Tfw Eminem said I could no longer be his fan

>tfw Eminem said I could no longer be his fan
>tfw need to delete all my Eminem tracks and albums
Why can't I keep listening to his songs? ;_;


because you're a pussy bitch

user please, I am sad

Tough nuggets

>can't reconcile musical preferences and political opinions
are you 12 years old user?

Eminem said himself that anyone who supported Trump can't listen to him.

Why is Eminem a bully?

Eminem said trump supporters can't be his fans and can't listen to him

and you don't have to like Eminem to like his music. You do understand that right?..right?

imagine taking Eminem's words seriously

Man, Eminem is fucking based.

yeah I've killed Kim so many times xDD

If you stop liking Trump you get to keep his listening to him. Not a bad trade don't you think?

>liking trump and eminem
Im sorry user this board is 18+

>he listens to a man who's almost 50 and wears a hoodie

top fucking lel sort your life out cunt

This but unironically

fuck you cunt. eminem was a voice of a generation before he turned into a pop fag.
i hope you fucking die.
i hate you so fucking much,
you piece of shit

I think he's the most phonetically gifted MC ever
It's his nasally voice and whiny lyrical subject matter that I can't get past

the hoodie is an incredibly reliable and classic piece of casual clothing

have you ever owned a well-made hoodie/sweatshirt, like a really good one, made by basic rights, APC or reigning champ or something? do you even go to the gym bro?

>voice of generation

>Eminem said himself that anyone who supported Trump can't listen to him.
He's one of the few existing musicians that could actually lose half his fan base and still be well off financially
So it ain't exactly risky on his part

>hoodies are age limited
what is that shit lol
hoodies are comfortable, offer you a head cover as well as a shirt, usually have a huge pocket in the lower part you can store shit in and basically fuck you

ill stop listening when he refunds me.

he said "fuck off" not "you may no longer listen to my music please delete or otherwise get rid of my albums"

>>hoodies are age limited
>what is that shit lol
Well, of course hoodies make great lounge/gym/work wear for everyone of all ages
It's appearing at a public event in one as a fashion statement that has an age limit

literally this

Why did you WANT to listen to them in the first place?
Find better rap.

how sway lib

Is Eminem still rich? I'm actually curious. I know his albums don't sell as much anymore.

Yes. Very.
His success from 1999 to 2003 alone could keep his grandkids fed for 30 years.

The man sold 45 million albums in total, he's been set for life for a while now.