Why are Amerishits so fucking fat and lazy?

Why are Amerishits so fucking fat and lazy?

Amerishits.....good one bro, you really got us with that one

we're just smarter than the people from the shithole country that you live in.

XD the only amerishits are the old people in United states. The young ones are the one making your country look like shit. But then again, every country has lots of cunt elders because elders are cunts.


Okay OP, do something about it. We've tried educating and we still end up with these whales that choose to be ignorant. My honest opinion is that we can't do shit about it unless you want to euthanize them but that's extreme. Any ideas?? because we've exhausted every avenue.

He says as he sucks the 5th refugee cock of the day ;)

No refugees here.
Explain Amerifat how OP's picture has 2 people too fat to walk, using an oxygen tank just to stay alive is wheeling themselves through a fast food drive through?
I've never even seen anyone so fat they have to use a wheelchair. Why aren't they just sent away? Do Americans have no morals or care for their fellow man?

That was their choice

If motherfuckers want to be fat, then let them. They made the decision, ain't my job to tell them stop it.





>It impacts me in no way
These are the people take so much from your country almost 50% of annual spending goes towards these fatties healthcare and social security because they're too fat to walk.
How do you think these unemployed ham planets get $10k scooters? With your tax dollars.
Billions spent upgrading hospitals for fatties. Reinforced ambulances fitted with fucking winches like a tow service

The scooters are called rascals and are native to Walmart

Funny looking Walmart

Well for one McDonald's in the states will not serve you through the drive through if you are walking or riding a bike so maybe it's McDonald's that's forcing us to be fat

You are trying awful hard to stir shit, but we really don't give a fuck if someone wants to be fat.
Don't you have some log threads to start somewhere?

They were born in Walmart and are known to migrate to McDonald's and other fast food chains.

Mate, I got a fucking man child trying to build a literal wall on the Mexican border of my state. That dumbassery affects me way more than the 25 bucks SS takes from my paycheck.

Native to walmart. You can buy them for your home so would they be indigenous to your home if you owned one.

In my town they will. Half the late night business is from half-drunk walk-ups.

Their lineage can be traced back to walmart because so many fat white trash people need them to roam the aisles for pop tarts and 2 liters of coke

Amerifats are the worst. Avoid contact with them at all costs.

You get kinda lazy when you aren't in a shithole country dealing with the fucked up government, gang warfare, rampant murder and family beatings to give you constant exercise. The mass immigrants, if they were allowed in would be boated in no time as well.