed off with the rest, and if some Roman soldier happened upon one of their inventions in a salvageable state, they may or may not loot it as spoils of war, where it may or may not sit on a shelf for a few centuries or die in a fire. Entire works of Greek philosophy only exist because of that stupid scenario. Civilization lacked a decent mechanism for preserving IP and was very wasteful for a very long time.


Don't ask me if I want fries with my cheeseburger you faggot. Even if it's part of your training.

tell us about glass in windows, colored, clear ,bubbled ,almost no bubbles, did they know how to cast it?

Greeks were pretty fiercely racist. They also engaged in slavery, but not Chattal slavery as we're used to thinking of it, so historically, I'd say it's a long shot, given how incredibly prickly they were regarding egypt to build colonies on the coast, adopt entire egyptian gods with greek names, study and develop the university with them, and trade art and works down to egypt, but not allow any fucking egyptians up into greece itself. As far as people ere concerned, there were no invites sent. Keep in mind even Athenians didn't think much of the other greeks, considering them too stupid to even think, much less be able to understand the complexities of the state of have a voice in it. So... could an African have been a soldier at Troy? Seems unlikely.

I'm also a humanities major (political science) in Canada.
How fucked am I?
My backup plan is law school or grad school; my grades have been pretty solid which allows those two paths to remain open

I appreciate that response. But do you think it's harmless or that it is damaging to the study of history itself, and the common person's understanding of general human history to do this? Like, are we creating future generations that honestly don't understand this is some artistic license and common understanding of history is that this and other equally unlikely things really were the case?

Do you believe overpopulation definitely leads to societal collapse and what 'form of government' do you most 'like'?

Grow up

Is Marcus Aurelius worth reading?


No, I think it just makes it plainly obvious that what you're seeing is a movie, not reality, and if you are watching it to see what reality looks like, you've got to find actual pre-turkish greeks and try to put that language back together and subtitle the shit out of it, and end up with a movie that's realistic but no one wants to sit through. If you want to approximate some sense of reality, that's what reading books is for, not film.

Is there any entertaining previous unknown civilizations or is that idea more dead in the water?


1, Yes, and 2, the only form of government that shows any promise to me is one that has yet to be attempted or experimented with. Probably something where all the decisions are made by a computer, and resource scarcity is obsolete, and humans have altered their savage brain chemistry permanently into states of bliss and contentedness with genetic therapies or some such shit. Short of that, government and business will always be susceptible to primitive power/wealth hierarchies like damn dirty apes.

Is Livy worth reading?

Do you think historians really think all vikings wore horned helmets. Sure a lot of people will be ignorant and believe it.

So Western Europe was a backwards afterthought until Rome showed up. Rome stomps around the map for a bit, assimilates everyone, and then promptly moves it's capital to the Bosphorus, leaving the west to revert to its previous backwater status until the Crusades.

Could you consider the center of global power to have been the eastern half of the Mediterranean and the near east for the entirety of ancient history? From Egypt to Persia to Macedonia to Constantinople, the west's only starring role was a few short centuries of pre-split Rome, and those could be boiled down to the role of the dynamic barbarians that show up every few hundred years to stir the pot...]

Opinion on diogenes??

Well you've got several thousand civilizations right here in your own hemisphere that are essentially a fading treasure trove of information, since there are still some very old keepers of those languages and historical records. I have yet to meet any american who gives a fuck about the history of their own country, however, which is very odd. We hunt and scrape and peck the dust for any uncovered shred of information in the sands of dead cultures that never amounted to shit, but because they're on the opposite side of the world, it's more fascinating??? Meanwhile, it turns out, the second largest pyramid in the world, was constructed by an enormous agricultural civilization that no one even knows the name of, in what is now east St. Louis. Missouri. It seems there are far more interesting things americans are willing to overlook to put another strip mall down, and I don't understand how they can claim to be so patriotic and USA USA all the time, while valuing their own countrys history not at all. It boggles the mind a bit, actually.

>not him but
You need better role models.

why do you love these fags so much if there are so many cultures in the world

This is kind of what I mean. Like a 5 yo kid now grows up with this and no one is brave enough to say shit about it. That kid and countess others legitimately believe the Greeks had tons of black people among them and everyone was cool with it back then. They go one to make more media and it just reinforces itself and soon all but serious historians know and they're too scared to correct anyone.

Kind of like how most people think the Egyptian pyramids were built by slaves

Dude you're here every night. Future is looking bleak.

Do you think the Hulk would have had a significant influance on the result of the battle of Myriokephalon? On which side he would have fought?

not to bring you down, but what kind of job opportunities are there for someone with your degree? i mean, really. there can't be that many.

I actually have questions after reading all of the threads you have posted. One of the major doubts that I have in mind because of my education and my history book from my teacher is: does the roman empire really fell and one of the reasons are christianity? My teacher said it didn’t fell because of eastern orthodox or bizantine, and the other side, western roman catholic.

you could say his future is similar to that of the holy roman empire?
