Nostalgia thread? Nostalgia thread. YLYL is lame

Nostalgia thread? Nostalgia thread. YLYL is lame.



I still have this


me 2








ne1 lurking?

anybody under 50 should never nostalgia. fuck off






Luvd muh legos

Bone Age wuz tha shite too

Fuck yes

HO-LY SHIT! Just nostalgia'd so hard!

The old pirate sets were so cool!
And castle.
And rock raiders.

that pirate ship was one of my favorite sets. got a good old one for ya


Takin it way back

Grow the fuck up faggots. Looking to the past to redeem your shitty present and future are both pathetic and infantile. Grow a pair and move forward...western civilization depends on it.


Anybody 50 or over should not be on Sup Forums.

bow, wow, wa, wow-wow, bomp budda budda, I'm going deeper underground...

again, kys


I loved playing that shit at my grandmothers house


>Don’t recall good times you had growing up because I’m a stupid nigger





holy shit. i had the kermit boat. where did these come from?



mcdonalds, I believe

NICE. OP nostalgia'd

Holy shit
I had one of these. I was missing the top though.

ha hell yes. i had the burger the shake and the nuggets


I had a red Godzilla shirt that I would wear again and again because my luggage got lost on a trip and it was the only shirt I had for like 2 weeks straight.




I used to love this thing as a kid. I would go down to the park and throw it in a huge field but somehow always had to go into peoples backyard to retrieve it haha

>inb4 underage im 23

Too Soon

still have it complete, maybe a cover where some kind of cartridges go but everything else is there, it still works perfectly

I had the ice cream.

Fucker was like 2 candle power

Shit was cash


I think I broke all the wings in the first day I played with these

Exactly what I was gonna post. Good shit, user.

Also this.

I used to beat kindergarten ass over these things

Holy shit. I had the red Camaro.




>tfw my first Lego set


Pong. Just pong.

I forgot about that thing. I loved playing with it.

reminds me of toy story video game. i forget which system

Laser Tag?

>"Do I look like some sort of math nigger to you?"


Any old fags have slot cars?

Anyone remember that show from the 70’s with puppets? Candle Coce I think?

... Hogsmeade? Harry Potter reference in some way? Idek


Yup. I remember being the King shit in my hood when I got this. Everyone else had the regular guns.

whaaaaaat i remember that

I still play NARC

Oldfag here.

Yep, I used to own one of these in the 70's.


Yes, and the old school cars were the bomb. Today's cars suck.

>literally came out 9 years ago



holy fuuuuuuck
with that johnny #5 looking dude

Holy shit I remember playing this on a crt that had only 10channels


Your dad didn’t try to jump it over the garage?

It should be more like windows 95/97, but this is the OS I miss the most

Loved this game

hey, me too :)

i was actually gonna try to find a pic of this and post it.

hey, me too :)



I've been searching for this for years!

Swif swoosh swif swoosh