Will we

ever recover?

Why's he ...In fact who is he, and why is he loud?

Lol looks like he failed on that roaring jackass thing

I have a hard time believing this guy isn't Jewish.

Everything he does seems intended to cuck

>I am a cuck who tried to stump the Trump.
When will these globalist shills learn?


>i've always tried to not to be...a roaring jackass

He never ran for president did he.

> Here lies Bill Kristol
> Was not a jerk

Sounds like a real hero

I wonder who is the 3rd party alternative, I hope it's our proven conservatives, I hope the #cruzmissiles can start once again!


Are you ready to taste the johnson

That does it. I am now... #FiscalForKristol

And he looks like a jew too

Well that TRULY does it.

I am now #BrillForBill

It's going to be no one because Kristol was just making shit up while he drinks himself into oblivion.

>b-b-but at least im not a jackass!

this does it, I'm a #Kristolnacht now

>Sup Forums is always right
der fuken juden

Kristol pretty much pushed us into the Iraq war. He's kind of a roaring motherfucker.


Something is driving him nuts. Either Trump is about to destroy some big master plan, or this is all theatrics for the sheeple.

I'm afraid I'm going to go with the latter.

He looks like a fucking pedo

top kekkeroni