I'm 350 lbs. Is that fat? I thought it was more chubby but alot of people think it's fat. At what point is a person fat?
I'm 350 lbs. Is that fat? I thought it was more chubby but alot of people think it's fat. At what point is a person fat?
Gavin Walker
Samuel Hernandez
That's morbidly obese!
Nicholas Garcia
Not at all user, if your 8 foot 3
Jack Hernandez
ur not fat ur fine trust me
Benjamin Ortiz
Depends, if you are 8 feet tall I think you could pull off 350.
Parker Perez
>At what point is a person fat?
At the point you start asking if you are fat or not.
William Young
You're a drain on society. Lose weight.
Tyler Wood
Yeah as long as you're over 2.5m it's fine
Jayden Carter
I'm 250 and I'm morbidly obese.
so, ya, definitely fat.
Liam Taylor
You are fat at the point when your body includes more fat than vital organs or bones.