Hey Sup Forums, I’m an alcoholic. 26...

Hey Sup Forums, I’m an alcoholic. 26, I drink every day from wake up to bed and I usually consume about 120 ounces of beer, or a 26 of liquor. If I quit cold turkey, am I kill? Can’t afford etc.

Yeah maybe. Taper it off.

>can’t afford etc.

No, unless you kill yourself in a emotional temper-tantrum over your inability to control your impulses.

The reality is you'll have trouble sleeping. You might have nightmares as your brain start refreshing during sleep, dumping a lot a waste chemicals that'll make you sleep bad. Oh, and you'll be constipated for a few days while your intestinal flora adjusts to suddenly not being killed off on a daily basis. Then you'll get the shits.

Alcohol is like smoking. The act won't hurt you, but the habit will fuck you up. Learning some fucking moderation will save your life. Then again, this is Sup Forums. Maybe you should keep drinking.

Appreciate your input user.

What you really have to worry about, much like smoking, is the hit your immune system will take.
I'd taper off personally or at least have a friend around if you go cold turkey.

yeah alcohol is one of only two things you can die from withdrawals of (that and benzos). my dad has been in AA for 25 years and talks about it quite a lot. he never had it personally but he says he's seen people go cold turkey after a long period of alcoholism, says they start fitting. I wouldn't really ask Sup Forums for help man, ask someone professional who actually knows what they're talking about to help you plan it out. good luck user

10 beers from Sun up I kinda remember high school

no you'll just feel like dogshit for a few days

How did you pay for it before? With both you'll be spending less on booze, although if you quit cold turkey you'll probably buy other things to fill the void.

Cold turkey won't kill you but it will suck.

I used to be a heavy drinker, during a time when I lost my job, and was single without any hobbies to keep me sober for the next day.

I stopped drinking heavily when I got a fucking reason to be sober the next day. I also picked up video games, so I'd play them instead of drink every night. Also, getting married gave me a reason to go to bed that wasn't a drunken stupor.

I still drink, but with some reason. You know, because I'm not a fucking Baptist or some weird shit. Also, alcohol is fun.

I guess what I'm saying is that you have work to do. Find a fucking hobby. Video Games, Wargames, Martial Arts, Guns, Archery, the Gym... Just find something that gives you the next day to look forward to. That will cure the sickness.

And it is a sickness. But it's not an addiction. It's a sickness of a poor life. Homeless people drink every day. If you are drinking every day, then you are living as a homeless person.

So find a reason to be healthy. Even if it's a shitty reason. Or keep drinking and give yourself kidney stones in your 30's and liver failure in your 40's. That'd be kinda funny. But only kinda. I woudn't browse that thread without some good memes and shit.

>Die from alcohol withdrawal
>Taper off

Choose one.

>only two things
Most gaba drugs can

if you are only 26, the chances of you dying from going cold turkey is super low. the longer and harder you are addicted the higher that chance gets. if you keep going eventually it almost guarantees seizures, strokes, or heart attacks if you go cold turkey. You'll have trouble sleeping. Your shits will be wonky for a while. You'll probably be on an emotional rollercoaster also. Alcohol is a depressant....meaning when you go cold turkey you will probably be a bit highstrung or cranky and also feel anxious. stay calm. stay hydrated. quit while the quitting is good.

what do you think benzos and alcohol are

if you have legit dependency to alcohol you need to work on cutting down rather than going cold turkey, you can experience severe withdrawl symptoms i.e. seizures

The amount of stupidity in this bread made the mods leave

Pretty sage advice

How about seeking professional help instead of asking Sup Forums? It's like you want terrible advice for idiots who don't know what they're talking about but word it like it's gospel

I probably should of mentioned 12% 40’s

Are you suggesting a CP thread?

How about quit being a pussy and learn to weed out the entertainment from reason. This is far funner and costs infinitely less. But what do I know, you're probably some millennial that couldn't focus on school without your pills.

I have recently tapered totally off from ~18 beers a day. Definitely do not cold turkey. I would subtract 2 beers every day until done and use some benzodiazepines if I started getting the shakes. I’ve been a heavy drinker since about 15, haven’t drank since New Years.

This. I'm a moderate alcoholic, meaning I don't drink constantly but two or three times a year I'll have binges lasting between 7-12 days where I drink about a fifth of vodka every day.

Coming down from the binges always results in really bad nightmares and shits so hard they feel like my asshole is tearing. Afterwards I can't eat in public for like 2 weeks because I get instant diarrhea whenever anything goes through my digestive tract.

I know people who have drank a fifth of hard alcohol every day for god knows how long. I can't imagine how bad it is coming down from that if even a week long binge sucks.

Working, I got run over by a city bus.

You'll probably be fine. Might have seizures and heart palpitations which definitely could kill you. That only happens after very long periods of consistent abuse. Try months and years. More than likely you'll just be hung over for about 5 days. Expect cravings.

start smoking weed

wait, what's this thread about?

Sip it off slowly so you dont hero. Ive been sober for a bit now. The effects on your health change drasticaly to an up side. Good luck OP

We’ll see how it goes, thanks user.

Pot is for fage

Get a job, be a productive member of society (if you're gonna be an alcoholic at least be a functional one)

Can no longer work in my field.

This. People complain about the infinite porn/trap but also complain when there is a thread where discussion can be made. Pathetic.

Anyways. I have seen alcohol withdrawals happen right indront of me. A friend of mine stopped drinking for 2 days after a long spell of nonstop drinking. He completely lost control of his limbs and went into a full seizure. Had to get hsopitalized. So yes, dont quit cold turkey. Also maybe infrom one of ur closest friends to help monitor you. Check in on you etc. It can save ur life!! Alcohol withdrawals aint no joke

Yep. I had a seizure on a camping trip. It was horrible. Taper off and have someone around, but 10 beers a day isn’t to bad. How much do you weigh?

>How much do you weigh?
was for op

It’s more like 24-32.. I drink 3-4 40s of 12%. Anyway, 170.

Going down from 8-10 500ml beer daily to zero wasnt a big problem for me. It worked for about 10 days but life without alcohol lost a lot of its color for me. So i decided to drink again but lesser and only in the evening.

Gaba drugs obviously.
But that doesn't mean, that there aren't any other gaba drugs

I am 23 and is drank 4 liters of beer everyday for 5 years, I'm still on it but had phases where I drank two weeks nothing and I had no problems besides anxiety and insomnia.

First 4-7 days can be really tough you will feel like shit and regret that you every touched a bottle but it will get better just try it and when it gets too horrible go to the ER

I'm tapering mate, made it 2 days now, god damn I wanted a drink today, but I said to myself, I have to go like 12-24 hours each time more now, so treating myself with a big steak and 12 beers tomorrow, then I'm going for a 4 day streak.

Hey user, be careful and taper. My typical weekday would be 2 beers for breakfast and 2 shower beers before heading to work. I left work at 3 p.m and had 2 twelve packs in my possession by 3:45. I usually didn't bother eating anything and drank 20 beers (labatt bleu 6.1%) until I went to bed at 9:30 with 2 beers on my nightstand. During the day and in the evening popped up to 20 ativan (1 mg pills) and smoked 2 decent sized joints. During the weekends, it was up to 72 beers a day. Wash, rinse, repeat for 7 fucking years. I finally told my family doctor who referred me to a rehab facility. My entry date was October 16, which gave me about 5 weeks to wait. She suggested a detox atvthe hospital, but I decided to go it alone. The first week I went to 16 beers a day, 16 ativan and 2 joints. The 2nd week was 14 beers, 12 ativan and 2 joints per day. The 3rd week, 12, 8 and 2. The 4th week was 9 beers, 8 ativan and 2 joints, and the final week was 8 beers, 4 ativan and 2 joints, until the evening before. I went nuts and drank 24 beers, 4 ativans and 3 or 4 joints plus a mickey of rum. I smoked a 2 paper doob on my way to rehab. I then went cold turkey under their care. I felt like fucking shit. Dry heaving, headaches, the tremors, brain was like mashed potatoes. They put me on 2 ativan a day and tapered me off the benzos over the course of a week. Long story short, next tuesday will be 90 days clean and sober. I do 4 AA meetings a week, which gives me a social life and the forum to talk to people who are or have been where I am. I haven't felt this great in years.
Goid luck and be careful user.

quit the drink Start on meth. 2 sleeps till xmas - PROFIT!

Thanks user

No problem Sup Forumsro. The 3 scariest days of my life were admitting to my doctor just how far I was gone, walking through the door to enter rehab, and the day I left rehab. It was a 30 day inpatient program, and I came home on weekends. I was piss tested and cheek swabbed on Sundays when I got back. I looked forward to leaving and being in my own bed, but I also knew that I was now responsible for myself and that if I wanted to drink and drug again, there was nobody to check on me. But, I was sick and tired of being sick and tired, so I've been clean ever since. I really haven't had any struggles except for the occasional "I feel like smoking a joint or having a beer", but that thought passes pretty quickly.

I was about the same age when I quit, drinking a lot more than that and I didn't die. I was easily going through a fifth of bourbon every night, if not more, and would drink a 24 case of beer on days where I felt like taking it easy. The shakes were a bitch for the first three days, to the point where I couldn't even drink a glass of water without spilling it all over the place. The worst part, by far, was the anxiety. Every waking moment was a living nightmare that I couldn't escape from and I couldn't sit still for more than a few seconds at a time.

If you're going to go cold turkey, you need to have at least one very close person with you to supervise and keep you calm. If you're completely alone, the chances of you caving and going out to get some more are extremely high. Personally, I would still recommend this route over tapering. True alcoholics don't really have an off switch once you start drinking and 1 beer will turn into 10 without you even realizing. It's better to just rip the band aid off and keep reminding yourself that your life gets about 1,000 times better once you get over the hump. It might sound like bullshit, but eventually you'll have a really deep, 10 hour sleep where you sweat through everything and you'll wake up feeling completely normal again. Anxiety and depression just sort of melted away and I was completely functional again. It was the best decision I ever made, so good luck user.