Reminder this happened

reminder this happened

No, Mr. Schlomoberg, please don't take my doubles away! I'll have the rent on time, I promise!

so macklemore is alt right huh

Shit was hilarious, he's lucky they didn't shut him down

>raps about gay rights
>raps about white privilege
>raps about sexism
totes alt irght

gay rights more like gay alt rights

idk man this puts it all in a new light
his studio output was popular but his live shows were clearly a bid to win the alt right

>his live shows were clearly a bid to win the alt right
Nice line of reasoning there.
>all the other liberal stuff he did suddenly doesn't matter anymore
You're stupid.

haha wow you really showed me with epic meme reactions

macklemore is a disgusting anti semite and you are complicit if you think for a moment that defending this is ok

i want Sup Forums to leave

i feel like such a dumbass for laughing at this

i mean like, it's entirely awful, but there's no need to over-characterise.

it should be called what it is - capitalising on the popularist side of a lefty movement, while showing no private understanding on the issues through stunts like this

desu it's worse than just lumping him in as alt-right - he's absolutely clueless, and shit like him hurts the left more than helping it through market-driven support

Macklemore is so vanilla he had no idea the connotations of his costume, why meme otherwise?

>laughing italians.gif

stop excusing racism as ignorance

stop excusing racism as ignorance

haha, "friendo", very funny memay
it's very funny how you are being itentionally retarted so silly ayy lmao

lmao keep fucking dreaming kid sorry for calling your hip hop hero out as being an anti semite
"no no nooo he just dressed up in full caricature complete with flat top and suit completely by accident"
theres no fucking irony here stan hes very clearly trying to win over alt righters

has he released any material since this? really makes one think

you're embarrassing yourself, you're embarrassing us all

yeah dude youre such a reasonable person playing devils advocate for the guy going onstage in full jew caricature costume while singing about saving money

man im just being a total cringelord by calling you a sack of shit huh

I'm new, are you an idiot or just pretending?

back to you go

he's probably just bored. these types of threads make it really easy to get a rise out of people which can be entertaining

Pretending I'm guessing? It's nice that you don't break kayfabe

yeah idk why someone would pretend that this isnt clearly racist like macklemore was living in a hole for his entire life
you cant pretend to be about social progress and not be aware of how fucked that is

your probably right i guess i got trolled

the fuck are you babbling about

I meant to send to

macklemore probably did live in a "hole" his whole life

You probably need to dial it back, no ones biting, also fuck you if you're running false flag

oh sick dude it must be me who is trolling for the win by suggesting that a pop culture icon who talks about social issues isnt completely ignorant about social issues and cant pretend that it was all just an epic prank bro yeah that sounds reasonable and not retarded

im not gonna lie im actually really confused as to how you guys are disagreeing with a straight face like he fucking dressed up as a stereotype

yes i must be epic trolling by saying making fun of jews is in poor taste i have been found out by the brilliant anonymous detectives take me away copper

haha classic Friendo

yea, he got a full fantano review
not saying his new shit is good, but it's out there and gets attention

I'm new, but he seems like a bad troll, is there something I'm missing?

get a trip so i can filter you please

yes i must be epic trolling by saying making fun of jews is in poor taste i have been found out by the brilliant anonymous detectives take me away copper

friendo, you must be butter cuz ur on a roll today baby

I mean he does have a point... What Macklemore did can't just be waved away as an accident.

This isn't about politics, it's more that Friendo's reading comprehension is garbage and he's attacking people that don't like Macklemore in the first place, in general he's acting like an idiot

It looks to me like he stated his case and everyone responding is just excusing what Macklemore did and calling names. Not that Friendo's posts are sublime or anything, I just don't think he's in the wrong.

>Friendo's reading comprehension is garbage
i have a higher reading comprehension than anyone on this board

His posts are subpar even for Sup Forums, that being said I agree with him that what Macklemore did was bad, considering how inflammatory and stupid he's being though I could definitely see him as false flagging


imagine being so insecure that you conflate posting effort with intelligence lmao
like if i click the buttons in a different order for perfect punctuation would me being right suddenly be more palatable for you


I'm not criticizing you for not try, most post here including mine written and sent out without planning or editing, you're just worse than the average despite the very low bar

nah my posts are high art only dilettantes and philistines disagree

I mean your post are only garbage if you're sincere, which you probably aren't



fuck me