Other urls found in this thread:


obama looks black

Obama was too dumb to bring his own umbrella. This is why Donald Trump is a genius.

What those words will be is up to each individual

Fuck that foreign born half breed gay muslim nigger, his tranny wife, and his niglets. Best con job in history

A very mentally stable genius in fact. Probably even the stableist of all the geniuses.

how does trump even walk upright with such a massive cock

hows the incest going bro


thats not his wife you halfwit

also kek

Why doesn't everyone just get an umbrella, surely the whitehouse isn't short on them?

Looks like Obama's mixtape cover

I've supported Trump for 2 years now, but after seeing this picture, wtf i hate drumpfftfhshs now!

Was Obama "NARCOTERROR" Obama powerful when he helped traffic Hezbolah Cocaine?
Even though he fucked over the country with globalism at least he brought down one thing. Cocaine Prices.



>trump taking responsibility for himself
>obama sulking and self-loathing.
yeah sounds about right

Also Check'em

nice trips lizard-people hater

I fucking hate dermocats

>comparing obamas arbitrary last year to trumps arbitrary first year
>not starting graph at 0
>no sources cited
fuck you and your broken understanding of statistics.

Luciferian Pedophile trips confirmed.





You know who's recipe it is for Jack Daniels? HAHA redneck!


welp i guess there is no standard for reason in leftist anymore. i am willing to argue but you are vehemently doing exactly what you accuse trump supporters of doing.



Bernie would have beat trump 1000000 to 1




dunno about murica but sure is making this thread great again


Instead of talking to his wife, Obama would rather walk in the rain and pay a guy to deal with her. Even then that's what? Twenty one words? You're full of shit OP.


Trump holds his own umbrella, Obama has others carry it for him

>'i dont need to argue! i dont need to confront my ideas and worldview! memes memes memes HA HA YOURE SO STUPID AND CLOSED MINDED LALALALALALA'

Dude, you can't argue about the color of the sky, shape of the moon or temperature of ice and that's what arguing with redneck, FOX-brainawashed idiots is like. I respect your willingness to discuss but the above explains why liberals are getting tired of discussing things that are obvious to anyone who opens his eyes.

No rain. Has an umbrella

>goes up to 12/20/16

Sounds legit

It's literally no contest, the left contains the most vile human filth our country has every witnessed.

what do you mean the above? are you talking about the memes or what you quoted?

sure kid

really makes you think

Fun fact, it took Obama 8 years to get that 2.4x

Trump did his 1.06 in one year... ONE BITCH

if you extrapolate the rate, Trump’s Dow will be over 8x higher at the end of his presidency...

Whats your Kenyan Jesus now?

Abracadabra bitch.



if you are kidposter, hello senpai~
if you are not, gtfo~

the left would very quickly make that a non-problem.
"I identify as black"

>yes goy, keep sucking trumps schlomo

are you a wizard with a crystal ball?




indoctrinated much?

> gay supporter for trump being respectfull and normal
> left wing faggots going apeshit and proving there scum

yep sounds right

The Absolute State Of The Left

Trump is using an umbrella even though it's not raining. Maybe it's a parasol. Had to protect his delicate skin from the Sun so he doesn't ruin his orange complexion. What a little bitch.

>and proving there scum
>there scum

this is true~

Meant what i stated in the first sentence. It's just fucking draining for anyone who's not a Trump fanatic (which is required to still support him) to argue with one.

nice trips

The Absolute State of the Lefts "Art".


>Punished Obama
Will history ever forgive him?

> would rather make fun of spelling than call out child molesters


i'm sure it was a mistake, but grammatically, it just about works, even if a bit awkward.
you were focusing on the language and symbols rather than what you were saying, though, so i despise you either way.
I believe that's called AIDSPIGing, but I may be wrong.

Only men are allowed under that umbrella.


There's a difference between being gay and being a faggot. It's just so happens that the majority of faggot are gay, and vice versa.

>child molesters


Has anybody noticed that it's not even fucking raining in the Trump photo?

no citations, no links or proof, no shits given.
I pissed on your mailbox so your welfare check may be wet.

I'll leave a tip in your moms bra to make up for it



Ah. Well, when I've argued with trump supporters and right-leaning people it's usually been civil and fine. In real life, my arguments with Clinton supporters and left-leaning have tended to go pretty well too. Both have been uncivil or irrational on occasion, but I'm not sure if being tired of arguing with a group gives anybody the right to jump to the 'im right' conclusion without first confronting the other persons argument at all. That seems like a dangerous stance.


somone should call child serves before she lobs that kids dick off


So liberals are going to recognize him as an oppressed sexual minority now?

the picture said... there is always at least 1 white guy with an umbrella

>implying the level of the Dow isn't public knowledge.

If you doubt me, google it.

Wtf this cant be real

puberty blocks make transgender surgery impossible

the long and short of it is it makes a lack of material

I've always kinda liked that loveable redneck. He looks like a cool bro.

>blatant photo evidence
god you must be down right retarded or egyptian because you're in de nile

this was a paid actor doing a bit
this was outed a long time ago

>when the teacher is more childish than the children

its coming

His foundation Symbol.

Dear Lords of Failure and Projection,

it is my unpleasant duty to inform you about what's really pushing the DOW up further every year and why it keeps jumping every time huge decisions are made: Quantitative Easing.

When Trump came into office and it became clear that he wasn't going to do anything different to his predecessor about making cheap money available to the markets, well, you know the graphs.

Yes my dearest Leaders of outstanding stupidity, you have as much insight into the financial market as a cucumber.

A rotten cucumber. Probably one that has cancer too.

anyone knowing anything

AAAHAHAHAHA HAH Trips of truth

>democraps and libshit can't even digits.

I'm looking up that name, getting info and im contact child services, that's insane