Hi Sup Forums, how do I fix my sleep schedule?

Hi Sup Forums, how do I fix my sleep schedule?

Get a job

you either force yourself to stay up all day or you force yourself to get up to an alarm and stay up all day. there is no fixing it. and even then that rarely works (for me) because i'll still end up staying up later than i should that night and still only get a few hours of sleep. nothing ever changes it.

Don't nap go to sleep at the preferred hour stay in bed till you want or need to get up keep your phone and computer off during this time and within a week it should reset your schedule

cherry juice. turn off tech

any juice is counter productive as there is sugar

No tech once it's dark. Read some books.

Light from devices messes you up.

Get a relative to hide your tech for the night.

Don't try to stay up all night through the next day to fix it. You need to reset your internal clock. Buy an alarm, put it on the opposite side of your bedroom. Buy a coffee pot that you can set a brew time on.

Even if you are up till 5 a.m. cause you cant fall asleep set the alarm for 7 a.m. or 9 a..m. (anything in two hour increments that wakes you up early. Set the coffee pot for 15 minutes before that. Even though it will suck for the first few days it will reset your clock. Your body will get trained by the smell of coffee before your alarm even goes off and you will find it way easier to get out of bed.

Biggest easiest recommendation is to put the alarm FAR away from your bed. Force yourself to get up to turn it off. Put it far enough away where you give yourself the precious seconds it takes to get coherent.

This, pure melatonin tabs work wonders.


Adding to this based on everyone else's comments. No tech is a little silly, but definitly stay away from high adrenaline games at least an hour and a half before your target sleep time. Dota/LoL/CS:GO/Pubg/Fortnite all of these are pure cancer for actually feeling tired. You can sit around and brows porn or what ever, but its the adrenaline that will fuck you up the most.

Just go on my advice and attack this issue by forcing yourself awake at the right times and your body will compensate and make you tired when you need to be. Don't focus on trying to be tired first, its the carriage before the horse.

Someone recommended getting a job that wakes you up early, this goes off of what I recommended. Something that holds you accountable with real consequences for not waking up on time. Something that will punish you for staying up late drinking and playing games.

i disagree, though i would say they worked for a week? maybe placebo effect? but i can take 2 10 mg (max dose ive ever found, usually around 5 to 10) and feel nothing.

Try Army

stfu nigger.

not true, i do drywall and i still cant sleep at an early time. its all mental, not physical. if you aren'
t mentally tired you won't sleep.

it only punishes pussies

Self discipline

Get a JOB, not slave labor.

Your problem is gay

Pretty much this, and if you can, and when you start getting up when you mean to, try to eat something shortly after you wake up...it's the best you've got. Sometimes nothing really works...I've had the same job that requires me to get up at 4:45a every morning and I still struggle with going to bed at the right time, either crashing horribly at around 5p or getting a second wind around 9p. Good luck.

>wishing you made as much as me at your probably minimal wage/skill job, implying all jobs arent essentially slave labor. at least my pay off is way higher

work out, stretch and take a shower alternating cold/hot. also stay away from tech 1 hour or so before going to bed.
eat early, like 8 pm and don't eat too much, just enough. learn to read books or enjoy talkshows/radios

Whatever you need to tell yourself there Jose.

Do shit? People who "can't sleep" at night don't fucking do anything all day. No shit you're not tired and can stay awake for 24 hours. Work out before bedtime, get a job or do something productive during the day.

facts speak for themselves and the work is something i love doing. some people are just lazy and thats okay. you live your life like you want man, i dont judge. well i do, but i dont really deep down care how your life turns out one way or the other

Stop fapping (as much as you already do)
Spend some time outdoors and get some sun, regardless of what the activity is
And of course eat a bit better

Like I said Jose, enjoy your slave labor.

>Stop fapping (as much as you already do)
If fapping doesn't make you relaxed and tired, you're doing it wrong. I do it vigorously and angry.