How do I pull all the weed from this most efficiently?

How do I pull all the weed from this most efficiently?

Geh einfach frisch schnappen die paar Popel die weiß Gott wie alt sind werden vermutlich nicht mal ansatzweise flashen


There is no marijuana pictured.

BTW I only roll OCB's!

Clean up you fucking pig

I've already got some out of it. I have no money for new weed this is my desperate move for a last joint. Already used all of my scuff

Put it into a bowl (not a cone piece you 56%er) and lightly shake it until a layer of tobacco forms over the weed. Remove the layer - rinse and repeat

Use a vacuum

snort that shit boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Dont smoke with tobacco you filthy savage

just smoke all of it with the tobacco

only smart answer

Stop mixing your weed and tobacco. Problem solved. Your lungs will thank me.

this tbh

gravity? like tilt the box? are you mentally disabled? i don't think you need any more weed.

This method works great for weed spilled on carpet. Put a coffee filter on your vacuum's hose and suck it up.

I didn't post about that because it's not going to help OP with this tobacco.

I've got something out of it. Looks Okish for the desperate one...


You can't taste your weed if you're mixing with tobacco. You're also diluting it's potency. I don't get it.

I have to try this, my carpet in me smokin' den must have a fucking ounce of weed

let us know how it worked op
didnt look terrible imo

lol at the precious little bitches saying not to mix it with tobacco. do what ever makes you happy op, i personally love mixing weed with that shit

Dude that's 90% tobacco. Just smoke a cigarette, or put your tiny bit of pot into a bowl.

I've asked the most efficient way not how.

I'll try it now and see if I get a blow

Works a fucking charm dude. Old stoner wisdom. My dad taught me when I was younger.

>You're also diluting it's potency.
are you retarded?

by not mixing your weed with fucking tobacco you retarded fucking eurocuck

I mix it too, I don't get why people boast about how much weed they can smoke/handle, I hardly have to smoke any to get stoned, I should be boasting about that, saves a hell of a lot more money

Yes but what the fuck does that have to do with anything?

Adding a non-THC containing compound to your joint will, by definition, dilute the THC content of your joint.

Fuck off moron.


they don't realize how much weed they're actually wasting, either. plus the extra buzz from the tobacco is nice.

I never understood why people mixed
Tobacco stimulates and invigorates the mind and body while weed relaxes the mind and body
Its like taking sleeping pills with a cup of coffee

what did you expect to get for an answer? a vacuum cleaner? laser beams?

>not knowing what potency actually means

Exactly. I just need a certain buzz and i've got it now...

no it isn't

I am high right now. What do I do when it stops? I think to stop smoking pott will get me better (find a job etc) but i feel addicted to it


people like you are the reason I still check out stoner threads even though I haven't smoked the stuff in 3 years. your angry stoner "science" arguments are always hilarious. Smoking pot is your one true talent and you're sure as hell gonna impose your vast knowledge on everyone, right? kek loser

Taking sleeping pills with a cup of coffee would actually be a good way to get high

You're thinking of that simpsons episode where homer takes stimulants and sleeping tablets together, thats not how it works.

Addicted to weed?

Well, the only thing that helps getting rid of that devil is smoking meth instead. The high is longer and you will have the energy you need to find a job.

Trust me, everything will get better after you switched.

that's what a quitter would say, and quitters never succeed

Potency of the actual joint, not of the tiny bit of marijuana inside. Potency is a simple word which is virtually impossible to misinterpret.

I can PROMISE YOU a joint with 90% tobacco and 10% marijuana will not get you as high as a 100% marijuana joint.

There was nothing scientific about my post. Some guy was saying a joint full of Tobacco will get you just as high as a joint full of Pot. I pointed out that he was wrong.

I'm glad I could give you a good laugh though. That's what it's all about.

fucking lol

Just because a 100% joint would contain more total net weight in cannabis. But when the net weight of cannabis of the tobbaco joint and the pure joint are identical the blow will be the same. People like me use tobacco to reducr the amount auf cannabis to save it and because the blow with tobacco is sufficient enough

>Potency is a simple word which is virtually impossible to misinterpret
And yet you've managed to do just that, moron.
>I can PROMISE YOU a joint with 90% tobacco and 10% marijuana will not get you as high as a 100% marijuana joint.
No shit, Einstein, literally nobody here is saying otherwise.

Understood, and I respect you for having the discipline necessary to conserve your herb.

I mix. To each their own. Whatever gets you high is the best way for you.

buy a vaporizer. you use much less weed for the same effect, it's healthier and you can still make cookies from the leftovers

How have I misinterpreted the word?

Potency cleary means "a male's ability to achieve an erection or to reach orgasm"

God I was a dirty fuck. Clean your fingernails shithead.

>Wasting weed doing meme shit.

I bet my life you aren't over twenty

>Some guy was saying a joint full of Tobacco will get you just as high as a joint full of Pot. I pointed out that he was wrong.
lol, literally nobody in this thread said anything of the sort


I must have extrapolated the point on my own then. XD

Fuck you guys. Done trolling, time to smoke.

samefag, lol
dilute:make (something) weaker in force, content, or value by modifying it or adding other elements to it.

ur retarded ass probably thought dilution was only used to describe liquids lol

>Poor stoners


if thats all you've got don't make a joint but make a home made bong you fucking retard.

Lmao man u fucking suck at rolling

back in my day trolling had some sort of comedic purpose

>tries to call someone out for being retarded
>realizes he is the actual retard
>claims trolling

>samefag, lol
what are you, 12? that would explain lot, like your terrible reading comprehension.

>Not having enough weed to do whatever the fuck you want with it.

You're the youngin' here boy.

What do I rinse it with?

omg lern wie man joints dreht

Audibly laughed at how stupid you are.

This is solid advice

Part 2 incoming

are you retarded? you're addicted to the tobacco you put in your joints not the weed itself.

I also wonder this, is OP truly a sufferer of mental retardation?