Why do americans think it's ok to be morbidly obese? do they get taught this in schools?

why do americans think it's ok to be morbidly obese? do they get taught this in schools?

No, any American with any intelligence can tell you that being obese is fucking disgusting.

parents who don't give a fuck about keeping their children fit because their parents also didn't give a fuck

So, like 1 or 2 out of 5?


running out of room to store fat. No worries will move to the forehead.

Some ppl want to lose weight, but they can't resist junk food, they eat for the pleasure of the moment and feel ashamed later. So they say things like "it's ok to be fat" and feel less guilty

Yeah sounds about right.

Not saying there are a lot of them, but they do exist. They are just really rare.

>implying fatties have intelligence for learning or reasoning

Only morbidly obese people think it's ok to be morbidly obese. They aren't taught it in school, schools teach fat acceptance. Obesity is largely a result of two things, being poor or stupid.

This is like ridiculous tier obesity. Her body has run out of places to put fat so now it's literally piling on to her face, even her forehead ffs.
To answer your question, we live in the age of everyone being offended for every little fucking thing. People are taught to be tolerant of everything, including these rollie pollie Jabba looking mother fuckers.
It's infuriating.

Sup Forums is an American made product

As an American, I can tell you not giving a fuck is the American dream


Nah we just tell people it's ok to be fat and that every body is beautiful. America is filled with the biggest pussies in the world. We sugar coat everything. We don't want to hurt anyone's feelings(except other countries). This country is a damn mess. We've turned any kind of sexual behavior into a crime and if your a man you need to fear women in this country cause once you start making you money they will fuck your shit up.

Obese people need to learn they're fucking disgusting. But we don't want to hurt feelings in america. Everyone needs a safe space and this is it. And Bitches need to learn sex exists and males are obviously more aggressive when it comes to sexual behavior and desires. When something happens punch a mofo or slap and threaten his life. Don't wait 20 years down the line until he's rich so you can steal his money. Your lucky your not being raped. Hundreds of years ago you had no choice. If some random faggot wanted to mount you he'd do it by force. You want equal rights? You want independence? Man the fuck up. You think if some chick squeezes my ass at work ill trip about that shit? I'd go on break for a quickie. Oh and the tranny motherfuckers. Just stop with your special bathroom shit your gross. Clearly LGBT is missing a fuckin P cause your all fucked up. Its cool you want to fuck whoever just stop shoving it in everyone's faces. And BLM I won't talk about because it's not worth my time. America is a bunch of panzy fuckin pussy SJW faggots. Free speech get you fucked I'm this country

Yeah they do, right before double period French on a Tuesday afternoon
fat cunts


Americans are taught a lot of falsehoods, such as God being human. I've been spreading the word since the 23rd, even though you guys aren't atheist, you still hold on to the retarded belief that god is not a cobra.

Read the Bible, dibshits. The only time god shows himself physically to more than one person is when he reveals as a cobra from Moses' staff when confronting the pharaoh.

Exodus 7:10 The lord told Moses to throw down the staff, it became the snake. God's true form is a cobra. He did not make man in his image, he gave that grace to the subtlest creatures.

Look at Egypt's creation story, Apep (a cobra) and Atum (their version of God) where once one, each of them represented two sides of one individual. Egypt goes into heresy when they say that these beings split into two.

But we can surmise that all religions that have a god reference the same god through different lenses. Only christians get it right, obviously, but many religions have a snake god that contrasts a malviolent one.

This is actually the duality of god. Like a cobra he can be wrathful, but also he can be calm. Cobras strike down animals much larger than they with venom in much the same way an all powerful being might with lightning.

It is important that we still love god, though he takes the shape of something most find terrifying or repulsive. He cast down his lightning venom only on the wicked for He is just!

It is also no coincidence that snakes in general are mentioned so often in the Bible. It is not enough to have each line in the Bible memorized, but one must also read between the lines as well.

To say that god is neither man nor cobra is to say that the serpentic imagery and messages along with god's own divine acts are meaningless, which is just not true.

jesus h christ

>Taught to be tolerant of everything
>Offended by every little fucking thing
That's an oxymoron, if I every heard one.

So being dangerously underweight is more beautiful than a little chub?
Fucking virgins...

thought sdhe was eating her fingers

sh... she's beautiful!

>americans - taught in schools?
