>I don’t want to make any apology, but I also didn’t want to.... The guys I met were nice. They weren’t burning crosses or doing anything like that. In other words, I never had, from what I know about it, any indication that anything other than certain instances of a sort of trolling was going on. What did they do that made them Nazis? Maybe I haven’t looked into it. Or why were they alt-right people?

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there's nothing even right wing about MDE or sam hyde in general. completely fabricated story. him and john maus are both leftists

Lol what a fucking retard

Enjoy being blacklisted because you chose to defend unfunny inbred retards who took the redpill one too many times.

Props to him for sticking to his guns, but he may have just fucked himself

I feel bad for John here. He seems like a guy that doesn't want to burn anyone at the stake and is caught between a rock and a hard place.

t. ezra


majority of his fans don't care

Jesus. i'm not really political but it seems like lefties are really trying to shut down and crucify almost anything that either makes fun of them.

>They weren’t burning crosses or doing anything like that
this is the only way to be racist