You faggots will argue over anything

you faggots will argue over anything


I gotta go wit da eels

thats 860,000,000,000,000,000 watts. My money is on the eels.

how much is 1 magma?

a whole magma

Earth is 3.7 magmas.

About half as much as 2 magmae


the eels

use their electricity to power a pump that raises the 1 magma out of the ground. then the 1 magma is no longer a magma, it is now a lava

The 1 magma would win, those eels would get rekt

My money is on the lasagna.

With that many eels, their current temperature would cool down the magma faster than it could obliterate all of them.

the eels would win because they would suffocate the larva.

that's only assuming 1 quintillion eels could cover the entire surface of 1 magma

well seeing as magma orginates from one source deep below the earth, i'd probably go with the magma seeing as the heat generated at th core of earth would wipe the fuck the likes of which have never been seen on earth, mark my fucking words, those 1 quintillion electric eels


discord dot gg BN2TQGW


XDDD this lol

This, unless there is an infinite amount of magma, eels win

wait is there like more magma or more eel?


Earth is only .84 magmas you dumb shit. Read a book or something

oh. then maybe the magma would win. unless the eel


But these eels can zap. that is important

is it electric magma?