Black guy who uses the word "nigger" in song lyrics upset by clothing label who uses the word "monkey" on childrens...

>Black guy who uses the word "nigger" in song lyrics upset by clothing label who uses the word "monkey" on childrens jumper.

ITT: we discuss why americans are so fucking retarded.

ok here goes
Yanks are brainwashed ignorant simple folk that get told by their owners that America is the best country evar, despite all evidence to the contrary. To be fair, only 30 or so percent of Americans even own a passport, so "evidence to the contrary" is hard to come by for them.

Americans are programmed from childhood to forget the rest of the world exists so that they don't then look outside Yanksville and realize they are being shafted. This is a government method to ensure the notoriously dumb, easily manipulated yankEE populous think everything is just fine so they'll continue to work multiple low paid jobs, be satisfied with what little they have, and never think of doing anything so radical as speaking out against a system that is so obviously using them and just one fancy mustache away from utter fascism. Few citizens are able to remove this programming from their brains, but they are still Yanks, so boo-fucking-who. Decent Americans should just leave the country before they get raped by the rest of the world one day.

To most Americunts, the only country that exists outside of the United States is the one they are currently at war with. As such, Iraq is the only country that currently exists to Americans. Some also may know of Afghanistan or Iran, but not so much that they can place them on a map.

Americans display their ignorance of other countries as a badge of nationalistic pride patriotic obedience.


You have obviously never been to the US.

Examples include:

Remaking books and films so that everything is set in America.
Never traveling outside of North America whichever state they were born in.
Believing that the capital of Sweden is IKEA.
Becoming intentionally obese to avoid air travel.
Being really shitty at geography in Trivial Pursuit.
Believing that anyone outside of America is "weird" and still act as if it was the 19th century (eg., the people of Europe still wear powdered wigs, engage in duels and occasionally don big, spiky helmets).
Thinking that having a National Health Service is the equivalent to selling one's soul to the devil because it's 'socialism", despite the fact that it saves the people that the government SWORE TO FUCKING PROTECT.
Speaking of socialism, all Americunts have a unquestioning hatred/fear of it. It is unknown why, and an attempts to reason with them or even explain usually lead to men in black suits in vans outside your house, monitoring for "terrorist activity".
Re-Writing historical events (especially those involving war) so that America becomes the sole protagonist, notably Iconic British events in ([WWII] and Afghanistan(see the new Medal of Honour).
Believing that American law is World Law, this means if they enter any other country the rules don't apply.
The American people believe that the world loves America as much as they do, and that everyone in the world would rather be living in America.
Bitching about gas prices, even though it's more expensive in the rest of the world because other countries don't invade people and genocide races to access petroleum.

Just back since monday

This is true and any cuck who says its not like this, its indeed brainwashed since birth.

The problem with this whole thing is yet again, Americans sticking their noses into shit that isn't theirs.

In the UK, monkey is not associated with being a slur for black people. It's a term used to talk about little kids mucking about "oh you cheeky little monkey" for example.

In the City I live in we have a nursery called Cheeky Monkeys for fucks sake.

So again, America, kindly fuck off and do one.

they never will
they still believe.....MURKA NUMBER 1


american niggers have no concept of the world yet think they own its morality. if only they knew that only this nation even fucking feels sorry for them.

He's not American tho?

That faggot cant even spell weekend right also he is a Canadian. Go suck a dick

>the usa are trillions in debt to china
>the usa demand china to keep north korea on a leash
>china gives 0 fucks about the usa

one day china is going to come to collect that debt, and they will have a fully nuclear armed russia and north korea on their side to back them up.

currently 2 out of 3 american males are classified as overweight or obese, therefore they are unfit for military duty. when the invasion begins, russia, china and north korea are going to easily overwhelm the country with land forces while the fat rednecks try to protect themselves with assault rifles they don't even know how to use.



Fucking moronic cunts. Americunts are the vilest breed of human in history. Stupid yanks.

An important part of American identity involves stealing other peoples stuff, especially the British, these include:

Name - United States of America; United Kingdom of Great Britain. Questions?. The appropriating the name of the entire continent abusively, makes one of their national symbols is also abuse.
America itself, after genociding the native population.
English Language - which the Americunts butcher in their squeaky Jew voices and slack-jawed Southern drawls.
Anthem - John Smith's British hymn, which Americunts didnt get permission to borrow.
Flag - thieved from British east India flag.
Pastime - Baseball. The English invented for girls, not for grown-up rich people in pajamas.
Army recruitment - kiddie fiddler Uncle Sam "i want you", from Lord "(Kitchener) Wants YOU"
Education - High school, (John) Harvard University (for immigrants only)
Old Imperial units - Mile, yards, inches and shit. In this as in many things, they insist on being different, like some indy faggot in high school.
Building - US Capitol 1850's built by Slaves, ripped off Chris Wren's concrete dome on St Paul's cathedral
The US constitution, particularly the Bill of Rights, - from Iroquios Confederancy Agreement. WORD FOR FUCKING WORD. They learned freedom from the same people they called savage.
Common Law - English, Trial by Jury - Americunts love a good lawsuit.
National phrase The motto Life, Liberty, Happiness stolen from the English philosopher Locke "Life, Liberty, Possessions".
Many of the quotes attributed to the Founding Farthers, particularly Benjamin Franklin, were again stolen from John Locke.
Claiming they are Irish because one of their great great great great grandparents was. This is like saying you're a fish because you swam at the beach one time. nauseum.

proof that people from the usa have no concept of the world outside themselves


the US was only holding like 2% of all african slaves from that slavery era.

all the ones to the middle east, who were the last to ban it, were castrated. we never castrated our niggers.

does south america ever apologize for having 90% of the african slaves to the americas? no.

this is the only nation that makes the most black millionaires/billionaires and even feels sorry for them at all. they should be sucking our dick forever. slavery to north america was the best thing that ever happened to the fucking black race.

Preach my nigga

Read that the mom was there with the son during shoot and pretty much said Americans need to fuck off and mind their own business. Apparently she isnt offended at all so why is this even a thing? oh wait because rich ameri niggers cry racism and their opinion matters more than the mothers.

I am Canadian and you do know American refers to the yanks in most common parlance, unless youre just baiting.

America is a very stupid country however the best stuff comes out of here u fookin doo doo heads i.e. music

why do so many 'citizens of the world' want to emigrate to the U.S. ?

So you refer to Canadians as Americans, well arent you a dumb faggot?

citizens of the third world dipshit

>implying canadians aren't also fucking retarded

>USA is the only country in AMERICA

It's not like 2 out of the 7 continents are named AMERICA, fucking dipshit

yeah nukes are neat, but everyone knows its going to come with an equal amount of loss using one. every world leader knows this, stop being such retarded faggots. also americans are retarded because they come from europeans.

This is more a black thing than an American thing. I'm sure there are plenty of black American mothers that would let their kid pose for the photo. However there is a group of vocal blacks that will find fault in everything. They will also shame other blacks into silence. This has more to do with the money involved in being perpetual victims.

americans are the only country in the world to describe their own citizens by country of descendant nationality.

>african american
>asian american
>latino american

you know, instead of just 'american'.

>but why aren't white people described as european american?

Better than eurocucks calling nuggets swedish

the majority of americans don't pay attention to this political fanatic nonsense. we identify each other as colors, instead of country of orgin, and theres a whole rainbow of brown where as white is just white. but everyone agrees whites make sexy fucking people.

We won the bloody war, all of this is ours now.

factually the only war the usa have won.

yea lol europeans r dumfuks

most of those inventions are kinky sex toys

agreed OP

it blows my mind how fucking retarded Americans are
this whole issue is so ridiculous.