French Minister of education want arabic language taught in 1st grade

Eveything is in the title.

Who is she ?

>Najat Vallaut Belkacem
>French Minister of Education
>Counselor of the Morocco King
>She already suppressed "European classes" (where you learnt european language)
>She suppressed the teaching of latin and ancient greek
>History of Islam is obligatory now
>Christiany and Middle Age is "optionnal"
>More chapters on slave trading and colonization
>Less on Enlightment

And now she wants to add arabic teaching for the 6 years old kids in french schools.

We have 5th column, please send help, CIA, Mossad, KGB, I don't care.


>>She suppressed the teaching of latin and ancient greek
>>History of Islam is obligatory now
>>Christiany and Middle Age is "optionnal"

Are you fucking serious? This is an actual thing?

jesus christ

Leftists should seriously be genocided at this point

>>Counselor of the Morocco King
why is this allowed? how the fuck can you be a public official of one country and the "counselor" of another country's regent?

Fucking leaf

But that's not the most curious part, she actually never worked a fucking day in her life, she has a bachelor degree in law from a dogshit university, she made numerous blunders, she is unskilled and finally a feminist.

I mean, we have a lot of brilliant people in France but she is sure not one of them, having her in a minister is a fucking disgrace.

Basically she is a cancerous muslim token that socialists use to grab muslim vote.

Europe is an Islamic shithole.

You reap what you sow

Absolutely halal

nice meme friend. you got me there.

wait.. is this real?
this is a nightmare. thank god I have a nice french silver coin collection, so at least I can preserve some of your glorious past.

Qu'elle aille se pendre ça vaudra mieux

>please send help, CIA, Mossad, KGB, I don't care

Asking the guilty guys to help. U fcking cuck

>Christiany and Middle Age is "optionnal"
I don't see that in the article?

Makes sense. You got to teach them young.

Because "oy vey"

The only thing we'll have to remember france by is that fucking statue and french toast. Bon Voyage France.

>not wanting to teach the new majority language

Ultimately we get what we deserve. We have been bitching for decades but we've never done anything. Now might as well learn arabic and convert, maybe they'll kill us with a bullet rather than by beheading us/burning us alive/bathing us in acid.

It is just her historics, I did not check if she managed to pass the programs change though, anyway she got the intention to.

Please stop, we got commies in large numbers and various nigger lovers even before the USSR or CIA was a thing.
I even doubt uncle Yuri needed to send anybody in France, our commies were already sold to the cause, Lenin and Trostky organized themself in Paris and educated leaders ofthe revolution there.

I doubt anyone here is old enough to have sowed anything. We are reaping what previous generations have sowed for us.

V-vive la France?

Imagine if I went back in time to 1999.

Hey Anons I'm from 2016 in the future Islamic terrorists yeah those guys Arnold kills in every movie, well, they actually blow up a bunch of shit over and over. What, stop them? Nuke their territories? Nah we let them immigrate into our countries and are in the process of converting to their religion. I know, it's fantastic isn't it.

She could counsel me, if you catch my drift.

>We have 5th column, please send help, CIA, Mossad, KGB, I don't care.

La résistance when?

>this is a nightmare. thank god I have a nice french silver coin collection, so at least I can preserve some of your glorious past.
post pics

Give it a decade and they will be. When these people are convicted of crimes against their own race, then it'll be up to places like us to find them and ensure they're brought to justice.

Va chier Gustave!
Tu as voté pour ce gouvernement de merde en te disant "plus jamais Sarko!" Assume maintenant!
>être Français
>voter pour des cons tous les 5 ans
>être étonné que le pays part en sucette
Putain vous allez quand apprendre? Vous ne l'avez vraiment pas vu venir en votant pour des socialistes et Flamby... Vous êtes pathétiques!


why don't assassinations happen more often? surely someone's grandpa has an old rifle on the farm. even the police don't have fucking guns, they'd be completely unprepared for something like that, unlike in america where it's plausible and expected.

“I molded myself against le Front National,” she tells me about her early days in politics. “Against hate speech, be it racist, sexist, xenophobic, or homophobic. Against the kind of injustice I faced during my own life.”

Les français qui ont voté pour François sont clairement dans leur élément ici. Si vraiment je voulais trouver des anons socialistes, je commencerais par Sup Forums.

It happened with our former president Jacques Chirac. But some upstading citizen averted the disaster.

This is what you get for going to war with Hitler.

Please no France no! JUST NO! First that Verdun cemetery thing and now this?!

this is actually insane as hell

L'auteur est un idiot utile pro israélien, j'en suis persuadé. Tocard.

It's not mandatory. I'm against this faggotry, but seriously, OP is a stormfag.

il doit enjoliver un peu, comme d'habitude

>i'm gonna defeat the fascists by being even more fascist then they are

It was so fucking disgusting when i went to the swimming pool as a kid and hairy mudslime women would swim fully clothed in the water. If I jumped in there with my clothes I'd be banished from that pool. Fucking Holland. I hate it here sometimes. Just want to move to Serbia.

You mongrels had your fucking chance for an age of european grandness, but you sided with jews and marxists

What, English?

Someone dig De Gaulle out of his grave. France needs him to save it self, again.

Jeremy Paxman : litteraly who ?

that's rich coming from a german.

just kill her

De Gaulle is the original trash head who made this happen.



I believe he was being sarcastic you silly billy.

am i the only one that wants to fuck her face?

Thats so progressive of them!



Idk what the fuck you're smoking Pedro but kill someone like her and her message gets 10x stronger to the public. Heck killing her would probably get more coverage and a larger vigil than the Paris terror attack from last year.

If you won't protect your children you won't protect anything. RIP France.

If this is real, it's only a matter of time before Canada starts importing Islam.

Stockpile weapons now, to prepare for the eventual reckoning.

No but seriously, what are the facts? Is Christian/European history optional? Is Arabic language a standard choice like english now or mandatory? Is she a close adviser of the Moroccan king?

it works here tbqh

You better fucking delete this right now or I swear to God you fucking little shit ...

how about we delete her ?

>it's one of those threads that make me have a shitty stomach pain

Someone looks like they could benefit from a good hammering.

C'est une pute d'expat umps. Rien a tirer de ces chiennes qui prepare deja leur vote pour la molasse pro Islam Juppé.


we used to have a subject called "christianity, religion, and "life views"", but now it's called "religion, "life views", and ethics"

Agreed. Post pics

>It's not mandatory
>you can choose between chinese or muslim
>no english
>no spanish
>no german
>What are you? A kuffar?

has to be done on a larger scale, as the muzzies themselves are showing. the people become desensitized to it, and just subconsciously begin to accept that having the wrong opinions too openly can get you killed. Hell, it's what the european authorities are doing to anti-migrants currently with their arrests and raids for anti migrant speech online.

euros are gonna have to start killing on large scale, doing it once will just have the opposite effect.

Unfortunately it doesn't work in western Nations. Shit would be much easier if it did.

Merde, je suis demasqué.

This is why you don't kill her, you kill her family and frame them for sime crime or for pedophilia.
Send a fair warning. The alternative is mass killing politicians.
I vote both personnally

>History of Islam is obligatory now
>Christiany and Middle Age is "optionnal"

Didn't know that

Just end it all already


good girl . doing Allah's work

Yes I'm a proud kouffar when you are a fucking moron, a weak little piece of shit crying on a board. Just grow Up already, fucking faggot.

>History of Islam is obligatory now
>Christiany and Middle Age is "optionnal"
>Less on Enlightment

Why does Europe have the unquenchable desire to be penetrated by all things Islamic?

Salut Momo, je vois que tu t'es éloigné des vidéos de Soral, la sortie c'est en haut gauche.

C'est pas obligatoire en effet, comme la viande halal il y a 30 ans.
Ca grignote, ça grignoté.

C'est pas vrai, c'est simplement qu'ils passent moins de temps sur la chrétienté, encore plus de stéréotypes sur l'Eglise, l'empire byzantin qui n'est maintenant que 10 misérables lignes sur une page.

Ca appauvrit considérablement le programme mais bon, on sait très bien qu'on essaie plus de faire des têtes bien faites mais simplement de bons abrutis et déboussolés.

>reading comprehension

Leftists are never moderate in their submission to the muslim brotherhood.
It will de facto become necessaery to have learn arabic for a few year in your cursus.
By reading extract of the quran of course.
Slippery lope is the socialist motto.

Could you fags stick to English?

So she'll just force your kids to become Arabs, nice. And you won't do anything to stop her, certainly not in a lethal way. Double nice.

>Basically she is a cancerous muslim token that socialists use to grab muslim vote.

And this is why importing muslims (and other non-assimilating groups) in large numbers will result in your democratic society being hijacked and destroyed. A democratic system works when the society is relatively homogeneous.

> implying the CIA and the mossad aren't the 5th column

Man and people thought the whole new world order thing was bullshit.

it´s great to learn arabic , a very weird and funny semi-hard language to learn!
as long as it´s not mandatory . more languages should be thought at every school from every country.

now fund it.
plus ontop of that nothing is sweeter to understand people gossiping or threatening / insulting you in their language and responding with something cringeworthy sarcasm - comeback.

It's not even about democracy, it's about a nation.
A state can't work if there is a nation in the nation, see balkans.

There's going to be some hot hot genocides in Europe within my lifetime. I'm stoked!

> Mexico will be more white than all of Western Europe in 10 years

Why even live ?

>it´s great to learn arabic , a very weird and funny semi-hard language to learn!

>Be Najat Vallaut Belkacem
>Living life on Easy mode as a qt grill in the west
>Also be Muslim so the Government, Academia, and all pillars of the establishment throw jobs, promotions and accolades your way to promote "diversity"
>Be given high positions in government even though you're not qualified because you're a Muslim womyn
>But you're a victim cause someone made a rude joke to you once while you were growing up

I'm fucking annoyed.

C'est toi le bougnoule avec cette capacité de réflexion, gros débile mental.

>She already suppressed "European classes" (where you learnt european language)
>She suppressed the teaching of latin and ancient greek
>History of Islam is obligatory now
>Christiany and Middle Age is "optionnal"


Look at how much of a cuck i am. I learn arabic so i can respond to turks when they say mean things to me.


Bon ok l'Angleterre est semi-cocu pour l'islam aussi mais au moins j'ai pu monté une entreprise sans prob. J'ai littérallement du remplir un formulaire en trois minutes et attendre une semaine, et puis c'est tout.

J'envois chier les socialistes de gauche, les socialistes de droite et Marxine le Pen aussi. Et puis les bougnoules, dégagez les bougnoules.

Kill her for fuck sake.

textbook divide and conquer

Et toi tu dois surement regarder le mahommetant soral je suppose ? Putain de cuck

Putain six mois hors du trou et je ne sais déjà plus écrire français.

Désolé mais le nationalisme je ne peux même pas faire semblant. Lorsque j'entends "France" le premier truc qui me viens à l'esprit c'est forumulaire CERFA #132154.154b.