Bros, Matthew Ismael Ruiz of Pitchfork has now given us whites permssion to know Em's freestyle mattered
Blows out Drumpf too
Bros, Matthew Ismael Ruiz of Pitchfork has now given us whites permssion to know Em's freestyle mattered
Blows out Drumpf too
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it matters but nothing new was spit
Why do liberals think musicians making songs about Trump is somehow magically going to get rid of him? Watching too many fucking musicals. Trump ain't the fucking wicked witch of the west. Maybe if Eminem wanted to change something, he should use his billions of dollars to go to college and study politics and try to become the president himself.
>pitchfork literally employees hispanics who calls trump Drumpf
cringe lmao
literally calls him drumpf im fucking dying
>pitchfork still thinks their tastemakers
they are salon/jezebel trash now who are only posted to be clowned on
melon, reddit, twitter and stereocuck are more relevant
Oh boy. They really are dumb.
>hey let's make ourselves seem like the edgy cool team
>uses 2015 guy's maymay
That will just lose you more viewers pitchfork, especially since the internet is increasingly either Right or "proper" left (i.e. libertarian, anarchist).
SJWs are cringe to both teams.
Sup Forums is breaking the fabric of reality, I swear.
People just go to local gigs/raves and are starting to find music in their own scene again.
This hasn't happened since the 80's - maybe we'll find good new music in the near future.
Did you not read the article? It was shocking and powerful, we were all blown away, and trump is finished. End of story.
This. More people are moving right or towards socialism. Im socialist yet SJW culture disgusts me
wait I thought Pitchfork hates Eminem?
Jesus motherfucking goddamn cunt asshole Christ do they not want people to take them seriously
what the actual literal fucking fuck
>what the actual literal fucking fuck
no but I seriously mean it for once
the freestyle is cringe but him doing that will obviously be more worthwhile pragmatically speaking than it would if he literally went back to college and ran for president, and you fucking know this
Hillary tried this tactic. It didn't work. She got celebrities to come out and endorse her and say "Fuck Trump" and try to tell they masses what to think. It didn't work. Beyonce and Jay-Z did it. Katy Perry did it. George Clooney did it. The entire cast of The Avengers did it. Fucking Obama did it, and it didn't work. People are tired of celebrities telling them how to think. It's so derogatory. It comes off like, "Hey we're more famous than you. This is important, and here's why. You should listen to us because we're famous and you're just a peasant."
When will liberals learn?
I'm killing myself now because this article happened
I was going to try to enjoy life and move on but the fact this kind of bullshit is a mainstream perspective plus the bullshit that Trump is actually causing to happen makes me realize that my shitty self has no use in the world
you're all better than me bye
Maybe they just supported her?
This just in, a wigger hates the Trump
also the person Trump has to worry about taking him down that's from the music scene is Anthony Fantano
the melon man vs the orange man
Dont do it user. Go start a riot instead or become a vagabond
hopefully mate
>he should use his billions of dollars to go to college and study politics
Just like Trump
>More people are moving right or towards socialism.
No, the left is being replace by libertarians and anarchists, like the good old days.
wtf my economic and demographic anxieties are totally alleviated now
I can just picture the petulant beta nu male clickbait journalist writing about why this thing people will forget about in a few weeks "really matters guys"
I mean, throw another one onto the fucking pile faggot
Did you watch the full video? It's fucking derogatory and manipulative. They literally say something about how they're so famous and you should listen to them, because their opinions matter.
>Why do liberals think musicians making songs about Trump is somehow magically going to get rid of him?
They assume that their audience hasn't dug below the MSM. They're complete phonies trying to secure a narrative.
It's trying to force a meme. And we all know how that will end.
If they wanted to attack Trump, they would attack all the political candidates, all the ideologies, the major corps, the machine itself in the attack. They won't do that because they're holding on to a forced ideology - marxism, SJWism, etc.
The right is more "pseudo-right" because I'll guarentee many of them will begin to do what I say. They just love hurting others and fucking with people.
>needing to study politics in order to become a politician.
politics is a useless degree.
yeah I'm more or less venting, what you're saying is probably more likely to happen
(((They))) are getting sneakier by hiding their names between Mexican ones eh
>a few weeks
i'd give it one day tops
Just pointing out the irony in someone saying if a celebrity liberal like Eminem wants to make a difference he should go to college as study to be president when we have a president who never did that.
This is a huge issue on the left. They rely purely on the conditioning factor of celebrity, MSM and think tank endorsement. People want the kill all three of them...
idpol made me go from socialist to basically a fascist (nazbol)
If i were a musician i wouldnt make an album or song that is explicitly about trump.
I would make it about the society that created trump and the society we live in now.
Or i would be you know, an actual artist about it and use symbolism and allegory instead of just being all DRUMPF IS BIG OL MEANY POOPY HEAD YA'll
Come gather 'round people
Wherever you roam
And admit that the waters
Around you have grown
And accept it that soon
You'll be drenched to the bone.
If your time to you
Is worth savin'
Then you better start swimmin'
Or you'll sink like a stone
For the times they are a-changin'.
Bro that's gay we gotta call out Nazi Drumpf directly. If you don't your being silent in the face of fascism. Nobody tried to stop Hitler! Call out the Orange Fuck and Il Douche to his face!
I know people that study politics, it's construed to establish a set method or "rulebook" for it. It's cancer.
>marxism, SJWism, the list goes on
lmao you're actually a dumbass
>not a wizard
dude, they think ockham's razor is a tool of jihad.
theres no point.
A M E R I C U C K S gonna cuck.
? i study politics. this isnt true at all. it depends on your program, but you mostly just learn about the literal function and structure of government, the main frameworks and ideologies in various aspects of politics (IR, domestic, etc) and certain other things (how campaigns work, why politicians seek office, specific policy classes). This is at the undergrad level, grad school gets even more specific and usually practical. idk what you're even talking about
don't take a fucking political science class unless you want to learn postmodernist wankery and work at denny's
I'd like 2 cheeseburgers, a shamrock shake, curly fries, and a salad. To go please. Thank you sir.
So there's no ethical philosophy at all?
Fuck that's worse than a Law degree...
did someone drop a uni on you as a baby?
no I actually majored in something that is a practical tangible skill and not learning theories created by jewish marxists and gay frenchmen drug addicts from the 20th century
That's not what political science is that's more philosophy and sociology. PS is still pretty useless unless you're getting a law degree though.
for one, "SJW-ism" is a made-up term and not an actual ideology. SJW's are not coherent or numerous and "SJW-ism" just ends up meaning "people who care more about social issues than me".
Marxism exists, but has close to zero presence in the american left. youll find some marxists on college campuses, but even at my INSANELY liberal university and within one of my even more liberal group of artsy friends I know zero marxists. The democratic party is center-left, and about as far away from Marxism as you can get. there aren't "SJW" policies or Marxist policies being pushed basically anywhere in america, despite there being literal Anarchocapitalists in congress on the other side.
People's reaction to the idea that they should care about social issues that matter to others but only slightly inconvenience them is so strong that it leads them to perceive the center-left, pro-market, still insanely pro-free speech Dems as being as or more extreme than anarchocapitalists and ethnonationalists in the republican party.
Plus when you put Marxism next to "SJW"ism it makes people think you're invoking Cultural Marxism, which is literal nazi propaganda. That may have been your intent, in which case i sincerely regret typing this all out, since that would mean you're a lost cause.
Im not sure if you are being ironic or serious. (if you are being ironic its not cute dude) But seriously, I would make an album about neoliberlism, capitalism, americas cultural divide, the proles and bourgeoisie, the donor class, identity politics, centerism, nazis, commies, It would be a complete evisceration of everyone.
Trump would only appear on the final track as some audio on the last song, maybe him saying something funny
Do that. Target the real enemies instead of "muh drumpf" or "muh cis white male people". All those fuckers need to be taken down a peg
There is ethical philosophy, actually loads of it. i interpreted the post i was responding to as being critical of a lack of "hard" education in the field. There's a solid helping of both, maybe 25-30% ethical and political philosophy and 70% the more "real world" stuff.
Political science has the highest median income liberal arts degree out of college, at about 70k, but great meme otherwise. very funny and original.
does theory make your cock feel small?
because the giant chip on your shoulder sure makes it look small.
>median income
First you need to get hired junior. Good luck with that if you don't have the connections. Is your dad rich? Do you know a congressman or his son? No? Add some chicken nuggets to my order please.
Rurald Suburumpf destroyed
t. not an argument
>political scientist: 6,200 jobs
>urban planner: 38,000 jobs
How many political science students do you think are in the United States? Now remember there are also specific degrees in urban planning and policy as well.
your mother sucks cock about as well as you argue.
why waste your time learning theory that doesn't offer actual solutions? why waste time learning wankery when you can learn to create something of material value or some sort of skill? if you do that then you won't need marxist theories justifying why you're poor
'Drumpf' sounds like a fart.
I’m a psychology major and basically I’m a massive retard because I don’t even know what I want my job to be yet so I’m just going to do jobs that just require any nonspecific degree so basically I’m depressed
my mom is dead and was a fat redneck piece of shit. hope she rots in hell sucking cock until she chokes.
I have no musical talent, and no fame. So there would be no point. Im saying. That people have forgotten how to be artists. If you want to make a song be subtle you know. Make it about society, the people in it, make it about the times, make it about everyone and everything. Just being all REEEEEEEEEEE trump is fucking stupid, even if you are liberal. Because the democrats and liberals need the shit slapped out of them too
pretty sure this is bait at this point.
if you're smart and good at what you do, you can get hired in just about any field, especially one with as many applications as Polisci/Government. campaigns are happening constantly, as is the actual functioning of government, as is policy research, etc etc. Especially living in the DC area, it's not that tough to get a job with that degree if you're smart and charismatic. I know way more miserable, often unemployed engineers than I do people who went down the gov track because they got into it for the money and didnt end up being that smart or passionate about it in the end.
you can keep believing that all liberal arts degrees lead to failure if that makes you feel more secure, but i'm not at all worried.
doesn't fucking matter? the degree gets the foot in the door. $70k-90k a year. you'd realize that if you actually talked to people that it isn't the degree or your grades, it's who you know and what you bring to the table. PS degree can open doors in many other fields that aren't just explicitly political.
you don't get a job as a "political scientist" lmao
you use your degree to get a job at a think tank, in government, or numerous other places. There are thousands of employees in most state governments, let alone at the local or federal level, let alone in agencies, etc etc etc. "political scientist" would just be working in academia, which has plenty of jobs as well.
i see.
i win.
You believe in yourself. Well, you seem to think you have a good future. Good luck dude, you're gonna need it.
>this delusion from libarts majors
You people are walking punchlines to STEM students.
yeah, i mean in general it's not good practice to just shit on people for their majors. people's success after getting their degree is far more dependent on who they are as an individual than what it says next to "BA" (or for the true rick and morty fans, "BS") on your resume. doesnt make sense to judge people based on their undergrad major
what government organization worth their salt is going to hire some random kid with an undergrad polsci degree? wouldn't you need a masters
how do you think people get jobs on campaigns, or at NGOs or anywhere else? they get trained to be an electrical engineer, and then UNICEF says "hop right on! that's exactly who we need to analyze the sociopolitical situation in The Gambia"? get real, dude.
Polsci is a respectable field at least. Different people have different dreams and goals. It's just hard to make it and I've had a couple friends who thought they were gonna get somewhere and picked a sociology degree and they have no prospects other than teacher. If you're studying some actual academic discipline I'll respect you.
If you're a gender studies or queer/chicano/idpol studies major I'll judge you though.
bravo pitchfork
they know the right jew
you can kinda go one of two ways (to grossly oversimplify). you can go get your masters, which is probably more common, or you can prove yourself valuable working lower-level jobs on campaigns, lobbying orgs, etc. If you get good connections and recs and are generally capable and present well, that can actually end up being more advantageous. totally depends on your individual situation, though.
You do know that every single plank of both the Tea Party and GOP platforms comes from one of 3 think tanks, right?
Not trying to sound like Le Epic Centrist Man but you've gotta be kidding me, dude. The majority of voters for both parties are fucking morons who believe whatever is shoved in their face.
when was the last time eminem was relevant?
als his oh so original "biographical film" 8mile was just purple rain with a white guy as The Kid, and a shitty stand in for Morris Day and The Time.
yeah, sociology and psych are really rough. you have to go to a crazy elite institution or just be basically a genius to make those work. psych is the highest ratio of grads:jobs of any undergrad degree iirc, people just pick it because they wanna roleplay like they're on Bones or something.
Don't be stupid. His last album went 4 platinum.
Depends on what you mean by relevant, but either right now or 2013 (iirc) when the single for Rap God came out.
this desu, everyone thinks theyre super enlightened and smart, but most people are literally too dumb to ever learn more than the same bullshit that confirms their priors over and over. the same people who make fun of stupid conservatives for sharing Breitbart end up posting Shareblue links on r/politics and sharing homeopathy videos on facebook.
Lmao the great irony here is that what this guy is essentially implying is that what Eminem said only matters BECAUSE it was about Trump.
Heritage Foundation
Democrats are funded by capitalist billionaires like Soros etc. too though. They both have their shifty corporate agendas. To fix politics in this country it starts with destroying the 2 party machine and corporate lobbying system.
this is a little edgy but generally agreeable. i definitely think the misinformation pipeline, especially on the right, is far more damaging than the 2 party system or corporate lobbying, though. we have a representative democracy to vote people in or out, but since so many people are incapable of filtering out what's true, we reelect horrible people over and over.
Yeah brainwashing propaganda is big.
It's a lot more prevalent on the right but I'll see a LOT of misinformation (race baiting or some buzzfeed garbage usually) posted by left wing friends on facebook so they fall for it too. The right wing has all these Worldnewsdaily and Alex Jones and shit but lefties have Daily Kos, Alternet, TYT. Probably a little better because those are more just dishonest reporting than outright lies, but it's a cancer that affects all sides of the political spectrum.
good on yer lad
>Good luck with that if you don't have the connections.
Then get connections.
If you have anxiety - beat it.
>we're sooooo over eminem lol but this was Good cuz it might give the poor rural dum-dums some food for thought
these fucking people
He hasn't been relevant since 2004.
Shifting units isn't the same as being relevant.
Daily reminder that Jeb! can still win. It's over for Dolan Glompf, they've been saying it for months so it's happening this time.
CNN just released a big expose on Drumpf. He worked with the Russians bro and is a senile fat retard. He's finished you hear?
So Jeb! is president now? I want to whip out my guac memes again.
lmao commie fuck those guys make up far more than breitbart do
You know, some far leftists would call me a fascist racist for that statement because I said TYT and Daily Kos were BS and "belittled" race issues.
The far right calls me a commie fuck because I say TYT stretches the truth but they don't outright make up shit about jewish pedophile aliens kidnapping children every week like WND and Alex Jones,
>Craig Jenkins